Holy fuck, I love How to train Dragon, but I start to really hate their super mega fanatics, the majority that praise the film have to trash talk about toy story 3, and the majority of the time they dont even have arguments.
The most one that ive heard, is not the best Pixar movie...
Is not the best...
Of course its not the best if you usually always make movies of 11/10 and you make a 10.5 movie!
But that means that even if Toy Story 3 is a 10, or a 9, doesnt mind the scale, How to train a dragon will always be technically below it, becuase its not as good.
People praise to fucking much HTTAD because it comes of a legacy of fucking shitty movies were it shines like the brightest star in the sky. Its good, really good, but not fucking perfect like some people are praising because it still has some VERY shitty things that doesnt make it mega great,
I cant praise to the heavens a movie were 80% of the cast are shitty dreamwork characters, with their fucking dreamwork smirk smiles, and their fucking bad jokes and that they seem to be made for you to hate them. All the kids besides the main character are fucking atrocious.
You have 4, FOUR good characters in the movie. The father, the kid and the dragon and the guy without a hand. The others range all from mediocre to horrible.
And really, I cant understand people that say the ending is excellent and that it makes cry, and blah, blah... I saw it from a fucking mile for gods sake, it was as typical as it gets.
Now tell me, in Toy Story 3, what the majority of people felt during the scene were the toys
, I still have goosebumps with that scene, and I know what is going to happen, i even thought during the whole movie the first time I was watchin that
, but surprise there!
Or the ending, now that is how you end a trilogy, THAT is a perfect ending.
And at least you dont want to punch 80% of the characters in their throat, yeah, you could argue that the villian group is not so good (apart from the bear boss), but the old cast and the new toys (for fucks sake, they made barbie and ken awesome) are incredible.
Its the syndrome of the underdog vs the always winner, but come on, this is not a Rocky movie, a Pixar is not the movie villian.
Toy Story 3 is going to win because its the better movie FULL STOP.