Overall it felt like a season without any real consequences. It never went anywhere, but instead ran in a big circle by conclusion. Plus we're given so many questionable circumstances:
Morello visits the man she stalks and isn't caught, she's only yelled at. End of story. Really?
By mid-season, the issue with Healy's turning a blind eye to attempted murder is ignored and he's back to good guy status (yet still a closet chauvinist). No one attends his therapy and he's grumpy again. Awww
Aleida says she wants her baby to have a father buuuut wants the CO babies' daddy to turn himself in and go to jail? And she calls him a bitch for not doing so, yet is ok with her pals bribing him? Que?
We follow Jason Biggs, who sleeps with Piper's bff. But the audience long since forgotten about Biggs after season one's betrayal, so he's nothing more than useless weight. Why is he there?
Pornstache returns, but only for 2 episodes before being thrown back out after he's used as a scape-goat.
Vee and Red have like less than 10 underlings a piece and this is suppose to be a credible turf war? Why didn't Red just kill Vee? Why didn't Vee just kill Red?
We're supposed to feel bad for endangered Vause, even after that S2E1 betrayal? Chapman still has a hard-on for her? "I love you, but I hate you." Ugh.
Figueroa is obviously the big bad, yet I'm supposed to care her marriage sucks? Who cares? Though the BJ was pretty great. And how is it that no one questions her outrageous spending in the first place?
Finally, after the convenient storm of lame conclusions washed over all... we're left with an episode putting everything back to status quo, right down to Vee's exit. Oh, and Caputo is a good guy this season and is somehow in charge. Ooookaaaaay.
As a positive, it's cool Piper got some balls by the end and she had very little involvement with Vee. Nice to see the facility still functions without her. The flashbacks were decent as well.