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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


John Kerry asked Billy to perform/say stuff in 2004 and he said no... he didn't like the fact that both he and Bush were a part of the skull and bones. Heh.

Billy says their deal is almost over with Reprise... "we may stay, we may go." If they go, they'll release songs as often as they want.
they can go wherever they want just dont have an extended break! i ****ing HATE when bands take 5 god damn years off (whats up tool!)

and while im speaking of Tool and new albums (this is a little off-topic i know), wtf is up with bands releasing albums that are freaking 40 minutes long? or releasing 10-12 tracks? for instance, the new tool album has about 5 TRUE songs on it. now of course those songs are awesome, but in 5 years the best you could do is 5 songs? that a song per year? then look at SP. 12 songs!? come on man! you've got more sitting in your tower! nin is the exception since trent did 16 songs on year zero.

also, i was bummed to hear they only recorded 17 songs for the record. i know i was being naive in my train of thought, but i was hoping they'd have just a massive amount of b-sides :(


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
as a big-time sp fan, even though i'm not really into this album, i gotta admit that united states is pretty good stuff.


Professional Schmuck
Our local radio station [96.5 THE BUZZ] is advertising a huge concert for SP, or set of concerts in San Fran at the Fillmore. Supposed to be pretty big. I'm sure this is all old news to you guys though. Just though i'd chime in.

Btw I love trantula. Reminds me of Cherub Rock (their best song).
PantherLotus said:
Our local radio station [96.5 THE BUZZ] is advertising a huge concert for SP, or set of concerts in San Fran at the Fillmore. Supposed to be pretty big. I'm sure this is all old news to you guys though. Just though i'd chime in.

It's a series of shows, I'm flying down from Seattle for the July 31st show.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
FrenchMovieTheme said:
jimmy went to town on united states. great drumming all throughout the record! i think tool and sp have the 2 best drummers around right now!
yeah, the whole time i listened, especially when it was hitting low points, i would think

"thank GOD for jimmy chaimberlan."


A Smashing Surprise
Die-hard Smashing Pumpkins fans remember back in 1996 when the alt-rock pioneers played the opening shows of the new 9:30 Club location, right before they became a household name. Now, on the eve of the release of Zeitgeist, their first album in 7 years, the recently revived Pumpkins will take the 9:30 Club stage once again. For one truly intimate performance, Billy Corgan and crew will give D.C. a pre-Virgin Festival taste of their signature dream pop and jaw-dropping gloom riffage.

Surprise! At the Club!
w/ Celebration
This Tuesday!
July 10

Tickets On Sale Friday, July 6 at 10am. There is a 2 ticket limit.

Just got tickets. Time to rock the **** out Tuesday night.


My order didn't go thru. I got owned too. I plugged my shit in and then called to confirm. Nope, lagged out.

There's always some joker who'll figure out a way to scalp the tickets. Check CL.


More appearances:

The Smashing Pumpkins said:
The Smashing Pumpkins are playing the United States venue of Live Earth tomorrow, Saturday, July 7.

Live Earth will be streamed for 24 hours live at the official Live Earth website. Artists will be playing at locations in 8 countries across the globe. The concert is being held to raise awareness of the current Global Environmental Crisis.

To see The Smashing Pumpkins' artist page at Live Earth, click HERE!


Billy's also insane for leaving the title track off.

It's a completely acoustic song and has one of the best vocal performances he's ever put to tape.

Holy shit Billy, why did you make these songs bonus tracks? DFA I can understand, but these two are outstanding.


I haven't had a chance to listen to any of the bonus tracks as of yet, though since I have the iTMS version on pre-order, I'll have whatever one they hand out if there is indeed one. At the moment, it seems they added 4 non-SP cover tracks from other bands, all of which frighten me (I dare any SP fan to go listen to A Gothic-Industrial Tribute to the Smashing Pumpkins CD. Triple double-dog dare!). I think Diablos scared me off from the Best Buy one since it's all Jesus-based; I'll inevitably pick up a local copy in addition to the iTMS one just to have a physical, lossless version of the album.

Also, on SP's MySpace page, they have a song called Pale Scales, which I've never heard of. I presume this is a B-side from earlier days or is this one of the new bonus tracks? I can't quite get it to play in their media player, so I can't tell based on what it may sound like.


Stellar has religious references, but it's not super corny. Zeitgeist does too, but it's even less direct... he keeps singing "lost on this road, are there any real sunday's to find / lost on this road, are there any real souls" throughout the song. But it's good.

Pale Scales is from the Gish era. If you have the GH DVD, you hear a small part of it looped in the Gish videos submenu.


RoboJ said:
Oh, motherfuck!

How to hit back at the scalpers RE: Smashing Pumpkins tickets

Reply to: sale-3679040xx@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-07-06, 2:16PM EDT

OK everyone, its pretty simple - instead of crying and whining about the scalpers who were faster and more dedicated to get a ticket than you were - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

make offers from alternate email addresses, good realistic offers that the scalpers will accept. Send offers to everyone selling tickets - shut them down. Plan to meet, make the entire situation real, then do not show - or show just to watch them try to offload the tickets at a cheaper amount in front of the club, turn them in to security and they have ALL of their tickets and money seized right then and there.

It's great fun and you can be part of the fun! Declare war on these sycophantic ****s.

I already have two separate scalpers thinking that I'm paying them over 200 per ticket. When they show up at the club, they are going to become stars in my next YouTube hit.

Nothing will change until you people stop crying and change things yourselves...

Location: They are flagging this
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 367904029


Zietgeist is definitely a b-side. It's fine, but it's pretty short and nothing and really had no place on the album.

Stellar is GREAT and should've been on the album for sure. Which version has it? Because that's the one I'm buying Tuesday.

And as I've stated before, I think DFA is awful.


Stellar is the iTunes track. I guess you can get it from the German store or something.

Anyway... I've been reading some Zeitgeist reviews, and I can't help but laugh, but also be reassured that my suspicions were right for so many years: Billy Corgan will never, ever get a break from a bunch of snobby and/or stupid reviewers that carelessly rip on anything he touches for cool points.

Think about it. When SP did Adore and Machina, it was too often stated that they were being really experimental, but needed to rock out more, and held that against them. So the Pumpkins are doing just that, and yet reviewers are complaining, saying they aren't experimental/different/whatever enough. :lol

I am fully convinced that Billy could, in two years, put out an album that's seriously better than all of Siamese Dream (which will more than likely never happen, but this is just an example) in every single aspect, and people would still tear it to shreds, just because Billy Corgan's name is all over it. It's really kind of sad and funny.


Diablos said:
Stellar is the iTunes track. I guess you can get it from the German store or something.

Anyway... I've been reading some Zeitgeist reviews, and I can't help but laugh, but also be reassured that my suspicions were right for so many years: Billy Corgan will never, ever get a break from a bunch of snobby and/or stupid reviewers that carelessly rip on anything he touches for cool points.

Think about it. When SP did Adore and Machina, it was too often stated that they were being really experimental, but needed to rock out more, and held that against them. So the Pumpkins are doing just that, and yet reviewers are complaining, saying they aren't experimental/different/whatever enough. :lol

Or did you ever think that they tried something experimental, it ended up sucking, then they tried putting out something more "rock" and that too ended up sucking?

No reason to make excuses for bad reviews. It has nothing to do with snobby people. Most people I know in reality think the album is horrible. The best I've heard is "it's okay."

You say the "Pumpkins are doing just that, yet reviewers are complaining." Yes, but just because they "rocked out more" doesn't mean they did it well.

Anyway, shame Stellar isn't on the album, as it's better than most of it.


Ugh, the itunes track? So there will never be a higher quality version than the 192kbps track?

Plus how did people get it "early", I mean with the store copies someone just takes it home and rips the track. But with an itunes exclusive track...!?!
i would estimate that those are the same people who dabbled in music at some point in their lives and failed, thus making them jealous of billy corgan who has almost single handedly cemented his band in history as one of the all-time greats.

or they just plain dont like the music and it is a legit opinion! either way who gives a shit what others think, as long as bc is making great music


omg rite said:
Or did you ever think that they tried something experimental, it ended up sucking, then they tried putting out something more "rock" and that too ended up sucking?

No reason to make excuses for bad reviews. It has nothing to do with snobby people. Most people I know in reality think the album is horrible. The best I've heard is "it's okay."

You say the "Pumpkins are doing just that, yet reviewers are complaining." Yes, but just because they "rocked out more" doesn't mean they did it well.

Anyway, shame Stellar isn't on the album, as it's better than most of it.
I don't really care who you talked to or what you think, because you have poor taste in music and I'd appreciate it if you stopped posting in this thread. Everyone knows you just like to stir the pot, anyway.

And by "rocking out more" I did imply that they did it well. Reviews have acknowledged that they cranked it up but still wanted more experimentation from the band (which they ripped to shreds last time). It's all really a pathetic display and anyone with half of a brain can see right through it.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
or they just plain dont like the music and it is a legit opinion! either way who gives a shit what others think, as long as bc is making great music
Not many are like that.

Most reviews are like

(ten paragraphs ripping on Billy's personal life, ego, Zwan, etc.)

Oh btw this album isn't even average at best, piss on Zeitgeist, kthx for reading.
It's ridiculous.


IGN weighs in, although I have to say, regardless of what the verdict was, it's some atrocious writing (see also, classic IGN). As for the reactions, none of it surprises me. Tastes have changed, but at the end of the day, people just want another Siamese Dream without it sounding like Siamese Dream...except that they do.


Diablos said:
I don't really care who you talked to or what you think, because you have poor taste in music and I'd appreciate it if you stopped posting in this thread. Everyone knows you just like to stir the pot, anyway.

.. Uh, no. Wrong. I don't like to "stir" the pot. You would appreciate it if I left the thread because I like to stir the pot, yet you came into a thread about a new Eminem album to specifically say "Eminem is one of the most overrated mainstream artists in the history of recorded music."

Hypocrite much?

I used to enjoy SP. Not a big fan, but I enjoyed them. I have every right to talk negatively about the album. And I didn't click this thread to just talk negatively. I clicked it to read it, I read something you said, and I replied.

And please, you have no right to throw out the "poor taste in music" bullshit like a pretentious snob. It's funny how you pull that out RIGHT after accusing reviewers or being snobby and/or stupid because they say something you disagree with. Then you say my opinion doesn't matter because of my taste in music. How about instead of getting so defensive over a friggin' band where you have to resort to "DUR U HAVE BAD TASTE", you accept that people can actually have differing opinions.


**** reviewers, really. They are beside the point. I wouldn't waste threadspace trying to rebut everything they write. Reviews are rarely written with truly open mind and they all bring their dumb agenda to the word processor with them. And the Pumpkins are too big to really be affected by their dumbshittery anyway.

And I'm not defending the album by saying any of this. Many of the tracks on this record are literally so bad that I think they gave me SARS. Literally!


omg rite said:
.. Uh, no. Wrong. I don't like to "stir" the pot. You would appreciate it if I left the thread because I like to stir the pot, yet you came into a thread about a new Eminem album to specifically say "Eminem is one of the most overrated mainstream artists in the history of recorded music."

Hypocrite much?

I used to enjoy SP. Not a big fan, but I enjoyed them. I have every right to talk negatively about the album. And I didn't click this thread to just talk negatively. I clicked it to read it, I read something you said, and I replied.

And please, you have no right to throw out the "poor taste in music" bullshit like a pretentious snob. It's funny how you pull that out RIGHT after accusing reviewers or being snobby and/or stupid because they say something you disagree with. Then you say my opinion doesn't matter because of my taste in music. How about instead of getting so defensive over a friggin' band where you have to resort to "DUR U HAVE BAD TASTE", you accept that people can actually have differing opinions.
You like THE USED. But you're right, I probably shouldn't have said that, I apologize.

Feel free to keep replying.

But I've been paying attention to this band a lot longer than you have, and believe me -- if you knew where I was coming from when I said how pathetic reviewers look after all they wanted was for more of a simple, safer rock album from the Pumpkins, only to piss on it as soon as it's released, you'd understand.

terrene said:
**** reviewers, really. They are beside the point. I wouldn't waste threadspace trying to rebut everything they write. Reviews are rarely written with truly open mind and they all bring their dumb agenda to the word processor with them. And the Pumpkins are too big to really be affected by their dumbshittery anyway.

And I'm not defending the album by saying any of this. Many of the tracks on this record are literally so bad that I think they gave me SARS. Literally!
For God & Country sounds like crap taking a crap. I really hate this song. Every time I hear it, I hate it more. Surprisingly, Doomsday Clock is growing on me. I love 7 Shades of Black. RTB's vocal layering ftw on that one. At the core, it's still a really fun song, too. Note how Billy makes the short guitar solo in that one sound like it always did during live versions of Quiet back in the SD era - very cool.
i think people have always dissed on SP, just like any mainstream band who gets big. i'm not saying saying the new album (or any of their albums) suck is baseless but i think SOME (not all) people talk shit just because it's the pumpkins. but it's not a conspiracy against SP. some people just like to talk shit about anything new that comes out and reference some obscure band that no one has heard of as having created a superior album in Year X.

there's no need to get bent out of shape over it though. live and let die i say!
I really dig the album now, but it did take 5 listens to really get into it. God & Country is annoying, but I pretty much dig everything else. Bring the Light is musically good enough to ignore the whole Jesus thing. United States is XYZ / Silverintercourse all over again. Bleeding the Orchid is one of my favorites, along with Tarantula.

For the record, I owned Gish and had paid 5 dollars for my first Pumpkins show before Siamese Dream was even released. (incidently... if you watch "Quiet" on Viewphoria, you will see my old drummer in the center of the fisheye lense (big guy with glasses)). I hated Adore and Machina and also believe that Mellon Collie should have had the best songs placed on one disk. I think 1979 becoming a hit was the beginning of the end of the classic Pumpkins I loved.

That said, I can't wait to see them at the Fox in Atlanta.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
Aside from God and Country this is a pretty good record. A couple of listens in and I'd rank it above Adore and Machina.
Mellon Collie should have had the best songs placed on one disk.

imagine if you could pick and choose songs from the MCIS era (especially from TAFH) and put it on one disk. it would be an incredible record! although i love MCIS as is anyways
fly high ~ayunite~ said:
Anyone know what time SP goes on in DC? I can't watch both the London show and the DC one :lol

The list on Wiki has them going third to last tonight at the Meadowlands in New Jersey:

The Smashing Pumpkins
Roger Waters w/ Special Guest Marianne Faithfull
The Police

edit: Based on everyone else's performances, they'll get anywhere 3-4 songs. Guesses? Old stuff and one song from Zeitgeist?


RedDwarf said:
Aside from God and Country this is a pretty good record. A couple of listens in and I'd rank it above Adore and Machina.
No shit. I don't know if I'd rank it above Adore, but definitely Machina. You like a lot of indie, too. There might be hope for the public's perception of this great album. Maybe.
I have it ranked above Adore, it took a long time before I started to really enjoy Adore

I already love Zeitgeist, so it wins

And Doomsday Clock being in Transformers is a huge FTW
also i heard zeitgeist and stellar (the songs). i like zeitgeist a lot (though whoever said it "doesn't fit" is absolutely right) but i don't like stellar much. i think DFA is better than both of them but it looks like im in the minority there since a lot of people hate DFA with a passion it seems :lol
distantmantra said:
My Endfest ticket came in the mail today! Seeing them July 31st and September 22nd!

With those two shows, I'll have seen SP 16 times. :D


I have seen them a grand total of...ZERO

I finally get to see them at V-Fest in Toronto in September


There's no way in hell I would put this album over Adore....ever. Adore has a few bad songs, but it has MANY AAA songs. Annie Dog, Shame, Behold! The Nightmare, For Martha, Blank Page is like one continuous 30 mins of freaking awesome. Tear and To Shiela are amazing, Pug is good like Eye, but not as good as Eye. Ava Adore is great, perfect is good, and Daphne Descends is solid. Great, great album.

I like it better than Gish and atm better than Machina but yeah, we'll see in 6 months if it's still better than Machina.
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