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Only one print review of Halo 2 before launch...and no spoilers included

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Yesterday, we pointed out a story on Xbox.com in which an editor of OXM stated that they'd have a world-exclusive pre-release Halo 2 review that covers Campaign play. We got word today from SketchFactor that yes, it's true, they're going to have the only published story with a street date before November 9 - but that they did this story in conjunction with Bungie, and they aren't releasing any plot spoilers for the game. There WILL be new information - but it's nothing that would ruin the single-player game, and it will be in a special sealed section of the review in any case. If you want to read it, you actually have to rip it open. Bungie still wants you to have a pristine single-player experience (if you can) - they aren't letting anyone OFFICIAL ruin that.


The section you actaully have to tear open to read about the story sounds hilarious - and great. Still, I thought EGM and the rest would have reviews out by the 9th.


GAF's Bob Woodward
That's a bit silly, imo...completely unprecedented. The only mag I read for reviews nowadays is Edge, and I know they wouldn't spoil any of the game (they never do, for any game). Bungie could at least selectively authorise "trusted" independents to release their reviews before Nov 9..the above seems needless.

Hmm..with all these swirling rumours that the game "isn't the dog's biscuit", one briefly wonders if Bungie is trying to prevent any critical backlash from getting out before millions are sold on Nov 9 and the Halo2 momentum becomes unstoppable :eek:

(just kidding...or am I?)


gofreak said:
That's a bit silly, imo...

With all these swirling rumours that the game "isn't the dog's biscuit", one briefly wonders if Bungie is trying to prevent any critical backlash from getting out before millions are sold on Nov 9 :eek:

(just kidding...or am I?)

This is actually a very good point. Kidding, or not.


This whole thing with Bungie not wanting the single player experience ruined kinda smells. As a consumer I think it's important that more than one review is published before the game comes out and at least a review from an independent like gamespot would go a long way. I'm still buying the game of course but I think it's important that consumers have an oppurtunity to review professional impressions before putting down their 54.99.


Sysgen said:
This whole thing with Bungie not wanting the single player experience ruined kinda smells. As a consumer I think it's important that more than one review is published before the game comes out and at least a review from an independent like gamespot would go a long way. I'm still buying the game of course but I think it's important that consumers have an oppurtunity to review professional impressions before putting down their 54.99.

It said there would be only one print review before Nov 9th.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Redbeard said:
It said there would be only one print review before Nov 9th.

Yesterday, we pointed out a story on Xbox.com in which an editor of OXM stated that they'd have a world-exclusive pre-release Halo 2 review that covers Campaign play.

they're going to have the only published story with a street date before November 9

Doesn't specify print etc. Why would they allow web reviews if their aim is to prevent spoilers. This sounds like all reviews will be withheld until post-release =/

TBH, it seems a little suss. Even Halo2 should not be beyond independent critical evaluation before release.


It could very well be that the game ends up not being up to snuff, but what concerns me even more is the totally rediculous amount of hype the game is getting. It becomes more and more rediculous. Nothing could live up to this anyway. They're trying to raise HALO 2 from a fun game to a historical event or something. I figure it'll backfire somehow. Not that the game won't sell, but people are going to be jaded or something along those lines.

Anyway, I just think this is a horrible idea. It shows a definite lack of humility and makes it even more evident that HALO 2 is really MS's only ace in the hole.


Thats insane and seriously the hype sourronding the game is just too much, people are goin to be dissapointed. I for one cannot wait for the game, but I have read and seen all the spoilers out there from those pirat3z, anyway I fully expect the game to rock, but the pressure some people are putting on this game to be the second coming is retarded and they are just setting themselves up for dissapointment.


Even tho it's readily available (the leaked french version) I won't be playing it until Nov 9.

I won't post any impressions or any such shit, but I can categorically say that reports that the game is no good are totally wrong.

*Edit - I mean I won't play anything but my pre-ordered copy, in english.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Burger said:
Even tho it's readily available (the leaked french version) I won't be playing it until Nov 9.

I won't post any impressions or any such shit, but I can categorically say that reports that the game is no good are totally wrong.


I mean, I hope you're right, but you can't convincingly state anything categorically about the game until you've played it.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I can understand the need not to spoil the game but it's not like game reviewrs tend to spoil any game anyway. Their readers don't want that in the first place. So, I tend to believe there is something wrong with the game per se. Just my opinion.


I don't think it's a case of whether the game is going to be good. THat's a given. I think it's wrongly hyped up to be something revolutionary, and the sad case is it won't live up the impact of Halo, simply because it's a sequel.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
the pre nov. 9th thing is print media only. Gamedaily's review goes up the 7th.


Bad Art ™
In my book :

Holding reviews = not so great game (don't kid ourself the game is gonna be good and even great for certain people)

And as i said in another thread, impressions i got from around the web are not unanimous. Some people think it's better than Halo while other call it Halo 1.5.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I think whats going to happen is this.

1. The game is going to be technically and story wise excellent.
2. People will say "It's more of the same"
3. People won't be able to see the fact that more of the same revolutionary gameplay with a much grander scale and cool features added to almost everything is a good thing. I mean why make a sequel to the greatest game ever and make it not have the same feel?


gofreak said:

I mean, I hope you're right, but you can't convincingly state anything categorically about the game until you've played it.

I haven't played the single player. I have seen it being played. I can't post impressions so I wont.

I will say something I said to somebody else. This game will melt your face off.


gofreak said:
Good to know ::phew::

I wonder why they'd embargo print reviews, though?

I don't think they embargoed them. I think it's just a matter of the other mags not being out in time. (The next EGM with the Halo 2 review won't be out until Nov. 16, although XBN does come out Nov. 9th, it does not have a Halo 2 review).


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
gofreak said:
Good to know ::phew::

I wonder why they'd embargo print reviews, though?

It's probably not an actual embargo. They probably just struck a deal with XBN for the exclusive rights for the first review. It's become the rule for big games instead of the exception. Someone has the review significantly before anyone else.


Holding reviews = not so great game (don't kid ourself the game is gonna be good and even great for certain people)

true, but lately holding reviews also = gigantic publisher/developer ego.


From what I've heard, sounds kick ass, and I certainly hope it is. I just hope OXM are entirely honest. We'll see eventually. The wait is torturing me.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Deg said:
Well i think the game will be good. I guess the problem is Half Life 2 for the long term.


Hmm, what do you mean?

HL2 and Halo 2 really have nothing to do with each other. I do not believe that they are even direct competition...

Deku Tree

I feel pretty confident that Halo 2 will be a great game. It might not live up to the hype, but even if it only has all the additions already published from legit sources + more of the same + a solid framerate then it'll be one of my top games of 2004.


Ramirez said:
LMAO...so now everyone thinks its going to suck...heh.

I don't think it's going to suck, but I can almost bet it's going to be Halo 1.5 and disappoint alot of people.

I really can't understand the hype for this game. Nothing that Bungie have shown proves to me it's any different from the first game, but with a few gameplay tweaks and Live multiplayer.

It wouldn't be so bad if Bungie wasn't treating the game like the second coming. Really is a bit ridiculous. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though and check it out on the 9th.

Edit: What are the chances of OXM NOT giving this a 10? I would have preferred EGM or another non biased magazine getting the first print review.
Movie reviewers are supposed to hold off on publishing reviews until the movie actually is released. I can see game companies starting to do this to at least guarnatee themselves a chance for good opening day sales.


Yeah, no way can it live up to the ridiculous amount of hype. Then again, what could? I'm all for it, if it's more of the same and continues the story, I'll be very happy.


dark10x said:

Hmm, what do you mean?

HL2 and Halo 2 really have nothing to do with each other. I do not believe that they are even direct competition...

Halo 2 will be a good game. No doubt. I dont know why you dont see that.


Bristow said:
I don't think it's going to suck, but I can almost bet it's going to be Halo 1.5 and disappoint alot of people.

I really can't understand the hype for this game. Nothing that Bungie have shown proves to me it's any different from the first game, but with a few gameplay tweaks and Live multiplayer.

How will that be disappointing when that's precisely what most halo fans want?

It wouldn't be so bad if Bungie wasn't treating the game like the second coming. Really is a bit ridiculous. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though and check it out on the 9th.

Bungie isn't treating the game like the second coming, the fans are, and it is the second coming of what many consider to be the best xbox game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Deg said:
Halo 2 will be a good game. No doubt. I dont know why you dont see that.

Err, I still think it will be a good game. I was questioning your comment on Half-Life 2. What does HL2 have to do with Halo 2?

I don't think it's going to suck, but I can almost bet it's going to be Halo 1.5 and disappoint alot of people.

No, you see, I really don't think it is going to be Halo 1.5...and that's exactly what is going to piss people off. I wouldn't expect more of the same...


dark10x said:
Err, I still think it will be a good game. I was questioning your comment on Half-Life 2. What does HL2 have to do with Halo 2?

They both belong to the same genre. HL2 is the big one pc owners are waiting for. Remember?

Funky Papa

B E N K E said:
Plenty of time for other magazines to get in there before the release date as the game has leaked.
Getting caught making reviews from leaked code is something you really don't want to happen (I am talking from a distant knowledge)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Deg said:
They both belong to the same genre. HL2 is the big one pc owners are waiting for. Remember?

Yes, but I don't believe they are in competition with each other. Both will sell VERY well, but I don't think either one is going to steal sales from the other...


I've also seen a shitload of single player and I can easily say it's goin to fucking rock. Multiplayer is where it's gonna be at though, the maps are insaneeeeeeeeeee!


GAF's Bob Woodward
dark10x said:

Hmm, what do you mean?

HL2 and Halo 2 really have nothing to do with each other. I do not believe that they are even direct competition...

I think he means that it is his predicition that in the long run, people will view HL2 as far more of a leap forward for the FPS genre than Halo2. HL2 and Halo2 are in a way in direct competition in that both are being presented and hyped as these blockbuster, revolutionary entries in the genre (and both are arriving at the same time)...so they are in competition in so far as people will compare their relative merits in that context.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
but yea....halo 2 is on xbox......and half life 2 is on PC.....

which is the OTHER guy's Point.....

Did you read my post or just hit the reply button?

They both belong to the same genre. HL2 is the big one pc owners are waiting for. Remember?

see. Fact is HL2 just happens to be coming out soon.

dark10x said:
Yes, but I don't believe they are in competition with each other.

Well they are. MS know this.
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