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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .

krypt0nian said:
New Chad post:

"i'm not playing with you, i'm not playing with you, i'm not playing with you, i clean forgot how to play. but you can still come around, in fact i invite you down, maybe together we can wipe that smile off your face. cause what a difference, what a difference, what a difference a little difference would make. we'll draw a blueprint, it must be easy, it's just a matter of knowing when to say no or yes. frustrating, frustrating, always waiting for the bigger axe to fall. a patient game that i can't find my way to play. never mind what's been selling, it's what you'r buying and receiving undefiled"

SONG Lyric: "Blue Print" by Fugazi

Its on their album REPEATER

BTW...Repeater can be defined as an

A device that receives, amplifies (and sometimes reshapes), and retransmits a signal. It is used to boost signal levels and extend the distance a signal can be transmitted. It can physically extend the distance of a LAN or connect two LAN segments
Ted, that is a great find.

Intentional or accident? hard to say as the anti-commercial msg of the song could be used to denounce EA etc. as well.
Latest Chad post:

'Yes, I promise that if there is anything that you might no understand "after", I will fully explain.

Might I suggest those 18+ direct your attention to the debates. It is not too late to register and vote. That, after all, is true reality."


Scalemail Ted said:
Its on their album REPEATER

BTW...Repeater can be defined as an

A device that receives, amplifies (and sometimes reshapes), and retransmits a signal. It is used to boost signal levels and extend the distance a signal can be transmitted. It can physically extend the distance of a LAN or connect two LAN segments

I think you hit hte nail on the head. This device is apprantely going to be cable of boosting hte wireless single given off by the DS. That would explain a lot of the other things he's said as well. A neat idea, but lets see how it works in practice. Wireless singals are much more easy to interfere with than normal electrical signals in a wired connection. Anytime a microwave is turned on it's going to cause problems with the signal. Not to mention I think the FCC would have something to say about DS wirless signals floating through the air all the time. Or I'm just crazy.


Mashing said:
I think you hit hte nail on the head. This device is apprantely going to be cable of boosting hte wireless single given off by the DS. That would explain a lot of the other things he's said as well. A neat idea, but lets see how it works in practice. Wireless singals are much more easy to interfere with than normal electrical signals in a wired connection. Anytime a microwave is turned on it's going to cause problems with the signal. Not to mention I think the FCC would have something to say about DS wirless signals floating through the air all the time. Or I'm just crazy.

well, you would have to assume that if said product was coming to market...it would already have fcc approval.


Yeah, I guess so... does the FCC give small startups like that approval for something on large scale as this has been hinted as being?
If this device existed, how hard would it be to find a patent on it?

PLUS: Certain nodes in a P2P-formed gaming session may act as "repeaters", passing packets between other nodes, if the network topology calls for it.

Does this have to be a radio based repeater?


Mashing said:
Yeah, I guess so... does the FCC give small startups like that approval for something on large scale as this has been hinted as being?

well i guess thats where the rumours of a larger third party being involed might come in....
krypt0nian said:
If this device existed, how hard would it be to find a patent on it?
a lot of times, patents for devices and such that are considered "secret" tend to not be released publically until after the product or whatever it is is released. Thats why we get all of these mixups with things like 64DD patents suddenly popping up in the online patent database, and oftentimes its because the patent doesn't actually get "filed" completely until quite some time after.
New Chad (gbcentral) post on IGN-DS:

"It will be free in many ways. Your 149.99 USD (Canadian/JPN equiv) will go a long way. The only limitations are those you create yourself. Remember that."


krypt0nian said:
New Chad (gbcentral) post on IGN-DS:

"It will be free in many ways. Your 149.99 USD (Canadian/JPN equiv) will go a long way. The only limitations are those you create yourself. Remember that."

It'll be built into the hardware?

When the fuck is he planning on revealing all? October 7?

Will I ever stop asking questions? Will I? Huh?


rollin' in the gutter
Awesome, there's no way he can keep it a secret for much longer...

Chad on IGNboards said:
"To be crystal clear. It will be available to every market globally, as the DS launches in that market. As you can imagine this requires a great deal of logistics, but something like this is certainly not worth launching without giving everyone an opportunity to participate in changing the way gamers interact."

Global WHAT. Can i get a hell yeah!


Still Tagged Accordingly
deadlifter said:
Global WHAT. Can i get a hell yeah!
'global' as in this service will be available wherever the DS is released.... i doubt he means 'global' in terms of being able to interact with people in other countries.
Awesome side fight on Warp Pipe forums:

raf from x-link came on throwing doubt to Chad's entire project, basically saying he was working from Nintendo as a viral PR campaign with no product/service.

Then Chad owned him bad.


raf from x-link:
OK guys. Some of you *may* know who I am but that doesn't matter right now.

Naturally, I'm a skeptic to these sorts of media generated hype schemes. Here's my breakdown of events:

- Chad *may* have been hired as a publicist for the DS. His job is to create speculation, rumours, clues. Basically *anything* that will boost interest in the DS and increase sales. So why Chad?
- Well, Nintendo probably noticed Warp Pipe had a close following of loyal Nintendo fans. What better place to generate sales? But there's not *that* many members on Warp Pipe to focus all sales on Warp Pipe's users right?
- Here's the part where multiple forums, multiple news sites are being used. Not everybody who owns a GameCube is a member of Warp Pipe, especially if they can't get online for whatever reasons. Creating a "media ring", you're all starting to get bound to the same news. People who never heard of Warp Pipe are suddenly hearing about all this news.
- The interest it's sparked has boosted Chad's reasoning for these "clues". They are there to just increase the ambiguity of what is really happening. Each time a "clue" is released, more people are made aware of the mystery via other gaming news sites.
- Nintendo patented a catridge that would allow GPS technology. It's been denied by Chad that it's about GPS, but what would he know. He's not in the Nintendo laboratories developing the DS.
- 'Warp Pipe Technologies' has no record of business registration in the state of Illinios (why would Chad register a business in a state other than his own?)

Just think about it. It's quite logical. There's been references that 'bee's sting'. If you were following the ilovebees.com Halo 2 hoax, you would start to question the legitimacy of what is happening here. So it comes down to a few things, namely:

- These "developments" are to benefit Warp Pipe and Nintendo. In saying that, Chad has most likely generated more interest in Warp Pipe than he ever would have done in his lifetime.
- Warp Pipe will *not* be benefiting from whatever Nintendo wants / wanted Chad to do for them. If this was all about Warp Pipe, why would he be using the N-Sider forums? It's a two-way win-win situation. Nintendo gets publicity / hype / potential increase in sales with the DS, Warp Pipe gets more attention for who knows what reason.

On a final note, Chad has mentioned that "tunnelling is the past". If that is the case, say goodbye to Warp Pipe. It would to any clear-thinking individual seem as though Chad has realised that tunnelling is not as successful as in-built gaming (just compare the amount of XBox Live members to XLink Kai, XBConnect and GameSpy Arcade members combined).

What his 3 or 4 other developers think of that, I'd like to know. They've spent all this time working for Chad, then Chad goes and makes some secret "deal" with Nintendo and expects Warp Pipe to just wither and die. Where's the thanks and recognition in that? It's kinda like giving them a kick in the face, seeing as Chad did probably *none* of the coding himself (maybe he inserted the source code comments Confused ), then telling them "what you did isn't good enough guys, I'm working with Nintendo so you can kiss my ..."

That's my 2 cents.

I leave you with a few things to ponder over..

If Nintendo did need a project manager, I don't think they would hire Chad. The Japanese have got the art of organising, commanding and producing game consoles to an art-form. Out of all the project managers in the world, hiring Chad seems silly. If Chad *did* really work for Nintendo, he would almost be under a total NDA, until these official press-conferences...

He has *definately* very little to do with the production of the DS. He may know the details of what will be told at these press conferences, and is creating his very own "online press conference", by saying very much but answering very little (that's the way most of those conferences go).

I could go on, but time permits me to stop here.

couple nothing posts, then...

Chad from Warp Pipe:

I'm going to make this swift and simple. You could have easily posted as yourself. Instead, you have gone through the trouble of registering a new screen name, confirming a new email address and posting behind an identity. Unmask yourself!

As for your doubts, I fully welcome them. Unmask yourself! However, why must you hide in the shadows and dneterp ot eb retsam feihc? Unmask yourself! You have ridden on our coat tails for the last time. Don't you have a DS project to work on? Tunnel away.


Kon Tiki

On a final note, Chad has mentioned that "tunnelling is the past". If that is the case, say goodbye to Warp Pipe. It would to any clear-thinking individual seem as though Chad has realised that tunnelling is not as successful as in-built gaming (just compare the amount of XBox Live members to XLink Kai, XBConnect and GameSpy Arcade members combined).

That is not fair. If we could tunnel XBL ( use xbl features and online gaming without XBL servers), I think the numbers would be higher. Can not compare XBL to System Link.
New Chad post:

"The content of each song's lyrics mean something. Far greater than any other labels that might be associated with them. Don't settle on the easy connection. Dig Dug!"

Found all the songs mentioned:

"Inbread Heart" by The Halo Benders

"Custom Concern" by Modest Mouse

"Blue Print" by Fugazi

"Our Happiness Is Guaranteed" by Quasi

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i'm no doubt repeating someone else here - but there are too many pages to go through on too many forums - i reckon he's hinting at anonline forum/community/group, a central (visual) server/hub where you can 'invite' people into game 'rooms' (thats probably not the right term for it ) and play against them (if you have that game) . i don't think its something hardware-based (as in the repeater stuff) he keeps tlaking about unmasking people - camera stuff? having your face/image on one of those cornball 3d avatars from the 1990s? who knows ;p im babbling :p but that doesnt' sound very revolutionary.. or does it?... so maybe i'm way off .. uh
julls said:
i'm no doubt repeating someone else here - but there are too many pages to go through on too many forums - i reckon he's hinting at anonline forum/community/group, a central (visual) server/hub where you can 'invite' people into game 'rooms' (thats probably not the right term for it ) and play against them (if you have that game) . i don't think its something hardware-based (as in the repeater stuff) he keeps tlaking about unmasking people - camera stuff? having your face/image on one of those cornball 3d avatars from the 1990s? who knows ;p im babbling :p but that doesnt' sound very revolutionary.. or does it?... so maybe i'm way off .. uh

Your guesses are as good as anyone's at this point. And they all make a lot of sense as well.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
krypt0nian said:
Your guesses are as good as anyone's at this point. And they all make a lot of sense as well.

yeah i just wanted to add my 2c :) just gotta be patient i guess.. i can't believe how easily i've been sucked into the whoel thing - im jumping around the internet like a little kid who had too much red cordial ... i really should be working :p HOWEVER!
to add to my previous post, the reason i feel it's not a hardware thing is because its being 'launched' (as in a service).. DS's linking together as a repeating thing between themselves isn't really a service (cos that functionality would be there out of the box i would assume). *goes back to hysterically trawling other forums*


rollin' in the gutter

Dean said:
Here it is Boys and Girls, the all encompassing multi-layered clue:

Everything past has not been what it will be. The future will change with the coming of time; time changes with the coming of the future -- What is old is new and what is new is revolutionary.
Time stretches, fades and twists until dates become incomprehensible and all flow into one.

A Singular entity shall not be alone, the woods protect us - we venture through time and space to connect, share and be shared is our motto.
Does someone need to be unmasked? or does someone want to be unmasked, this is the question that ponders us all; what comes soon will be here now.
What comes later will come soon. Therefore everything comes now, soon, and later. All is one, One is all.

Set me free.
HUGE Dean post:

"Here it is Boys and Girls, the all encompassing multi-layered clue:

Everything past has not been what it will be. The future will change with the coming of time; time changes with the coming of the future -- What is old is new and what is new is revolutionary.
Time stretches, fades and twists until dates become incomprehensible and all flow into one.

A Singular entity shall not be alone, the woods protect us - we venture through time and space to connect, share and be shared is our motto.
Does someone need to be unmasked? or does someone want to be unmasked, this is the question that ponders us all; what comes soon will be here now.
What comes later will come soon. Therefore everything comes now, soon, and later. All is one, One is all.

Set me free.

Deadlifter beat me to it! =)

Kon Tiki

ood Job finding the final piece to our little puzzle. You have one more step, however.
You must take this following quiz and get every answer perfect. If you do, you will get the final image clue.

When you get the final image, everything said before does not apply. Keep that in mind.

All answers can be found on www.n-sider.com and www.warppipe.com

Your score is 5.

Half right


I googles the answers

Kon Tiki




At first, the whole internet guerilla tactic was cute when it started with the pr campain for Requiem for a Dream and Blair Witch Project. Then came many immitators. Lately we had ilovebees.. and now this.

Make it stop. Dont take part in it for gods sake
shuri said:
At first, the whole internet guerilla tactic was cute when it started with the pr campain for Requiem for a Dream and Blair Witch Project. Then came many immitators. Lately we had ilovebees.. and now this.

Make it stop. Dont take part in it for gods sake

You couldn't be more wrong. People having fun on the net >>>> the meh attitude.


deadlifter said:
He's ripping on live and halo 2. How everyone will be playing online as master chief.

So is this all suggesting that with the DS, somehow we'll all be able to "see" each other? Like, our faces?

aoi tsuki

While i wish Chad and his team (if there is one) great success, a large part of me wishes this ends up like the Matrix trilogy - a mindfuck beginning, a fairly entertaining followup, then drawn out, anti-climatic conclusion that makes you realize just how much time you wasted getting there.
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