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Only one print review of Halo 2 before launch...and no spoilers included

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Deg said:
Fact is HL2 just happens to be coming out soon.

As a PC gamer/Console gamer....

Im gonna buy Half life 2 and not Halo 2...cause you know...they are in Direct competition with each other...Or Vice Versa....

ok. yes.

While the PC only gamer is gonna buy Half life 2 and Not Halo 2, not because of the fact he doesnt have a xbox, but because they are in competition and he prefers half life2.

Vice versa for Xbox only gamer.



Society said:
What is wrong with loving console and pc games?

i agree....being a PC gamer/Console gamer > Console only or PC only gamer.

funcojoe said:
PC gaming boooooooooooooo.

FOOL! PC gaming OWNZ


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well they are. MS know this.

No, I don't believe they are.

There is competition there, but the difference in the two platforms will ensure that neither game has a huge impact on each other's sales.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Man, I read some impressions from the copy that's out there...I'm not sure if this game will satisfy everyone. Thankfully I didn't get sucked into the hype. I'm still expecting great reviews but I can already see the disappointment threads coming


insert blank space here
But it will affect the long term sales.
If a customer buys both games initially but likes one game more than the other, he will undoubtedly play the better game more. This will lead to him telling his friends about said game and not the other. Then customers who don't have as much dough to throw around will go out and buy the better game. You can't play both games at the same time. Inevitably the better game will "win".

However, I don't think the xbox userbase is entirely the same as the pc userbase (ie. all pc gamers have xboxes or all xbox owners are pc gamers) and such an effect won't be too widespread.
I'm sort of glad of all the talk of Halo 2 being just Halo + 100 MPH Flaming Ninjas Through Hospital Zone, I was worried it would be too different from the original game.

Though I would have been happy with an Live capable version of the first game, with the extra PC maps.


What is wrong with loving console and pc games?

I'd like to know too.

Fixed2BeBroken said:
As a PC gamer/Console gamer....

Im gonna buy Half life 2 and not Halo 2...cause you know...they are in Direct competition with each other...Or Vice Versa....

ok. yes.

While the PC only gamer is gonna buy Half life 2 and Not Halo 2, not because of the fact he doesnt have a xbox, but because they are in competition and he prefers half life2.

Vice versa for Xbox only gamer.



i agree....being a PC gamer/Console gamer > Console only or PC only gamer.

FOOL! PC gaming OWNZ


No, I don't believe they are.

There is competition there, but the difference in the two platforms will ensure that neither game has a huge impact on each other's sales.

Sure. I doubt initial sales will be affected of course but in the long run it does matter. Many people have their eye on both the 'fps' games. Both come out the same time roughly. Only one will be remembered as 'the one' in the future.


Wario64 said:
Man, I read some impressions from what the copy that's out there...I'm not sure if this game will satisfy everyone. Thankfully I didn't get sucked into the hype. I'm still expecting great reviews but I can already see the disappointing threads coming

No game, no matter how great, can please everyone. From what ive read (from those who have played offline multiplayer and singleplayer extensivly through normal and heroic) Halo 2 will be something quite special. Ofcourse, those who hated the first will probably hate the second. Hopefully multiplayer will appeal to everyone, which im pretty confident it will.

Thing is, Halo has tons replayability, im gonna complete Single player by myself, second time on legendry through co-op, then go crazy on multiplayer for months. The first took months to reveal its intricate beauty

As for magazines, yeah, its going to be showered with priase

Any GAF clans planned?
TheQueen'sOwn said:
But it will affect the long term sales.
If a customer buys both games initially but likes one game more than the other, he will undoubtedly play the better game more. This will lead to him telling his friends about said game and not the other. Then customers who don't have as much dough to throw around will go out and buy the better game. You can't play both games at the same time. Inevitably the better game will "win".

However, I don't think the xbox userbase is entirely the same as the pc userbase (ie. all pc gamers have xboxes or all xbox owners are pc gamers) and such an effect won't be too widespread.

Honestly....if anyone is a PCgamer/Console gamer....then they got money to spend on games.

Sorry, but thats just how it is. Now they might not have money to spend on alot of titles, but Im sure they got the money to spend on the Big titles, or they wouldnt be PC gamers in the first place (it costs money to be a PC gamer.)

and to be both a PC gamer/Console gamer?

And iF any PC/COnsole gamer Only wants to Choose Either half life 2 or Halo 2, then they are a Complete Idiot. Seriously. 2 of the Biggest games and you are only gonna play One of them?

Why own both the console and PC then? Just BE a PC or Console gamer Only. Not Both.

THen we come to the fact that HL2 is exclusive to PC and Halo 2 is exclusive to Xbox..

so those Xbox only people...are gonna buy Halo 2 and Not HL 2.
While those PC gamers....are gonna buy HL2 and Not Halo 2.

Hence this whole..."In Direct Competition" is inaccurate.

Are they in Direct Competition for GOTY? Yes. Saleswise? no.

now if HL2 comes to xbox....that might be another story....but then again itll be a Port...and itll come out farther away from halo 2..and blah blah blah.



insert blank space here
Deg said:
Sure. I doubt initial sales will be affected of course but in the long run it does matter. Many people have their eye on both the 'fps' games. Both come out the same time roughly. Only one will be remembered as 'the one' in the future.

What I was trying to say.

Thanks Bub.
Deg said:
Sure. I doubt initial sales will be affected of course but in the long run it does matter. Many people have their eye on both the 'fps' games. Both come out the same time roughly. Only one will be remembered as 'the one' in the future.

I HIGHLY doubt that but whatever.
PhatSaqs said:
Mod desperation (or maybe infatuation?) 101...
Desperation? For what? I've had Halo 2 (Special Edition) pre-ordered for months now, and Halo is easily my favorite XBox game. I want Halo 2 to be great, and I'm fairly sure it will be.

I just felt like, yet again, pointing out your extremely transparent nature. It's really sad.


Mike Works said:
Desperation? For what? I've had Halo 2 (Special Edition) pre-ordered for months now, and Halo is easily my favorite XBox game. I want Halo 2 to be great, and I'm fairly sure it will be.

I just felt like, yet again, pointing out your extremely transparent nature. It's really sad.
So what's your point Mike? You actually find it sad that I might not want a videogame to suck? Or maybe the fact that I laugh at alot of the stupid shit that goes on here? lmao. What I find transparent is the fact that you (as mod all mighty) dont ballhawk some of the worst and obvious offenders of what I spoke on as much as you do others.


What's wrong with PhatSaqs wanting Halo 2 to be good? Why not make fun of the goons who want games like Halo 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 to fail? On a forum for video game fans, it's bizarre how many people want some of the big titles to bomb..

PhatSaqs said:
So what's your point Mike? You actually find it sad that I might not want a videogame to suck? Or maybe the fact that I laugh at alot of the stupid shit that goes on here? lmao.
I never accused you of laughing at yourself. You're almost as bad as the dumbshits who desperately want Halo 2 to suck or let people down. It's fine to only or really like the XBox, but you "light heartedly" pointing out how some zealots want Bungie to fail followed by a :lol emoticon is akin to Rush Limbaugh laughing at how insanely left wing Al Franken is.

What I find transparent is the fact that you (as mod all mighty) dont ballhawk some of the worst and obvious offenders of what I spoke on as much as you do others.
As much as I do others? Buddy, I barely read the Gaming Forum anymore. The problem is, the majority of big threads revolving around big games revolve around retarded posters like you, who'll vehemiently defend a game/company no matter WHAT and the even dumber groups who'll go into a thread about a game/console that they don't even own or aren't interested in. The only threads in the Gaming Forum I enjoy these days are the BREAKING NEWS ones (ie Nintendo's DS presentation or the Wanda unveiling) or the good discussions about games I own (Burnout 3, NHL2K5, etc).

The majority of other big threads are just filled with shit like "omg u guys all want it to fail so bad but if it were on ps2 or gamecube you'd all want it to be awesome :lol" when the opposite can ALWAYS be said in every single situation. I used to read the Gaming Forum and ignore the OT way back when, because I used to be one of those system affiliated cocksucking rejects who would venture into every system/exclusive game related thread in an attempt to make the polar opposite stance opposing my own look stupid.

Then I grew a little older and a little smarter. Or less stupid. Either or.

Somehow I don't see this happening with you.
novery said:
What's wrong with PhatSaqs wanting Halo 2 to be good? Why not make fun of the goons who want games like Halo 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 to fail? On a forum for video game fans, it's bizarre how many people want some of the big titles to bomb..
There's nothing wrong with him wanting it to be good. We've already been over this. Scroll up.

And it's really not that bizarre at all. There are a ton of stupid fanboys out there, and until we only have the option to buy one console, it'll forever be that way.


I believe Halo 2 will surprise nearly everyone with just how great it is. I've been saying that for over a year, and the bits of info to come out recently do nothing but make me believe that Bungie has quite likely created the defining action game of this gen. That said, they are being overly restrictive with the reviews.

Kon Tiki

GhaleonEB said:
I believe Halo 2 will surprise nearly everyone with just how great it is. I've been saying that for over a year, and the bits of info to come out recently do nothing but make me believe that Bungie has quite likely created the defining action game of this gen. That said, they are being overly restrictive with the reviews.
Looking forward to a game is one thing, saying it will be great based on hype is another.

That said, they are being overly restrictive with the reviews.
Ya, it is called not giving review copies to magazine that will score it low. ;)


Out of all the impressions i've seen, it ranges from a good game to being the best game ever made.

It reminds me alot of the impressions of HL2 when it was leaked. You had people saying that it was a disapointment compared to how they thought Doom 3 would turn out and then you had the people saying it was the best game they ever played.

The game is going to awesome, that's pretty much a fact. But to what degree, i think, will be determined by the individual that plays it.


Society said:
Looking forward to a game is one thing, saying it will be great based on hype is another.

Ya, it is called not giving review copies to magazine that will score it low. ;)

I'm not basing on hype, I'm basing on the hands-on previews by gaming websites and publications.


PhatSaqs said:
So what's your point Mike? You actually find it sad that I might not want a videogame to suck? Or maybe the fact that I laugh at alot of the stupid shit that goes on here? lmao. What I find transparent is the fact that you (as mod all mighty) dont ballhawk some of the worst and obvious offenders of what I spoke on as much as you do others.

This is true.

Sorry Mike, but I've noticed the same.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but it's the perception I've gotten.
IJoel said:
This is true.

Sorry Mike, but I've noticed the same.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but it's the perception I've gotten.
Do you know why I don't "ballhawk" the people who troll threads? Because everyone knows that they're morons. Plus, everyone usually responds to them in kind. No one's going to take someone who implies Bungie is a one-hit wonder seriously, and if they do, then they reply ridiculing their opinion.

But at least they're unabashedly straight forward with their ignorance, even if they may be unaware that they're doing so.


A special "spoilers" section you have to rip open!? :lol
They should be able to review the game without spoiling it. No reason to talk about the story in detail, and if weapons are considered spoilers...well...that's just taking "spoilers" to a whole new level.

And the official Xbox magazine...gets an exclusive review...in conjunction with Bungie? I have a feeling this review won't exactly be the most unbiased review ever. But it could turn out to be the most biased review ever! :p
IJoel said:
Ah... I see.

Anyway... here's a clip of Steve Vai's rendition of the Halo theme: Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix
Man, I forgot how good Halo's score was. It's very difficult to avoid all impressions of the game like I've done so far, wanting to know how certain aspects held up in comparison to the original..

GashPrex said:
man some of you are dumbasses
Care to elaborate?
Mike Works said:
Man, I forgot how good Halo's score was. It's very difficult to avoid all impressions of the game like I've done so far, wanting to know how certain aspects held up in comparison to the original..

Ahaha. Halo 1 soundtrack is shitty. There's like 2 good song on the whole CD. The rest are tripping songs, or remixes of the theme.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Littleberu said:
Ahaha. Halo 1 soundtrack is shitty. There's like 2 good song on the whole CD. The rest are tripping songs, or remixes of the theme.

You have a Jak 2 avatar and you think you can critique music. :p

Seriously though, Halo's score WAS fantastic. The soundtrack most certainly is not as you describe.
dark10x said:
You have a Jak 2 avatar and you think you can critique music. :p

Seriously though, Halo's score WAS fantastic. The soundtrack most certainly is not as you describe.

Ahaha. Jak 2 soundtrack IS awfull, I agree.

Nah, Halo had 2 good songs at best, the rest was way too much trippy and new-age music for my taste. And Midi too.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Littleberu said:
Ahaha. Jak 2 soundtrack IS awfull, I agree.

Nah, Halo had 2 good songs at best, the rest was way too much trippy and new-age music for my taste. And Midi too.

OK, well I'll just go ahead and disagree then. Halo had a fantastic soundtrack on its own and it was even better in game (best usage of music in any FPS ever made).

I'm not sure what you mean by "MIDI" either...

The actual music format used by the game was pre-recorded digital audio.


Whatever. Halo soundtrack was superb, totally fits the game.

I think Halo won a few awards for its brilliant music
dark10x said:
OK, well I'll just go ahead and disagree then. Halo had a fantastic soundtrack on its own and it was even better in game (best usage of music in any FPS ever made).

I'm not sure what you mean by "MIDI" either...

The actual music format used by the game was pre-recorded digital audio.

Tracks like Shadows and On a Pale Horse aren't "pre-recorded digital audio". This is Midi.
Littleberu said:
Nah, Halo had 2 good songs at best, the rest was way too much trippy and new-age music for my taste. And Midi too.
I gotta disagree with you there. I think calling it new-age is a bit of a stretch, personally. Bungie did a great job with the timing of their music too (it wasn't just used in cutscenes or at the start/beginning of every level, nor was it used the entire level). The score was used as an indication of the beginning of an important/challenging area, as an instrument to convey a certain uneasyness (flood), and also to just get your heart pounding and really immerse you in the moment. It may not have featured a great amount of variety, but it was epic and well done, which is exactly what Halo needed.

As for midi, I'm not a big sound guru, so I don't care if games have Dolby 5.1 Factor 5 Digital blah blah blah. As long as I can hear it, that aspect is good enough for me.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Halo's soundtrack is so good that I actually caught someone listening to it in their car a couple weeks ago, I shit you not

And that Halo remix for the Halo2 ost sounds awesome


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Littleberu said:
Tracks like Shadows and On a Pale Horse aren't "pre-recorded digital audio". This is Midi.

If that is so, then they are pre-recorded pieces of MIDI. The actual audio playback system in the game does not use MIDI. It is all pre-recorded audio...
Mike Works said:
I gotta disagree with you there. I think calling it new-age is a bit of a stretch, personally. Bungie did a great job with the timing of their music too (it wasn't just used in cutscenes or at the start/beginning of every level, nor was it used the entire level). The score was used as an indication of the beginning of an important/challenging area, as an instrument to convey a certain uneasyness (flood), and also to just get your heart pounding and really immerse you in the moment. It may not have featured a great amount of variety, but it was epic and well done, which is exactly what Halo needed.

As for midi, I'm not a big sound guru, so I don't care if games have Dolby 5.1 Factor 5 Digital blah blah blah. As long as I can hear it, that aspect is good enough for me.

Yeah, I understand what both of you are saying, but it just isn't on par with sountrack from game like MGS2 or Medal of Honor.

I'm not a sound guru either, but I like when my music sounds like music, and not like a Nintendo game. I mean, midi-like music in Wind Waker? WTF.
Littleberu said:
Yeah, I understand what both of you are saying, but it just isn't on par with sountrack from game like MGS2 or Medal of Honor.
So how does that equate to it being "shitty"? I never really played MGS, so I can't speak on the musical aspect. As for MoH, I actually don't remember the music being anything special, though I do remember the sound (effects) being incredible.

But even so, I don't see how not comparing to two games with apparently top tier audio achievements equates into Halo's score being shitty.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Littleberu said:
Yeah, I understand what both of you are saying, but it just isn't on par with sountrack from game like MGS2 or Medal of Honor.

I'm not a sound guru either, but I like when my music sounds like music, and not like a Nintendo game. I mean, midi-like music in Wind Waker? WTF.

uh. It sounds nothing like an NES game. AT ALL.

2 good songs? Halo, Brother in Arms, Rock Anthem to Save the World, Perilous Journey, On a Pale Horse, Covenant Dance and Truth and Reconcilation Suite? (last one being a mix of a few songs plus more stuff added on)

Most of the other songs are ambient, but the ones I listed are actually songs. Good ones at that.
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