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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~


Unconfirmed Member
Finished episode 1.
Holy fuck... Alex sucks.

Just finished that episode of this season but,
Pïper really was being an idiot in that episode.
"Oh hey by the way I'm telling the truth"
"Oh wait nevermind I'll rather risk years of prison in a senseless gesture that won't weaken the case against the reason I am in prison anyway!"
"How dare you try to do the thing I was convincing you to do earlier!? You lying prick! You should have lied in a court of law like I did!"


Unconfirmed Member
Episode 6:

Poussey. :'(

She's quickly becoming my favourite character. I'm so glad she has more screen time this year.

Daya is so ugh this season. I liked her in S1 but not so much this season.
This show just continues to surprise me. Never imagined I'd enjoy it as much as I do. Finished season 2 up now and that finale was pretty crazy. Amazing ending and perfect ending song too.

I actually really enjoyed the flashbacks this season, thought they were the best parts by far.
Just finished episode 10:

Interesting conflicts this season but all I care about is Poussey and how she's getting screwed over so bad. I love her so much. :,,,(


Just watched the finale about 15 minutes ago
Bummed out by the lack of Piper. I know a lot of people here dislike her, but I liked seeing her story. Disappointing that she wasn't around nearly as much as she was in season 1. Also, :lol dick move Piper ratting out Alex

Like pretty much everyone else here I think Daya was pretty bad this season. I hated the whole Vee plot and that Pornstache made his glorious return only to be booted back out after like 6 minutes of screentime

Overall I like season 1 much more than season 2. Don't think this season was realyl bad or anything. It just feels like nothing really happened. Looking forward to season 3.


Unconfirmed Member
Episode 7:

The old lady. :(

And oh my god where they put the cigarettes. D:

Why is Larry even on this anymore? He has no purpose.


I shot people I like more for less.
Thought that was a great finale, particularly the very end. Overall, a lot of high points this season mixed in with some lows. Some great stuff especially for Poussey, Rosa, and Morello. Starts a bit slow, but gets better as it goes on. Initial reaction is that I preferred the first season, but I'd have to think about it.

One of the funniest things is when (very minor spoilers from several episodes)
that girl with the baby (who's on the transfer list with Piper later) is talking to her baby's dad and he gives those really basic non-committal responses. Really understated thing, but man did that crack me up.
I also liked (episode 13 spoiler)
when Morello was talking about Toy Story to Rosa and the CO lol. They're both just like, "what the fuck?"


I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!

My biggest issues with the first season were the tonally terrible musical choices and the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," both of which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.

Season 2 feels less preachy than Season 1 so far, if that's what you mean. I think the focus is (rightly) on the cast and less on making each person a "lesson." Enjoying it a lot more than Season 1 in that regard.

I'm only a couple of episodes in though, so maybe it changes later down the line. Can't really tell you about the soundtrack, I actually don't recall anything memorable in either season except for the opening.
8 episodes in so far.

It's not bad but I think that "new show smell" has worn off and I'm kind of like "whatever" now aside from a few chuckles. Honestly, some silly stuff is going on that I really can't say didn't happen in season 1 but now I'm better at picking up on it.

Pornstache returning
makes the rest of the show better.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Girlfriend and I liked it more than season one.

I think the villain was much better.


Just finished. Daaaaaamn that ending was great
even though you can see it coming a mile away.
All in all I'd say it's on par with S1, hard to put one over the other. Wondering whether we're done seeing
for S3? Marzapan.
:lol dick move Piper ratting out Alex

I like to think that Piper was actually doing it for Alex, rather than for herself. If there's one place Alex will be safe (at least from her ex druglord), it's in prison. Obviously, Piper benefits from it as well because she gets to see Alex again. But I don't think it's completely selfish. I don't think Piper would have done it if Alex hadn't talked about how in danger she was. I assume Alex is gonna find out and not be very happy about it though.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!

My biggest issues with the first season were the tonally terrible musical choices and the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," both of which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.

I feel like they are fairly on par. I feel like they went in a bit of a darker/more serious direction that took out some of the sassy comic relief situations that would have been there in series 1 but wern't there this time, but although I missed them it wasn't detrimental to the whole thing because it was so well done.
Some characters were underused, but with an ensemble cast you can't expect everyone to get a focus. They do seem to have listened to peoples criticisms and taken a bit of a step back from it being Piper central too. Also there were some really touching side, thoughtful side stories that far surpass anything in season 1 imo

In short if you liked the first season I can't see why you wouldnt like this one (unless you absolutely hate the new arc for one of the characters I guess)
I like to think that Piper was actually doing it for Alex, rather than for herself. If there's one place Alex will be safe (at least from her ex druglord), it's in prison. Obviously, Piper benefits from it as well because she gets to see Alex again. But I don't think it's completely selfish. I don't think Piper would have done it if Alex hadn't talked about how in danger she was. I assume Alex is gonna find out and not be very happy about it though.

Yeah that's what I read from the situation. Alex had repeatedly said she wasn't safe and Piper was clearly concerned for her safety in spite of all the shit that's happened between them.
There was obviously selfish motives as you said. Just setting up next series for a flipped version of the series 1 storyline I expect


My biggest issues with the first season were the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.

Still an issue, but the characters are still varied and likeable even if nothing they do in the prison is particularly interesting any longer. Nothing seems resolved in DOC, things just fizzle out to be replaced with the next plotline. Best part of the show are the flashbacks.


I know impressions are fresh, but what's the general consensus here: better or worse than season 1? Individual opinions are welcome too!

My biggest issues with the first season were the tonally terrible musical choices and the sometimes thuddingly heavy-handed approach to "issues," both of which sometimes lead to corny schmaltz. But for the most part I thought the show was damn funny and had a wonderful, sensitive way of approaching its varied cast of characters, so that's what I'm really looking towards in the second season whenever I get a chance to catch it.

The show is far more focused on the supporting cast this season. Episodes will tend to center on a single character and give significant amounts of background information on them, specifically the events that got them to where they are, while juxtaposing their past struggles with their current ones. It's well-structured.

Piper is still ostensibly the main character but is relegated to the background a lot of the time.

Lorraine Toussaint, who plays one of the new characters, Vee, gives a particularly strong and commanding performance this season. I thought she was just magnificent in the role.


The show is far more focused on the supporting cast this season. Episodes will tend to center on a single character and give significant amounts of background information on them, specifically the events that got them to where they are, while juxtaposing their past struggles with their current ones. It's well-structured.

Piper is still ostensibly the main character but is relegated to the background a lot of the time.

Lorraine Toussaint, who plays one of the new characters, Vee, gives a particularly strong and commanding performance this season. I thought she was just magnificent in the role.

I agree, if there is one thing that shines the entire season, it's Vee. She had pretty much stolen the show out from under Piper.
Which makes the ending all the more disappointing when she's given the Poochie treatment.


Unconfirmed Member
Is it shitty that my entire weekend has been spent watching Season 2?

It's Sunday morning and I'm almost done ... Vee is my least fav ever.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Is it shitty that my entire weekend has been spent watching Season 2?

It's Sunday morning and I'm almost done ... Vee is my least fav ever.

I think I hate her more than I have any ever villain ever


Vee is a fantastic villain. Her actress is amazing in the role.

Nobody deserves hatred more than Daya. She's like Piper...but without any of the white upper-class privilege to explain it.


you speak so well
+1 for Vee hate (but in a great villain way, not in a Piper or Daya way) and +1 for Poussey love, she's become my favorite this season. I'll finish up the rest of the season today, goddamn I love Netflix binge weekends.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Vee is a fantastic villain. Her actress is amazing in the role.

Nobody deserves hatred more than Daya. She's like Piper...but without any of the white upper-class privilege to explain it.

Daya was such a bore
Two conversations all series. I need a shit and I feel bad so you should go to prison as well. YAWN


Just watched episode 2 last night, I just want to say that it feels really good having all these characters back on our screen. Tasytee, Crazy Eyes, Red, Nicky, Sofia, Flaca, Maritza...
I was even happy to see Pennsatucky
Caputo is the fucking man, though.

Season spoiler:

Playing Fig and getting that BJ was the best thing ever.

Also Daya was a moron this season.


Caputo is the fucking man, though.

Season spoiler:

Playing Fig and getting that BJ was the best thing ever.

Also Daya was a moron this season.
Season spoiler reaction:

I think my jaw might have dropped into a giant slack-jawed grin when he pulled the Ozymandias there. Brain immediately raced to figure out if I should even feel bad for her there or guilty for my reaction and was like.....nope, she initiated!


irresponsible vagina leak
I mean Daya wasnt great on Season 1 (she was likable at first) but they went over the top making her unlikable.



Me all this weekend.
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