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Official: PSP December 12, 19800 yen


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tritroid said:
The DS price announcement? How was that a PSP-owning fest? The price was expected to be around there (If not lower).

I dunno what the announcement was for, but there was a massive DS thread that popped up a month or so ago regarding some big conference that Nintendo held. Everyone was damning the PSP in there. :p


force push the doodoo rock
well, there goes another 200 dollars.

god damnt.

I wonder if nintendo is gonna lower the ds price now that they know the psp one?


The price point is astounding, but we're still talking about a device that is going to require you to buy a proprietary movie format to watch a movie, buy very expensive memory cards to listen to music, and only lasts for 5 hours (estimates are always higher than actual use but we'll give them the benefit of the doubt here). If people check their facts, no wonder it has to be so cheap; nobody would buy it.


dark10x said:
I dunno what the announcement was for, but there was a massive DS thread that popped up a month or so ago regarding some big conference that Nintendo held. Everyone was damning the PSP in there. :p



dark10x said:
I wasn't being literal. It's the same type of situation found here in this thread...
Yes but most of the sonybots in this thread are first-time registers from the Gamefaqs forum. ;)



This price is insane, but I guess that's what it'll take to really push this thing as a media player, since everything's proprietary. Whatever the case, I can't see myself resisting it through the summer.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tritroid said:
Yes but most of the sonybots in this thread are first-time registers from the Gamefaqs forum. ;)

I'm sure you're not being literal either, but I actually could not find one single first time poster in this thread. :\ I could have missed one, though.

exactly. Never seen so many juniors in one thread.

You must not post often, as I have counted only 8 individual junior members. Only one of which has registered this month (near the beginning). The others have been registered for a while. So, you just made up that comment for shits I guess?


Mason said:
The price point is astounding, but we're still talking about a device that is going to require you to buy a proprietary movie format to watch a movie, buy very expensive memory cards to listen to music, and only lasts for 5 hours (estimates are always higher than actual use but we'll give them the benefit of the doubt here). If people check their facts, no wonder it has to be so cheap; nobody would buy it.

Woah, calm down on the love there Mason!

Here's a hint. If you really hate something, it helps to slightly mask that in the post, otherwise people will pay absolutely no attention to you, and you will have wasted your time.


This price is insane, but I guess that's what it'll take to really push this thing as a media player, since everything's proprietary. Whatever the case, I can't see myself resisting it through the summer.

Whats proprietary?

Games - well duh.
Music - it'll play MP3.
Memory stick to store Mp3s? - yes, but if this is the first piece of electronics you own that uses a memory card, it doesn't really matter what format it uses, you'll still have to buy it.
Movies - UMD is proprietary and seems to suck, but potential online renting/buying of movies is interesting to me.


Insertia said:
Sony has instantly taken ~16% of the handheld market. :)
Awesome, Sony has just sold 7+ million PSPs (based on the current size of the handheld market)... before they even launched! They must be thrilled :/


The price is tempting...but I can't say there's much in the way of games to tempt me yet, and I could get an iPod for not too much more and not have to worry about a giant screen getting scratched or buying memory for it.

Still...the price is right for what they want it to be. They're almost skipping the handheld market entirely ideologically.


Poor Nintendo. Always fumbling around in the dark, wondering what happened to the world while they were in their cave.

God I love Nintendo. I love 'em, I love 'em, I love 'em. I just wish they'd stop being such idiots and get on the ball. You're wrong, wrong, WRONG when you say people don't want graphics! WTF are you thinking, my love? And for the love of God, make more games!


Memles said:
The price is tempting...but I can't say there's much in the way of games to tempt me yet, and I could get an iPod for not too much more and not have to worry about a giant screen getting scratched or buying memory for it.

Still...the price is right for what they want it to be. They're almost skipping the handheld market entirely ideologically.

Yeah, damn that giant, colour, gorgeous, widescreen sexy screen!


Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
God I love Nintendo. I love 'em, I love 'em, I love 'em. I just wish they'd stop being such idiots and get on the ball. You're wrong, wrong, WRONG when you say people don't want graphics! WTF are you thinking, my love? And for the love of God, make more games!

Are another quality junior member post,

I hope you’re drunk or smoking something!


mrklaw said:
Yeah, damn that giant, colour, gorgeous, widescreen sexy screen!

I said nothing negative about the screen...just that I would never shove it into my pocket to be scratched and destroyed.


It's really clear for me:

I want to play some DS games, but I need to have a PSP. Don't know exactly what for, I desperately need one of those sexy beasts.


mrklaw said:
Woah, calm down on the love there Mason!

Here's a hint. If you really hate something, it helps to slightly mask that in the post, otherwise people will pay absolutely no attention to you, and you will have wasted your time.
Uh, I don't see much hate in his post, he's just stating facts.
Soybean said:
Poor Nintendo. Always fumbling around in the dark, wondering what happened to the world while they were in their cave.

God I love Nintendo. I love 'em, I love 'em, I love 'em. I just wish they'd stop being such idiots and get on the ball. You're wrong, wrong, WRONG when you say people don't want graphics! WTF are you thinking, my love? And for the love of God, make more games!

:lol :lol


The memory card (32MB for 2,800 Yen), is actually pretty reasonably priced, compared to the rip-off prices console memory cards are sold for (it's cheaper than the PS2's, for example).

Man, I wish I was going to Japan this year, so that I could pick up a PSP, Ridge Racer, MGA, and Lumines, not to mention the MGS3 premium pack, without getting charged through the nose.


Jesus, DS is going to get squashed, and I'm a DS supporter.

PSP is this huge fucking typhoon looming just out to sea, there is no hope.


mrklaw said:
Yeah, damn that giant, colour, gorgeous, widescreen sexy screen!


Too bad it doesn't play GBA games, cost less and have Pokemon on the way.

Koshiro said:
Jesus, DS is going to get squashed, and I'm a DS supporter.

PSP is this huge fucking typhoon looming just out to sea, there is no hope.

I wouldn't be so sure.
PSP may win the adult handheld market between the DS and itself, but between iPods, other mp3 players and cellphones also taken into account is that much of an accomplishment? I'm almost 100% positive Nintendo will contain the kiddie handheld market, especially in the US, and that's going to be more than enough.
To say Sony is going to fail is stupid, but saying they're going to crush Nintendo out of the field? Sony isn't even going for Nintendo's market, which is borderline asinine if they want to exist in the handheld field. Handheld's ain't consoles, that's for sure.


Queen of Denmark
Soybean said:
You're wrong, wrong, WRONG when you say people don't want graphics!
Seriously -- just look at Xbox, the king of graphics and sales all over the world! And I don't know why the GBA even still continues to exist with its shitty, stupid graphics.


SolidSnakex said:
I wonder if the L5 game is the Sony MMORPG PSP. Wouldn't it be something if it was TFLO? :p
If I were in charge of that MMORPG, I wouldn't let L5 touch it with a barge pole, let alone have them work on a game that just wasn't ever going to come out. I seriously hope that the two are not linked. L5 can do good stuff, but don't let them try online again.

Kon Tiki

Koshiro said:
Jesus, DS is going to get squashed, and I'm a DS supporter.

PSP is this huge fucking typhoon looming just out to sea, there is no hope.
Which is sorta sad. People would rather buy the 'same old some old' instead of something new and interesting.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Koshiro said:
Jesus, DS is going to get squashed, and I'm a DS supporter.

PSP is this huge fucking typhoon looming just out to sea, there is no hope.
d00med! D00MED I TELLS YA! :rollseyes
human5892 said:
And I don't know why the GBA even still continues to exist with its shitty, stupid graphics.
shut your dirty little trap :p


Koshiro said:
Jesus, DS is going to get squashed, and I'm a DS supporter.

PSP is this huge fucking typhoon looming just out to sea, there is no hope.
All of a sudden because the PSP has a lower price it'll squash DS? Hardly. The DS will only sell around double the PSP for the first few months, then PSP will be the one getting squashed.
I think I'm going to cry. a 20 dollar diffrence is trouble that is like say we have money to spare if we can kill our comp, Hug's his pre-production model of DS.


By the way, isn't the DS slightly more in the US than in Japan? Wasn't it 14,800 yen for DS?


Considering sales...I think that's more longterm. Nintendo will win the sales battle calendar because of higher shipped numbers and the lower price...it's everything after that point that is the question at hand. And that...could go either way. This will at least, to me, see Nintendo push to have the new Pokemons REALLY quickly in Japan...hopefully the faster they rush development, the faster we get the games localized.


Ok wow... I wasn't going to buy any handhelds (NDS doesnt do anything for me and I thought PSP was going to be $300+)... but with this announcement, holy mind fuck I'm getting one when it's released in the U.S. Go Sony!


Everyone at my gamestop is always trying to get people to choose Psp over Nintendo DS. I think the DS is going to bomb.
SomeDude said:
Everyone at my gamestop is always trying to get people to choose Psp over Nintendo DS. I think the DS is going to be fluke.

that is nothing new... since when did stores like Nintendo products over anyone else?


Queen of Denmark
SomeDude said:
Everyone at my gamestop is always trying to get people to choose Psp over Nintendo DS. I think the DS is going to bomb.
Jesus, everyone at your GameStop really does that? But...yours represents all game stores in America!

Now I believe it. The DS will utterly bomb.
Am I the only one confused with posts about DS having nothing left to compete with? I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually looking forward to a DS for interesting gameplay styles, not for the graphics.

And I know this probably sounds horrible, but I actually do find it kind of sad in a way that competition is now going to be dictated by who can bleed the most. Sony and Microsoft can really stand to muscle other people around, having other markets to sustain themselves. Even Nintendo decided to lower their price on the GameCube to a point where they are losing on every system sold. Do I have to worry about the industry collapsing in on itself because everyone's trying to bleed themselves more than the competitors?

It's like the people who purposely get in a car crash to claim money - sure they got cash in the end, but the method was really sad.


the price difference is really cold, calculating planning on the part of Sony.

Making such an apparantly big loss, they could price match. But by being only a few dollars more expensive, psychologically implies it is better. They've done that before in the past, inexorably matching competitors downward price spirals to remain competitive, while still being slightly more expensive, more 'premium'.

Its worked a treat for them so far, too.


Price is no longer a factor. The GC is the same amount cheaper compared to a PS2, as the DS is to the PSP.

If the DS sells well (and I'm sure it still will) it's not because people didn't want to shell out the extra $50 for the PSP, it's because they wanted a DS to begin with.


Some people find ports and remakes of N64 games with touch-screen ability more interesting, others find PS2 games on the go to be more interesting. Different strokes and all that shit.
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