vee is fucking manipulative
But Pousey though. Shes quickly becoming my favorite person on the show.At this point, I'm pretty sure Taystee is my best friend.
http://i.minus.com/i4HkqxVVHK0ki.gif (FINALE SPOILER ALERT)That was fucking epicFUCKING YES
Finished episode 1.Holy fuck... Alex sucks.
http://i.minus.com/i4HkqxVVHK0ki.gif (FINALE SPOILER ALERT)That was fucking epic
PopGaf Version: http://i.minus.com/igsXjFoVYKVgw.gif
I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!
My biggest issues with the first season were the tonally terrible musical choices and the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," both of which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.
:lol dick move Piper ratting out Alex
I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!
My biggest issues with the first season were the tonally terrible musical choices and the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," both of which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.
I like to think that Piper was actually doing it for Alex, rather than for herself. If there's one place Alex will be safe (at least from her ex druglord), it's in prison. Obviously, Piper benefits from it as well because she gets to see Alex again. But I don't think it's completely selfish. I don't think Piper would have done it if Alex hadn't talked about how in danger she was. I assume Alex is gonna find out and not be very happy about it though.
My biggest issues with the first season were the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.
I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!
My biggest issues with the first season were the tonally terrible musical choices and the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," both of which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.
The show is far more focused on the supporting cast this season. Episodes will tend to center on a single character and give significant amounts of background information on them, specifically the events that got them to where they are, while juxtaposing their past struggles with their current ones. It's well-structured.
Piper is still ostensibly the main character but is relegated to the background a lot of the time.
Lorraine Toussaint, who plays one of the new characters, Vee, gives a particularly strong and commanding performance this season. I thought she was just magnificent in the role.
Is it shitty that my entire weekend has been spent watching Season 2?
It's Sunday morning and I'm almost done ... Vee is my least fav ever.
I think I hate her more than I have any ever villain ever
Vee is a fantastic villain. Her actress is amazing in the role.
Nobody deserves hatred more than Daya. She's like Piper...but without any of the white upper-class privilege to explain it.
Yeah Daya went down the shitter this season.Vee is a fantastic villain. Her actress is amazing in the role.
Nobody deserves hatred more than Daya. She's like Piper...but without any of the white upper-class privilege to explain it.
I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!
Season spoiler reaction:Caputo is the fucking man, though.
Season spoiler:
Playing Fig and getting that BJ was the best thing ever.
Also Daya was a moron this season.