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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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not a medical professional
Annoying Continuity Error right off the start of Episode 1: Piper was wearing beige in the shoe, got on the bus wearing beige. After the flash back she's magically in orange.



Overall? A bit lackluster. Not as bad as House of Cards season 2, but a bit dull none the less.

Here we go... (spoilers galore)
Overall it felt like a season without any real consequences. It never went anywhere, but instead ran in a big circle by conclusion. Plus we're given so many questionable circumstances:

Morello visits the man she stalks and isn't caught, she's only yelled at. End of story. Really?

By mid-season, the issue with Healy's turning a blind eye to attempted murder is ignored and he's back to good guy status (yet still a closet chauvinist). No one attends his therapy and he's grumpy again. Awww :(

Aleida says she wants her baby to have a father buuuut wants the CO babies' daddy to turn himself in and go to jail? And she calls him a bitch for not doing so, yet is ok with her pals bribing him? Que?

We follow Jason Biggs, who sleeps with Piper's bff. But the audience long since forgotten about Biggs after season one's betrayal, so he's nothing more than useless weight. Why is he there?

Pornstache returns, but only for 2 episodes before being thrown back out after he's used as a scape-goat.

Vee and Red have like less than 10 underlings a piece and this is suppose to be a credible turf war? Why didn't Red just kill Vee? Why didn't Vee just kill Red?

We're supposed to feel bad for endangered Vause, even after that S2E1 betrayal? Chapman still has a hard-on for her? "I love you, but I hate you." Ugh.

Figueroa is obviously the big bad, yet I'm supposed to care her marriage sucks? Who cares? Though the BJ was pretty great. And how is it that no one questions her outrageous spending in the first place?

Finally, after the convenient storm of lame conclusions washed over all... we're left with an episode putting everything back to status quo, right down to Vee's exit. Oh, and Caputo is a good guy this season and is somehow in charge. Ooookaaaaay.

As a positive, it's cool Piper got some balls by the end and she had very little involvement with Vee. Nice to see the facility still functions without her. The flashbacks were decent as well.

Not as good as season 1.
Episode 4
Oh monello you poor thing, get help sweetie
also how have those prison vans not got tracking shit. I don't believe that they'd just let her sit in a van by herself yet the cancer patient needs handcuffs and an escort
Maybe i read the situation wrong , but she was never engaged to him right? She's just crazy


listen to the mad man
Netflix has a product placement problem. The stuff with House of Cards has been very well documented, but it shouldn't be ignored that OITNB still manages paid product placement despite the fact that it's overwhelmingly set in a woman's jail. I've only watched the first episode of Season 2, so I'm not sure what else turns up, but the repeated references to how good the coffee was as the camera lazily focused on Piper with a clearly visible Dunkin Donuts cut in front of her, logo perfectly facing the camera, is disgusting.

Netflix owes it to the talented creators and actors/actresses working on programs for them, not to mention the viewing public, to subsidize whatever income they are earning from product placement to preserve the creative integrity of the shows.

Unfortunately, this is not going to change:


everybody keeps talking about that scene but i feel like it was clearly supposed to be funny juxtaposed next to Lolly's uneasy reaction to it


I shot people I like more for less.
Episode 4:
Jesus, Morello. I just figured that dude had ended it a long time ago, not that they had only been on that one coffee date. Yeesh.


It's weird that the
ending to season 1 isn't having much of an impact on the second season
. Also
Penntucky 's
character just fading into the background is strange.


got mildly coerced into watching this but ho-lee shit is the lead cute. suddenly I'm down for a few episodes.

It's weird that the
ending to season 1 isn't having much of an impact on the second season
. Also
Penntucky 's
character just fading into the background is strange.

I found that strange, too. Pen and Piper's conflict was the focus of Season 1. She almost kills her, and there are no consequences? What's more, there's no ongoing story to their relationship? What the hell was the beating for if not to up the stakes?


Unconfirmed Member
Episode 1:

In general, I like Piper (I seem to be one of the few) but that episode was a bit too much. Good lord, haven't you learned anything from your time in prison?


Episode 10

For fuck's sake. Daya's been a goddamn idiot all fucking season. Went from being one of my favorite characters to just. fucking. stupid.


People called Romanes they go the house?

Agree with Epcott on most of the plot-related issues.

(End of S2 Spoilers/thoughts below)

S2 didn't have the same focused 'punch', and it felt like a good chunk of S1's developments/characterization got swept away.

Admittedly, I liked the stronger focus on S1 Piper, while I know a lot of people couldn't relate to her fucked up decision making processes.

Vee's rising posse almost felt comical at points, and given how much crazy obvious foreshadowing was going on, I couldn't believe no one save Poussey saw her backstabbing coming.

Morello's episode, having been shunted to the side for a while without getting 'reintroduced', didn't hit as hard as it could have, given the evidence of problems from S1. Her whole psychotic delusion was interesting, but doesn't seem reconcilable with some of what we've seen.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Healy's return to status quo, and his working with Piper, was boring as shit.

Vee biting it was cool, but Fig's leaving was equally anticlimactic. I know it's probably trying to send a message (which seemed more blatant here than in S1 in several instances), but still.

Not really sure on where they'll go on the 'main path' for S3.

Best part of the season was probably
O'Neill on the ukulele singing to the nuns.]


Watched the first 3 episodes of s2. I really enjoy the show. It thrives on the sheer likeability and performance of its characters and thats a good thing. There are flaws though. You aren't thinking its a masterpiece of tv film-making like you do with a show like Hannibal or something, but i don't think thats needed here. The style makes it feel more real and raw and works for the subject matter.


How in the world are some people are done watching, I thought this came out earlier today. That's 13 hours or something.

I just finished episode 1 and when I saw guest starring Laura Preponderance I knew some shit was gonna go down. Anyway just popping in to read thoughts on the first ep


Unconfirmed Member
Episode 2:

Much better than episode 1. Loved the focus on Taystee.

Larry needs to go. He's so terrible.
Episode four is the worst episode so far in my eyes.
Lorna's story was meh. The plot thread with Taystee, Poussey, and V was mediocre at best, contrived bullshit at worst. I know you can't tell a story with lesbians and not avoid unrequited love but come on. Also it feels like the writers just decided on Poussey's sexuality.
In terms of quality it felt much more like the weaker episodes of the first season.

The best part of the whole episode is
Sophia knowing more about the vulva/vagina than the cis women. That is so me.

Edit: My favorite writer from last season wrote this episode. :\ The director has a nice track record so I have to wonder what happened.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Episode 10:
Mendez comes back just to be arrested so quickly after. I'm disappointed he really was in love with the woman. I had hoped it was act to get revenge for being caught.


i finished :DDDD

and all i have to say is.... CLOCKEDT HEFFA!


but now im sad about having nothing to watch again :(
everybody keeps talking about that scene but i feel like it was clearly supposed to be funny juxtaposed next to Lolly's uneasy reaction to it

Episode 1 spoiler:

In the middle of Piper's airplane confession scene to Lolly I asked my wife "So - when the camera finishes panning around - Lolly's gonna be asleep too, right?"

Because the acting was that unimpressive, I figured the only way they'd actually save that scene was to kneecap it completely at the end.

But nope.


Junior Member
I wonder if a majority of viewers actually like Piper Chapman.

I do not get the disdain for the character at all. Without her the entire series is lost to me.

I mean what do people want out of the character?

For her not to be conflicted about her douche fiancé and her douche criminal girlfriend? Do you want her to be super aggressive and just murder all her enemies in the prison?

Should she buff up and become queen bad ass bitch?

Guess Who

I do not get the disdain for the character at all. Without her the entire series is lost to me.

I mean what do people want out of the character?

For her not to be conflicted about her douche fiancé and her douche criminal girlfriend? Do you want her to be super aggressive and just murder all her enemies in the prison?

Should she buff up and become queen bad ass bitch?

I don't want her not to be conflicted about these things, that's perfectly natural. The disdain for her comes from the fact that Piper comes off as much more privileged than most of her fellow inmates - being well-off, pretty, white, and serving a relatively short sentence, her woe and self-pity feels unwarranted compared to other inmates in much worse situations who compose themselves better. That, and frankly, she causes a lot of her own problems.


Junior Member
I don't want her not to be conflicted about these things, that's perfectly natural. The disdain for her comes from the fact that Piper comes off as much more privileged than most of her fellow inmates - being well-off, pretty, white, and serving a relatively short sentence, her woe and self-pity feels unwarranted compared to other inmates in much worse situations who compose themselves better.

But she committed a lesser crime then many of these other characters.

And beyond that, the entire perspective of the series is that she could be you or me.

She is a completely decent person who is now in the prison system.
I think if the series wasn't rooted in being a comedic drama, Piper would be more like a Walter White type of character. Though
Vee is kind of filling that archetype but alas she is not the protagonist.

Guess Who

But she committed a lesser crime then many of these other characters.

And beyond that, the entire perspective of the series is that she could be you or me.

She is a completely decent person who is now in the prison system.

Your first sentence completely missed the point. The point is her situation is way better than many of her peers and yet she feels so sorry for herself and expects other people to feel sorry for her.

As for the second, the problem is, she isn't a completely decent person, she's actually fairly fucked up! That's a pretty major part of her character development, how going into prison sort of unravels her pretty exterior and reveals that she's actually kind of crazy. Recall that scene in season one where she tells the kid in the wheelchair about how the scariest part of prison is facing yourself - that's her whole character arc in a nutshell.


So just watch Charmed if you want stupid. I think there are 100 plus hours of dumb to roll around in.

No, I rather have this in Orange season 3. I'm emailing netflix HQ as we speak. Having Chapman go from a wishy washy, and whiny individual to a hardened criminal might be some interesting character development if done well. Although I do expect her to change a bit in season 2, after what occurred in season 1. Right now I've only seen one ep of the new season.

But if Chapman doesn't change into a more interesting/less annoying human, as long as the writers continue to develop a great supporting cast, as they had in season 1, I'll probably still enjoy it.
As for the second, the problem is, she isn't a completely decent person, she's actually fairly fucked up! That's a pretty major part of her character development, how going into prison sort of unravels her pretty exterior and reveals that she's actually kind of crazy. Recall that scene in season one where she tells the kid in the wheelchair about how the scariest part of prison is facing yourself - that's her whole character arc in a nutshell.
I wouldn't say she is crazy but she is put in a situation that exacerbates her character flaws.


Junior Member
Your first sentence completely missed the point. The point is her situation is way better than many of her peers and yet she feels so sorry for herself and expects other people to feel sorry for her.

As for the second, the problem is, she isn't a completely decent person, she's actually fairly fucked up! That's a pretty major part of her character development, how going into prison sort of unravels her pretty exterior and reveals that she's actually kind of crazy. Recall that scene in season one where she tells the kid in the wheelchair about how the scariest part of prison is facing yourself - that's her whole character arc in a nutshell.

K, so my reasons for liking her are shit. But you just described a level of depth by said character that was beyond what I was into....

Is she just too well written?

Episode one of season 2, as a child she does not want to take a risk, or be a bad ass. That is her character, and what makes the series compelling, once again, oh fuck it nevermind. I enjoy the character, no need to convince the world that they should dig her as well.


I quite like Piper even though she can be very unlikable. Other shows would have gone to the effort to make her an innocent but she's self absorbed and mostly aware especially in the first season of her status as a middle class white woman and the unspoken perks that came with that (which she's now thrown away)

I'm only up to episode 3 of season 2 but her character has been consistent with her previous behaviour.

Was also fascinating to see her as
a young girl

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Just finished binge watching it. Here are my initial non-spoiler thoughts:

  • The character Vee pays off with some excellent acting
  • Crazy Eyes is even more sympathetic and also very well acted
  • Black characters seem to get more attention this season than the other two main groups, whites and latinos
  • Piper's role, while still significant, is decreased after the first episode compared to last season, which makes sense
  • I appreciated that unlike the first season, everyone didn't have a sob story background like in Lost; there were two or three characters I didn't feel sympathy toward their incarceration, since their history depicted them as selfish
  • Shit gets crazier, some bad and good
  • Agree with someone else the story doesn't really amp up until the last four episodes
  • Not as good as the first season, but has some great acting and dialogue
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