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Only one print review of Halo 2 before launch...and no spoilers included

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Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mrbob said:
The last place I would trust an opinion are from some pirates who spend more time downloading the next game than playing the current one. Or rushing through it just so they can download the next game on their list.

Yeah, but it isn't so much the impressions themselves that worry me. It's the modified play mechanics, missing features, and game length.


Well, we'lll see. I have been trying to avoid as much Halo 2 information as possible so I am specifically not going to that other place to avoid reading any spoilers. And I would still take anything they say with a huge grain of salt considering with such a big release and the fact they have it early impressions -either way- are going to be way more reactionary than normal.

Riddick's 3D engine is hawt! It blew me away.

Yeah, it is good (Besides that tearing). I can't wait to see how it runs on the PC. :D


Mrbob said:
Well, we'lll see. I have been trying to avoid as much Halo 2 information as possible so I am specifically not going to that other place to avoid reading any spoilers. And I would still take anything they say with a huge grain of salt considering with such a big release and the fact they have it early impressions -either way- are going to be way more reactionary than normal.

Yeah, it is good (Besides that tearing). I can't wait to see how it runs on the PC. :D

Games that first hits a console, and then goes to PC usually have problems. We'll see.


Dark, what missing? If its not in the game its not missing it just was never there or it didn't work. As for the length of the game it seems to me it depends on what level you play it at. It seems pretty comparable to other FPS to me. Look at Far Cry, loads of people reckon its the Biz, but hey it doesn't take long to beat, doesn't stop lots of people liking the game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
Games that first hits a console, and then goes to PC usually have problems. We'll see.

Yes, but in the case of Enclave (same studio), the PC port turned out superior.

Pug said:
Dark, what missing? If its not in the game its not missing it just was never there or it didn't work. As for the length of the game it seems to me it depends on what level you play it at. It seems pretty comparable to other FPS to me. Look at Far Cry, loads of people reckon its the Biz, but hey it doesn't take long to beat, doesn't stop lots of people liking the game.

Check your PM for a few (non-spoiler) details.
I don't know dude A wouldn't even apply to Halo 2. It isn't a listened game.

My orig post :-
So I would say that Halo 2 certainly has to reach the bar Riddick set for b,c and d (e is a given, a is not applicable)

All the comments on Riddick with regards to b,c,d were IMO.

Can't say i noticed the screen tearing, tho maybe after playing a lot of Splinter Cell it just wasn't as noticeable :D


I have heard some very interesting comments on the game from people with who I respect and know what they are talking about... dont expect a revolutionary game thats for sure.
I love it how all the Xbots doing pre-emptive damage control for Halo 2 and are saying shit like "oh if it was exactly the same as Halo 1 but just had new levels and online it would still be TEH BESTEST!" Fuck off with that crap.

I have an Xbox and am looking forward to Halo 2 but with the insane hype surrounding the game it better fucking not be "Halo 1.5". Not that I'm falling for the hype but I'd like a game that isn't an expansion pack for Halo 1 thank-you-very-much.


DSN2K said:
I have heard some very interesting comments on the game from people with who I respect and know what they are talking about... dont expect a revolutionary game thats for sure.

Yeah I would agree with this. As far as "rasing the bar", Half Life 2 looks like the game that will do it. Halo 2 has always sounded more evolutionary than anything.
... dont expect a revolutionary game thats for sure.

That's fine with me, don't think any game has been revolutionary since Mario64, and can't see how anything will be anytime soon. Evolutionary is what I'm expecting.

For me to be satisfied with Halo 2 :-

1) Better level design (less repeating environments)
2) More fleshed out storyline
3) Don't mess up what Halo di right :-
i) Combat mechanics
ii) Enemy AI
iii) Weapon balance

Anything else to me is a bonus (including graphics etc).

KOTOR 2 or MP2 will be my GOTY anyhow.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Red Dolphin said:
I love it how all the Xbots doing pre-emptive damage control for Halo 2 and are saying shit like "oh if it was exactly the same as Halo 1 but just had new levels and online it would still be TEH BESTEST!" Fuck off with that crap.

I have an Xbox and am looking forward to Halo 2 but with the insane hype surrounding the game it better fucking not be "Halo 1.5". Not that I'm falling for the hype but I'd like a game that isn't an expansion pack for Halo 1 thank-you-very-much.

I'm telling you, though, the disappointment will not stem from it being Halo 1.5. It will stem from the game simply being too different...

That's what has me worried about it.
Mark my words, if reviewers have played Half-Life 2 before they write Halo 2 reviews there
will not be many 10's. I get the definite impression that (even tho they aren't in direct competition before anyone comments :D ) anything that Halo 2 does to impress will be overshadowed by Half-Life 2. I may be wrong of course, but i sincerely doubt it.



Half-life 2 has already been reviewed in Europe in many mags gollumsluvslave, its got great reviews. But its on the PC nothing else as off now. Halo2 is on Xbox and nothing else as know, so your correct they are not in direct competition. And as for Red Dolphin rant, no ones trying pre empt anything, but off course its going to be like Halo with new mechanics and such like, what do expect it to be like, a Mario 64 rip off platformer?
Fixed2BeBroken said:

he(littleberu) doesnt know what midi is but claims things to be midi.

Look, you can call someone homosexual, but maybe he isn't homosexual. It's just a general term. Halo music sounds like Midi music I used to hear, with the fake violin and all that. You know. You can write 2 paragraphs about "how Halo 1 music isn't midi.." but it's not like I haven't heard the music myself you know.

Go listen to some tracks of MOH Underground or MGS2, you'll hear why I think Halo 1 music is bad, bad, bad.

But I see it's kind of hard to hate something in Halo. Halo 2 isn't the second coming of the christ guys. I can't wait for you to find out "the news." But It'll be Halo 2, and it'll be allright, of course. Just because it's Halo 2.

But It wasn't all right in MGS2 though... *sigh*


Littleberu, your just trying to hard. Look you don't play Xbox games so why worry about what Halo, Halo2 is or isn't? And this so called news of yours defintive is it?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Littleberu said:
Look, you can call someone homosexual, but maybe he isn't homosexual. It's just a general term. Halo music sounds like Midi music I used to hear, with the fake violin and all that. You know. You can write 2 paragraphs about "how Halo 1 music isn't midi.." but it's not like I haven't heard the music myself you know.

Go listen to some tracks of MOH Underground or MGS2, you'll hear why I think Halo 1 music is bad, bad, bad.

But I see it's kind of hard to hate something in Halo. Halo 2 isn't the second coming of the christ guys. I can't wait for you to find out "the news." But It'll be Halo 2, and it'll be allright, of course. Just because it's Halo 2.

But It wasn't all right in MGS2 though... *sigh*

MGS2 has pretty much an ambient soundtrack dude except for like 2~3 tracks. Halos soundtrack stomps on it and then eats it for breakfast.
Pug said:
Littleberu, your just trying to hard. Look you don't play Xbox games so why worry about what Halo, Halo2 is or isn't? And this so called news of yours defintive is it?

I play a lot of Xbox games. How come everybody tries to put a "fanboy" tag on everyone here? Safety measure? I can't have an Xbox and still hate Halo? And "hate" is a big word, I just don't like its soundtrack. That's it, really.

Oh and of course the "news" is definitive. It's nothing shocking, but it's just kind of... "ironic".

MGS2 has pretty much an ambient soundtrack dude except for like 2~3 tracks. Halos soundtrack stomps on it and then eats it for breakfast.

Have you ever heard the OST of Halo 1? It's also ambient soundtrack, but with fake violin. MGS2 is more "real" in a sense that it's techno beat with some violin and guitar in it. It just sounds more convincing to me really.


force push the doodoo rock
Littleberu said:
Yeah, I understand what both of you are saying, but it just isn't on par with sountrack from game like MGS2 or Medal of Honor.

I'm not a sound guru either, but I like when my music sounds like music, and not like a Nintendo game. I mean, midi-like music in Wind Waker? WTF.

Actually, nes music is a lot more "musical" than most of todays soundtracks.


Littleberu said:
Underground or MGS2, you'll hear why I think Halo 1 music is bad, bad, bad.

But I see it's kind of hard to hate something in Halo. Halo 2 isn't the second coming of the christ guys. I can't wait for you to find out "the news." But It'll be Halo 2, and it'll be allright, of course. Just because it's Halo 2.

And have you had extensive playtime with Halo 2 to already form a defiinitive conclusion?
Mrbob said:
And have you had extensive playtime with Halo 2 to already form a defiinitive conclusion?

What the fuck? I'm sure you're a script really. You react at the words "Halo and 2", and post the exact same post every time, don't you? I don't need to have played Halo 2 to know what will be in the game! :p

Comon guys, just calm down already.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Littleberu said:
Have you ever heard the OST of Halo 1? It's also ambient soundtrack, but with fake violin. MGS2 is more "real" in a sense that it's techno beat with some violin and guitar in it. It just sounds more convincing to me really.

I have both soundtracks. Most of the time when I pop in the mgs2 soundtrack, it's to hear the first and last tracks. (theme and the song that is played throughout the game)

With Halo I pretty much let the whole CD run, and that speaks volumes.


I asked you a simple question. If you don't want to answer and dodge it that's fine. I've formed no conclusisions about Halo 2 so far other than the fact I know Bungie wouldn't screw it up.
Mrbob said:
I asked you a simple question. If you don't want to answer and dodge it that's fine. I've formed no conclusisions about Halo 2 so far other than the fact I know Bungie wouldn't screw it up.

I answered your question, script bot. And Bungie won't screw it up, but... ah, I guess you'll see.

I have both soundtracks. Most of the time when I pop in the mgs2 soundtrack, it's to hear the first and last tracks. (theme and the song that is played throughout the game)

With Halo I pretty much let the whole CD run, and that speaks volumes.

MGS2 soundtrack is more "movie score-like" than Halo 1. That was my point since the beginning.



Always good to get negative Halo 2 vibes from someone who hasn't played Halo 2 and doesn't like the first one. :D
Mrbob said:

Always good to get negative Halo 2 vibes from someone who hasn't played Halo 2 and doesn't like the first one. :D

What what what?!

Negative vibes? What about all of the positive "vibes" from this thread, and most of you guys haven't played Halo 2 either. What's your point?

And where did you read that I hated Halo 1?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I just spent some time reading impressions from one guy who actually went into good detail about many (non-spoiler) things, (and he seemed to actually be legit, to play the game thoroughly, as he has some screenshots and has repeated some things that I've been hearing about before from others. He's generally impressed with it, but it did not blew him away like the first game did. Even though he says it IS technically better in almost every way, he thinks he was maybe conditioned himself to expect too much, and he didn't think it was better by that much. There were 'wow, oooh, ahhh' moments in the game, though. The one thing he was supposedly not blown away by, is that the story was not very 'fresh' (I'm dumbing down what he said now, as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, even though he never said any real spoilers in the first place) Also, one level in particular, was there that he never thought they'd put in the game. Another thing he said is that the graphics were mostly updated during the cutscenes (with heavy normal mapping and lighting effects), but during the gameplay it looked very simillar to first Halo. Basically, his feeling was that Bungie was playing it safe with this game. Like, 'more of the good thing' design, instead of surprising the players with something (overly) new.


Littleberu said:
What what what?!

Negative vibes? What about all of the positive "vibes" from this thread, and most of you guys haven't played Halo 2 either. What's your point?

And where did you read that I hated Halo 1?

I'm sorry, I figure you must have loved the original Halo since you come into every Halo 2 thread with the same boring tirade Halo hater bot. :p
Mrbob said:
I'm sorry, I figure you must have loved the original Halo since you come into every Halo 2 thread with the same boring tirade Halo hater bot. :p

First, I don't come in "every Halo 2 thread". I came into like, 3 Halo 2 thread. Second, I don't hate Halo, and said it many times. Maybe I need a Masterchief as avatar?


Goreomedy said:
Fucking hilarious! Thanks for that. Great start to the day.

:lol I knew you would like that. November 9 will be good times, especially if you pick up the game and posts your thoughts for us! :D


dark10x said:
I'm telling you, though, the disappointment will not stem from it being Halo 1.5. It will stem from the game simply being too different...

That's what has me worried about it.

Dark, check your pm.
Lenght: someone told 25 hrs and someone else told me 11.
No idea, but bungie said it won't be longer than halo 1.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Back to the original point of this thread - Bungie has let about 60 journalists worldwide, print and web, play the game to completion so far. That's hardly the actions of a paranoid, frightened organization. And ALL of the web reviews will be before November 9th, as will a couple more magazine reviews, as well as several worldwide, so, the whole thread subject is moot.

The game might suck, it might rule, but not because of review embargo dates.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm telling you, though, the disappointment will not stem from it being Halo 1.5. It will stem from the game simply being too different...

That's what has me worried about it.
Heh, that's pretty much 180o away from what I've just read... I'd like to get a PM from you Dark, what is it that is different that has you worried?


dark, i've put some 'confort' in your pm.
About h2 lenght, i've heard 25 hrs and i've heard 11...no idea, i just remember bungie stated it wouldn't be longer than halo 1.


yeah, i've also heard "it sux because it's like the first" and "it sux because they changed it"...don't mind those.

From what i played at gamestars the multiplayer does have a few tweaks and changes that might piss someone off, but that doesn't necessarily mean things changed for worse; they just changed and there are a few instances where halo 2 cannot be played like halo 1.
You know how much people get 'attached' to a game like halo (heck, they've been playing if for 3 years now); you know the real fun starts when you know the ins and outs of every map and weapon, and it takes time for that; inevitably, your first mp matches in halo 2 won't be as fun as your latest halo 1 lan parties, but that's only natural.
Inevitably there'll be people complaining that "melee attacks don't work like before" and "you can fall 10 floors without dying or losing energy" and "no more medipacks", or "grenades and rockets are not as powerful as before"...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, I've read the weapon power complaint (which doesn't seem like a big deal at all), but I mostly ignored any multiplayer comments, as I am primarily interested in the single player campaign. That guy's comments I posted above were only about the SP, just to make it clear.


Marconelly said:
I just spent some time reading impressions from one guy who actually went into good detail about many (non-spoiler) things, (and he seemed to actually be legit, to play the game thoroughly, as he has some screenshots and has repeated some things that I've been hearing about before from others. He's generally impressed with it, but it did not blew him away like the first game did. Even though he says it IS technically better in almost every way, he thinks he was maybe conditioned himself to expect too much, and he didn't think it was better by that much. There were 'wow, oooh, ahhh' moments in the game, though. The one thing he was supposedly not blown away by, is that the story was not very 'fresh' (I'm dumbing down what he said now, as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, even though he never said any real spoilers in the first place) Also, one level in particular, was there that he never thought they'd put in the game. Another thing he said is that the graphics were mostly updated during the cutscenes (with heavy normal mapping and lighting effects), but during the gameplay it looked very simillar to first Halo. Basically, his feeling was that Bungie was playing it safe with this game. Like, 'more of the good thing' design, instead of surprising the players with something (overly) new.

The problem here is just the unattainable expectations of some people. Bungie has never said the game would be different from Halo at its core. They've stuck to their 'if it's good, don't change it' and why shouldn't they? The game won't have that same 'fresh' feeling from Halo because, well it was done in Halo. Halo 2 is a Halo sequel. It's been in development for 3 years and it's developed for a console with a 733MHz CISC CPU and a GeForce 3.5. I really don't know why people expect the second coming. The one game that could pull that off would be Half-Life 2 with regards to environment interactivity and even then, it's coming out about 6 years after the original, and has been in development for more than 5 years.

If you're stupid enough to set yourself for unattainable expectations, then it's your fault (and this is a general statement, not directed at the quoted poster.)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Go listen to some tracks of MOH Underground or MGS2, you'll hear why I think Halo 1 music is bad, bad, bad.

So, sample quality is how you judge music? If it doesn't sound orchestrated, you don't like it? How sad...

BTW, eso76...thanks for the PM. That's very good news. :) Someone else on another board claims to have finished it in around 3 hours. Since all of his other facts checked out, I was inclined to believe it. Here's hoping that you are right...

One other odd thing that I heard (semi-spoiler, but not really...just about a missing map)

The entire map from the E3 2003 trailer is NOT in the game AT ALL. I don't understand that one!
PhatSaqs said:
There's a search function that coughs bullshit at this....

I just checked. In the last 2 months, Littleberu has come into exactly 3 Halo 2 threads.
1.Only one print review of Halo 2 before launch......
2.Hypothetical:Halo 2 or Half-Life 2?
3.You don't want to see the new Halo 2 trailer, do you?

and just a while ago, intent on proving me wrong, he posted in
4.Big Halo 2 news (whoa)
BUT, he did post in this thread 10 minutes after he made his "I came into 3 Halo 2 threads", so he was telling the truth. And he likes Jak 2, so he's a good guy. :D


This is driving me mad. Just read more impressions, this game pisses all over Halo. It took some time for it to click according to a few, just getting over the fact that it was different to Halo.

Took 3 years but it finally happened. Halokiller!


Marconelly said:
I just spent some time reading impressions from one guy who actually went into good detail about many (non-spoiler) things, (and he seemed to actually be legit, to play the game thoroughly, as he has some screenshots and has repeated some things that I've been hearing about before from others. He's generally impressed with it, but it did not blew him away like the first game did. Even though he says it IS technically better in almost every way, he thinks he was maybe conditioned himself to expect too much, and he didn't think it was better by that much. There were 'wow, oooh, ahhh' moments in the game, though. The one thing he was supposedly not blown away by, is that the story was not very 'fresh' (I'm dumbing down what he said now, as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, even though he never said any real spoilers in the first place) Also, one level in particular, was there that he never thought they'd put in the game. Another thing he said is that the graphics were mostly updated during the cutscenes (with heavy normal mapping and lighting effects), but during the gameplay it looked very simillar to first Halo. Basically, his feeling was that Bungie was playing it safe with this game. Like, 'more of the good thing' design, instead of surprising the players with something (overly) new.

I don't give a damn about the opinion of someone who 'reviews' a pirated version, so I'll be ignoring regurgitated versions of said 'reviews' even more.


dark10x said:
So, sample quality is how you judge music? If it doesn't sound orchestrated, you don't like it? How sad...

BTW, eso76...thanks for the PM. That's very good news. :) Someone else on another board claims to have finished it in around 3 hours.


dark10x said:
One other odd thing that I heard (semi-spoiler, but not really...just about a missing map)

The entire map from the E3 2003 trailer is NOT in the game AT ALL. I don't understand that one!

yeah, i've heard the same : )


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I just checked. In the last 2 months, Littleberu has come into exactly 3 Halo 2 threads.
:lol. Well, in the last 4 months I count 10 including the Bungie weekly updates that are about the game. And they all pretty much say the same thing. "The game doesnt sound that great, look that great, etc., etc."

Guilty as charged....


PhatSaqs said:
:lol. Well, in the last 4 months I count 10 including the Bungie weekly updates that are about the game. And they all pretty much say the same thing. "The game doesnt sound that great, look that great, etc., etc."

Guilty as charged....



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
eso76 said:

yeah, i've heard the same : )

So the three hour claim is BS? I sure hope so...

That would be incredibly disappointing. I honestly could not see how that would even be possible.
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