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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


WTF, why make some of those BC and leave out actual good titles. Army Men? Azurik? Worms? Vexx???

Yet no Jet Set, Splinter Cell (all 3 for crying out loud), Orta, Legacy of Kain Defiance, Tony Hawk 3, NFL 2K5, MVP 2005.....

Did they purposly focus on some of the worst Xbox games? Yep, Drake is there over Splinter Cell. :lol


Pretty good list but where are the early sega titles Jet set radio future, gunvalkyrie and panzer dragoon. If they were going to include Drake and Phantom crash why not these include these three. oh well it's better than the Halo 1 and Two.


The lack of Splinter Cell upsets me. But 200 titles? Good god, that's a lot more than most anyone expected. With more to come, too.


I'm just wondering wtf happened with DoA:U considering that supposedly all Team Ninja games would be playable.
its a good thing that alias is there, im sure that was a best selling game. no soul calibur.

i want some crazy taxi 3 love bitches

it also doesnt specify if summit strike or black arrow are BC
Xbox.com: Are there any emulators already pre-loaded on the hard drive?

Todd: An early version of the emulator that supports Halo®: Combat Evolved and Halo® 2 offline is included on Xbox 360 Hard Drives right out of the box as a special bonus to devoted fans of the franchise. However, to play Halo 2 online, or to play any other titles on the launch list, the full emulator update is required.

So you'll need Live for most of these titles... or....

Todd: There are several different ways that you can get them:

For Xbox Live members (either Gold or Silver members), just connect your Xbox 360 console to Xbox Live and insert an original Xbox game. The system will automatically check if you have the latest emulation software, download it to your Xbox 360 console as part of a system update if you don't, reboot, and start loading your original Xbox game.

Those who are not part of our Xbox Live network will be able to download the emulators from Xbox.com, and burn them onto a CD to insert into your Xbox 360 where it will auto-install the emulator. Or you can go to Xbox.com and simply sign up for a CD to be sent to your home for a nominal shipping and handling fee.

Xbox.com: What if I can't get online? Will the software be available from print publications?

Todd: Actually this is something that we're currently looking into right now. We're checking to see if this is possible. We're still looking at other methods as well.

Xbox.com: You mentioned that I can download the emulators from Xbox.com and burn them to a CD. How big are they?

Todd: They're small and take up less than five megabytes.

And there is your security hole for modding and all that junk.


No Shenmue 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Outrun 2, Splinter Cell games but dont worry! Barbie Horse Adventure works and will be delivered to your house shortly!




No Panzer Dragoon, Phantom Dust, or Metal Slug 3 but we got freaking Barbie Horse Adventure. Nice priorities...

Those games better pop up on BC soon or I'm gonna be pissed.


"Those who are not part of our Xbox Live network will be able to download the emulators from Xbox.com, and burn them onto a CD to insert into your Xbox 360 where it will auto-install the emulator. Or you can go to Xbox.com and simply sign up for a CD to be sent to your home for a nominal shipping and handling fee."

Very cool.


Jeff-DSA said:
No Panzer Dragoon, Phantom Dust, or Metal Slug 3 but we got freaking Barbie Horse Adventure. Nice priorities...

Those games better pop up on BC soon or I'm gonna be pissed.

Dude, atleast we got Drake. :lol


Jeff-DSA said:
No Panzer Dragoon, Phantom Dust, or Metal Slug 3 but we got freaking Barbie Horse Adventure. Nice priorities...

As we focused on the top sellers, we discovered that many other games worked due to similarities in their technology. As an added benefit, games that share engines and technology have been in some cases easier to certify for backward compatibility and have made the launch lineup as a result.

That's my guess.


Jeff-DSA said:
No Panzer Dragoon, Phantom Dust, or Metal Slug 3 but we got freaking Barbie Horse Adventure. Nice priorities...

Those games better pop up on BC soon or I'm gonna be pissed.

Read the interview... because some games use similar engines and technology, by unlocking one of the more popular titles also unlocked some of the not so popular titles. It was just a bonus...
The list is more than I expected in terms of quantity, but less in terms of quality.

I really hope they are going to add a lot more games, especially those that were reviewed highly.


arne said:
As we focused on the top sellers, we discovered that many other games worked due to similarities in their technology. As an added benefit, games that share engines and technology have been in some cases easier to certify for backward compatibility and have made the launch lineup as a result.

That's my guess.

I see... wellp... looks like im only playing Halo 2... because none of my other games are on the list.


this question is for arne.

i'm putting it here, since the other thread was closed.

what i wanted to know is, what is Microsoft doing to get more Japanese developers on board the 360??

i find Japanese developed games (think Shadow of the Colossus) to be more fun & creative compared to Western developed games.

i'm also glad to see that the 360 will have some Japanese rpgs (Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, & hopefully something from Square Enix besides FFXI), but what are the chances of some of these games coming to the States, particularly a game like Enchant Arm, which i read is supposed to come out in Japan soon after the 360 launches there, but hasn't gotten to much press over here.

thanks for ur time



arne said:
As we focused on the top sellers, we discovered that many other games worked due to similarities in their technology. As an added benefit, games that share engines and technology have been in some cases easier to certify for backward compatibility and have made the launch lineup as a result.

That's my guess.

That actually makes sense. I guess that explains four Fifa games on the list :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

I just ordered one,Im sure they will cancel it :(

I did get an order number...man im evil,but ill be screwed.


Matrix said:

I just ordered one,Im sure they will cancel it :(

I did get an order number...man im evil,but ill be screwed.
cool :) .. lt looks like Best Buy (?) is still taking online pre-orders then ..... also.., I'm not so sure if they will cancel it .. maybe they will just put your order @ the very end of their pre-order list? ..


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Whats funny is its just for the system itself,no bundle crap...so bestbuy.com at some point is planning on selling the system online itself without extra crap.

How I got the system in my cart was a little tricky :lol you have to have fast fingers.


Matrix said:
Whats funny is its just for the system itself,no bundle crap...so bestbuy.com at some point is planning on selling the system online itself without extra crap.
heh .. ya, it's not very common to be able to buy a Xbox 360 without bundle at this point in time ..

Matrix said:
How I got the system in my cart was a little tricky :lol you have to have fast fingers.
really? .. hahah :D


Panajev2001a said:
I just want to know about regional encoding :(.

Lo-Volt said:
Regional coding should remain unchanged for Xbox titles.

that info is @ the bottom of that Q & A with Todd Holmdahl linked to, to the left of that backwards compatibility list;
Xbox.com: Can you tell us whether we can play localized Xbox games on Xbox 360?

Todd: All games are still region encoded and can only be played in their native regions.
[source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/backwardcompatibilityqa.htm ]

at least .. I think this info. is what you are referring to, Panajev2001a ..


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Wunderchu said:

that info is @ the bottom of that Q & A with Todd Holmdahl linked to, to the left of that backwards compatibility list;[source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/backwardcompatibilityqa.htm ]

at least .. I think this info. is what you are referring to, Panajev2001a ..

It is not enough.

You see if the emulator is in itself region coded, thus I have to download tPAL emulators on a PAL Xbox 360.

Are they telling me that if I pick an American game that is region free that I will be able to play it on a PAL Xbox 360, i.e. the emulator on the PAL Xbox 360 will let it run ?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
drohne said:
how'd you manage that, matrix?

I dont want to be screwed out of my order if I start telling people how I did it,I mean I dont think it will work at all,but they might honor it if only a few people do it.

I got a link from someone with that above image and the page would load and lets just says in involves stopping the page from loading all the way,thats the only way to get the item in the cart.

Trust me,it wont work in the long run,but if I give the link out then bestbuy.com will be sure to cancel them all.

I think they will cancel mine anyway,Im going to first email or call them and see what they say about my order tomorrow.


Bebpo said:
I'm just wondering wtf happened with DoA:U considering that supposedly all Team Ninja games would be playable.

Same reason there is no Madden 06 or PGR2 on the list.

Project Gotham Racing 3, Madden 06, and DoA4 being launch window games.


The Translator
Mrbob said:
Same reason there is no Madden 06 or PGR2 on the list.

Project Gotham Racing 3, Madden 06, and DoA4 being launch window games.

same with Gun, Fifa 2005/06, Amped 2 and others. A smart move I think ...


After spending some more time with the King King demo on the 50 inch screen, I take back my earlier "meh". It does look pretty cool.


aww... seems I won't be getting my 360 on the 22nd. RitzCamera emailed me to say they don't have enough :(

Best Buy it is.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I finally had some time with the console at my local EB.

console looks very nice. I wasn't too impressed with it's design at first but seeing the console in person made me change my mind.

controller is very comfortable I really like the controller. the buttons where organized, nothing felt out of place.

I play Kameo a little bit. Kame looked good not mindblowing but looked very good IMO, didn't know what to do I kept pressing a button and the chick kept changing forms. but I like that there were a lot things going on in the screen, explotions, fire, monsters.

sorry for my shitty impressions I just don't know how to do this kind of thing.

all in all I gonna say I like it. I'll probably buy it, if I can find any of course


CompUSA is in.


What: CompUSA stores will have Xbox 360 units available for
purchase to the public. The highly anticipated gaming
system from Microsoft will be sold to the earliest
arriving CompUSA customers using a voucher system. In
addition, CompUSA will offer an extensive selection of
Xbox 360 games and accessories.

When: Tuesday, November 22, 2005, until supplies last. Check
local store opening times at www.CompUSA.com.

Where: All nationwide CompUSA locations. Visit www.CompUSA.com
for a store directory.

Visuals: Customers will be lining up early to get their Xbox 360.
CompUSA is dedicating substantial front-of-the-store space
to the Xbox 360 experience, featuring demonstrations of
the new console, game titles and accessories.

Why: CompUSA helps its customers unleash the power of
technology by offering the latest and greatest products
they want.


I just saw the jump rope ad on Discovery HD Theater. Ka-Raazy.

Anyway, I'm happy with the 200-game bc list. Remember all that talk a month ago about only 3 games? All I have to say is... "HA!"

Ninja Gaiden's gonna look like a friggin' 360 launch game.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
So... I just got invited to that Zero Hour event. I'm not sure if I can go, but I'm really hoping my company will cover the transportation costs. Ironic that my house in LA is about an hour away from Zero Hour, but I'm in college 3,000 miles away now...
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