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Official: Russian Plane Crashes = Terrorism

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Tenguman said:
Er looks like someone already posted this....sorry

I'd figure it would have been page one if it was posted earlier, but I guess GA is more interested in "Boyfriend Pillow" than international acts of terrorism :/

Well, thanks to Bush, the world is now a safer place with Saddam and the Taliban out of power. Why worry when we're safe? The Boyfriend Pillow™ is where it's at.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Well, thanks to Bush, the world is now a safer place with Saddam and the Taliban out of power. Why worry when we're safe? The Boyfriend Pillow™ is where it's at.
Does Bush really have anything to do with Russia and the Chechens? That conflict long preceded his term in office. As far as that conflict goes, in this case and what with that website taking responsibility, I guess I must come to the conclusion that it was an act of terrorism on a Chechen group's part. Normally I would discount it, since if a Russian had a an auto accident, they'd contrive some way to blame it on a Chechen, or an American or someone who isn't themselves. That's sort of the Russian creed since the collapse of communism.

At any rate, the best thing would probably be for Russia to simply grant Chechnya its independence. But I suppose that wouldn't keep the small group of all the world must be Muslim nuts inside Chechnya (seperate from the independence group) from continuing terrorist attacks. But at least it would keep Russia from stupidly sending its soliders to die and killing Chechen civilians.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well, thanks to Bush, the world is now a safer place with Saddam and the Taliban out of power. Why worry when we're safe? The Boyfriend Pillow™ is where it's at.

Never miss a chance to bash Bush. GAF rule #5.


they call me "Man Gravy".
MASB said:
Does Bush really have anything to do with Russia and the Chechens? That conflict long preceded his term in office. As far as that conflict goes, in this case and what with that website taking responsibility, I guess I must come to the conclusion that it was an act of terrorism on a Chechen group's part.

Uh, you do realize that the Chechen's are Muslim extremists who (unlike Saddam Hussein) actually have had ties to Al Qaeda? So I think criticising Bush in this situation, where he has taken focus away from Al Qaeda and put it on Iraq, is valid. Although, I guess you could make the argument that at least Bush has put most of the terrorists in the same place ....


Online Ho Champ
are you kidding me the Chechen terrorism situation is between them and russia like Kurdish freedom fighters against Iran, whether 9/11 or the war in iraq happened or not they would still have their problems with russia.
DonasaurusRex said:
are you kidding me the Chechen terrorism situation is between them and russia like Kurdish freedom fighters against Iran, whether 9/11 or the war in iraq happened or not they would still have their problems with russia.

No shit, so what did going into Iraq accomplish? Besides the goal of killing our troops for no valid reason, and oil. Obviously Bush has made the world a safer place. He has said so himself.
*Looks at Cerebral Palsy, then looks at all the terrorist attacks that have occured on US soil since September 11, 2001.*

*begins to laugh*
Link648099 said:
*Looks at Cerebral Palsy, then looks at all the terrorist attacks that have occured on US soil since September 11, 2001.*

*begins to laugh*

*Looks at Link648099, then looks at all the terrorist attacks that have occured on US soil before September 11, 2001.*

*begins to laugh*

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. There was like a billion terrorist attacks on U.S. soil before 9/11. You know, there was the world trade center bombing that killed 6 people, and then you know... Stuff. Yeah, lots of stuff! And Airport, border security etc are just as piss poor as ever.

Bush didn't do shit to prevent 9/11, and then acts like our fucking godsend afterwards. Go Bush!!!!


Unconfirmed Member
Link648099 said:
*Looks at Cerebral Palsy, then looks at all the terrorist attacks that have occured on US soil since September 11, 2001.*

*begins to laugh*
Not that I believe our intelligence community has not made strides since 9-11-01. It has. But it hasn't even been 3 years yet. The last act of terrorism (in US) was certainly more than three years earlier.

Laughing at the idea that we are still in danger is a little silly imo.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Link648099 said:
*Looks at Cerebral Palsy, then looks at all the terrorist attacks that have occured on US soil since September 11, 2001.*

*begins to laugh*

*Looks at Link, then looks at history of terrorist attacks on US soil by mid-east terrorist groups pre-9/11. Sees exactly 1.*

You're not the only one to play that game. there is zero evidence that Bush has done shit to stop terrorism, while there's a very large amount of second-hand evidence that shows he's only encouraging it at abroad.
"Our Nation - this generation - will lift a dark threat of violence from our people and our future. We will rally the world to this cause by our efforts, by our courage. We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." -Bush

Cloudy said:
What exactly is so funny about terrorism?

It's funny because it is no longer a threat! Thanks to Bush the world is safer post-9/11! Bush #1!!!



Diablos said:
Assholes. I would hate for this to happen in the US. :(

I'm sure you didn't intend it and this is not a personal bash at you but it's comments like this that cause so much hate for the US.


I'd like some serious confimartion. Putin and Russia have a habit of using chechnya/terrorism like Bush uses it.
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