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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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Fear didn't help the Austrian right wing presidential candidate although it was practically favourite to win.

It's not just about the refugees' issues, as far as I recall big tragedies (attacks) didn't happen there like it happened here this past few years. I don't know if Austria is a good example in this case.

Hopefully my worries are gonna be lifted, if the worst came true it will be a very sad chapter in our history.


No pollster even predicted the big loss Hofer was going to experience in the Austria election second round rerun. I do think the polls in the french election won't be to off the final results unless Macron gets a huge last minute boost in the second round or le pen does a bit better then expected.


Interesting, thanks. Kind of shocking that no other candidate is thought to be good presidential material by over 50% of the populace...

Also the Twitter replies, jeez. What's their methodology?

Enquête réalisée en ligne à l'issue de « L’Emission Politique », le 06 avril 2017
Harris Interactive a invité un échantillon de 1 319 personnes, représentatif de la
population française, à exprimer son opinion à l’égard d’Emmanuel Macron à l’issue
de « L’Emission Politique ».
Méthode des quotas et redressement appliqués aux variables suivantes :
sexe, âge, catégorie socioprofessionnelle et région de l’interviewé(e).
Aide à la lecture des résultats détaillés :
▪ Les termes « Français », « téléspectateurs » renvoient aux « Français ayant été invités à regarder
l’émission »
▪ Les chiffres présentés sont exprimés en pourcentage.
▪ Les comparatifs sont issus des résultats des sondages lors des précédentes « Emissions politiques » :
▪ Émission du 9 février 2017 pour Marine Le Pen
▪ Émission du 23 février 2017 pour Jean-Luc Mélenchon
▪ Émission du 9 mars 2017 pour Benoît Hamon
▪ Émission du 23 mars 2017 pour François Fillon


Hard for me to follow the election as someone who doesn't understand french.

Could someone tell (reassure) me that le pen is still extremely unlikely to win?


paid requisite penance
Hard for me to follow the election as someone who doesn't understand french.

Could someone tell (reassure) me that le pen is still extremely unlikely to win?

It's not extremely unlikely that she'll win.

However, when push comes to shove, we have a history of going "Anyone but Le Pen". Le Pen and the FN get their strength in multi-candidate scenarios and when people don't vote/vote as a protest, but the way our two-round elections are set up, the second round mostly nullifies those strengths. She has no problem being popular with a high percentage of the population (relatively speaking), but she struggles to get an absolute majority.

I'm still expecting her to make it to the second round, and to get anywhere 40-45% of the votes, which is already saddening in itself. She has a shot at winning, but it's just a shot. If Macron is her opponent, he'll probably win. At least I hope he does. Again: anyone but Le Pen.


Hard for me to follow the election as someone who doesn't understand french.

Could someone tell (reassure) me that le pen is still extremely unlikely to win?
I don't know if I'd say "extremely" but she's not been the favorite at any point so it would definitely be a surprise. Imo the risk would be if Fillon made it to the second round (last I checked he was at 19% against Macron's 24%). I think abstention would be very high and the results would be closer than people think.
Fillon making it to the second round seems like the worst thing that could happen, with Le Pen in that case actually having a solid chance of winning against him :/


I don't understand this why 40% of youth population are voting or thinking voting for le pen. Can anyone here answered this question just curious.


Oh god, Mélanchon released his official video game where he turns Super saiyan.

Feel like I have to vote for him now.

Where can i play this minigame?

Nevermind I found it.

Some enemy grabbed a random powerup and killed me in one hit. Okay.
I don't understand this why 40% of youth population are voting or thinking voting for le pen. Can anyone here answered this question just curious.

There's a trend around Europe of youth being drawn to far-right nationalistic parties. No idea why, but it's a fairly pan-continental phenomena.

Maybe not in Germany where AfD has kinda shit the bed since Schultz.


There's a trend around Europe of youth being drawn to far-right nationalistic parties. No idea why, but it's a fairly pan-continental phenomena.

Maybe not in Germany where AfD has kinda shit the bed since Schultz.

This is just worrying usually it's the older end who votes for far right.


There's a trend around Europe of youth being drawn to far-right nationalistic parties. No idea why, but it's a fairly pan-continental phenomena.

Maybe not in Germany where AfD has kinda shit the bed since Schultz.

If I recall even trump won younger white voters.

And le pen has being losing more of the vote then Macron. Macron has been pretty stable in the last month or two. Mostly polling between 23 and 26 percent while le pen has been polling between 25 and 27 percent mostly until now.


I don't understand this why 40% of youth population are voting or thinking voting for le pen. Can anyone here answered this question just curious.
Because they're racist and/or morons just like everybody else, and they haven't known Jean-Marie's era so they consider the Front National to be a "normal" party. You add to that the economical situation (specially for the youth) + PS/LR being a mess for the past few years and that's what you get.
Though I don't know what you're getting 40 from ? Last time I checked the rolling polls she was around 20% among 18-24 year olds, far behind Macron and Mélenchon, so it's not quite that bad.


Oh god, Mélanchon released his official video game where he turns Super saiyan.

Feel like I have to vote for him now.

Am I the only one being bothered by the close relationship that appeared between politics and video games recently ? Between that anecdotal example, Gamergate, the jeuxvideo.com forums, some candidates having specific elements in their programs for videogame industry, or showing themselves using VR helmets to illustrate how cool they are...
I mean I'm obviously very fond of video gaming, but it shouldn't have anything to do with politics. The candidates are obviously pandering to gamers because they're a vocal community that is one of the most heard on the internet, and it feels like an instrumentalization of a specific population (and not always the "smartest" one).


I mean I'm obviously very fond of video gaming, but it shouldn't have anything to do with politics.


I make games for a living, and there are necessarily politics in everything I do. When designing gameplay mechanics, I push for a way of thinking, for certain values. Sometimes I do that knowingly, sometimes not, but it's there.
And sometimes, people get really mad at the game for that.

And before someone throw that argument at me, yes, some games are definitely not political, but that's beside the point.

Fiscal Kombat, for what I know is a game made by activists, they are mostly hobbyists spending their free time to produce it. It could have been a movie, a book, some posters or the classical leaflets, but it's a video game and I fail to see how this is a problem. Especially when the initative comes from the community (like the comic for L'avenir en Commun).



"Not having anything to do" may have been a bit strong. There's nothing wrong with games talking about politics, but politics having an excessive focus on videogames isn't really natural. If a politician starts campaigning for rap music for example, it should be obvious that it's not because rap music is an important element of the future of our country, but because he wants to look good to a specific crowd.


but politics having an excessive focus on videogames isn't really natural.

Ok, this one is fair :)
As I understand it though, Mélenchon's team has just a far better understanding of Internet than the others, and so he showed some interest in a lot of meme stuff (Khaled Freak remixes notably), which in turn engaged the community which started developping things like the comic and the video game. The all Discord Insoumis thing is impressive, it's pure activism organised by people outside of the official team, but they actually managed to develop a lot of different projects. It's never his initative, but he's embracing the work of people who support him.

Regarding video games in general, he met some of my friends at their VR studio, and they have been really clear that he has a genuine interest in video games. While I was in school with them at the national video games school in France a few years back, we received a lot of politicians so they have a real point of comparison.
With time and experience when someone is making specific proposition for your domain of expertise, you learn to recognize what is blatant opportunism. I get that for players it might look strange, but so far he's been solid on the theme.
But to be honest, as good as you can be on the video games theme, that will never be enough to make me vote for you, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
I don't understand this why 40% of youth population are voting or thinking voting for le pen. Can anyone here answered this question just curious.
There's a trend around Europe of youth being drawn to far-right nationalistic parties. No idea why, but it's a fairly pan-continental phenomena.
If I recall even trump won younger white voters.


If you look at the jeuxvideo.com forums, the number of young people who consciously describe themselves as virgins, losers, dropouts, basement dwellers, etc. and who blame women, feminists, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, etc. for all their problems is shockingly high...


Because they're racist and/or morons just like everybody
Stop calling people racist because they've different views as you.. Your the problem why far right parties are growing because you don't talk to people just called them "uneducated or racist" instead talking to them.


Stop calling people racist because they've different views as you.. Your the problem why far right parties are growing because you don't talk to people just called them "uneducated or racist" instead talking to them.

Talking with which purpose ?

People that think others are lesser human beings because they're brown or have another religion, there's nothing to talk about with those people.

They are shit bags, there's nothing to talk about.


Talking with which purpose ?

People that think others are lesser human beings because they're brown or have another religion, there's nothing to talk about with those people.

They are shit bags, there's nothing to talk about.

I can see you consider the people who being left behind has lesser human beings wow. Grow up mate.


Stop calling people racist because they've different views as you.. Your the problem why far right parties are growing because you don't talk to people just called them "uneducated or racist" instead talking to them.
I don't view racism, homophobia, etc. as "different views", sorry if that hurts your feelings. I couldn't care less what these people think and don't worry, I have no intention of ever interacting with them.


I don't view racism, homophobia, etc. as "different views", sorry if that hurts your feelings. I couldn't care less what these people think and don't worry, I have no intention of ever interacting with them.
Doesn't hurt my feelings it's helping the far right winning more support.


Doesn't hurt my feelings it's helping the far right winning more support.
Lol what ? How about putting the blame where it should be, ie the people who vote for these parties ? Instead of constantly blaming the left for not being nice enough to assholes who literally want to take away people's rights.


The collapse of the international socialist movement allowed the far right to take up the mantle of being the anti-liberal counterculture. It's not a coincidence that this started to gain momentum after the 2008 economic collapse and the refugee waves, which allowed the far right to position themselves as both an economic and cultural resistance to "globalist" liberals who have not been able to solve society's problems.

Previously, people voting against the liberal power structure would've found answers in class solidarity, but that means next to nothing now.


Lol what ? How about putting the blame where it should be, ie the people who vote for these parties ? Instead of constantly blaming the left for not being nice enough to assholes who literally want to take away people's rights.

The left is to the blame aswell.


Hopefully Le Pen loses so the poll skeptics will shut up a bit more after Brexit and Trump.

They are still comparing the french election to brexit and trump even after what happened in the austria presidential election and the dutch general election where the polls gave the winner which they predicted correctly a lower percentage of the vote or seat count then expected.I think le pen underperforming the polls in the second round will probably make these people stop complaining about the polls.


They are still comparing the french election to brexit and trump even after what happened in the austria presidential election and the dutch general election where the polls gave the winner which they predicted correctly a lower percentage of the vote or seat count then expected.I think le pen underperforming the polls in the second round will probably make these people stop complaining about the polls.

There's no guarantee that Macron will make it to the second round, though - both Melenchon and Fillon are on his tail, and Fillon in the second round won't be as hot.

Green Yoshi

Oh god, Mélanchon released his official video game where he turns Super saiyan.

Feel like I have to vote for him now.

Too bad that he has no chance of winning.

Do people in France really want the same social reforms as we had here in Germany fourteen years ago? I thinkt it would increase the problems in the banlieus and income and wealth inequality would rise in France.


Hard for me to follow the election as someone who doesn't understand french.

Could someone tell (reassure) me that le pen is still extremely unlikely to win?
The saving grace of French elections is the two rounds system.

People can get the protest vote out of their system during the first (ideally Lepen wouldn't make it through, but she might), but then everybody can vote useful in the 2nd round against extreme candidates.

That's what happened in 2000.


Too bad that he has no chance of winning.

Do people in France really want the same social reforms as we had here in Germany fourteen years ago? I thinkt it would increase the problems in the banlieus and income and wealth inequality would rise in France.

He is at 19% in the polls. Lepen and Macron both at 23%. Fillon at 19% .

Melanchon has all his chances.


Too bad that he has no chance of winning.

Do people in France really want the same social reforms as we had here in Germany fourteen years ago? I thinkt it would increase the problems in the banlieus and income and wealth inequality would rise in France.
Eh, I don't hate him or anything like most people here seem to but he's a bit iffy on certain important issues (Europe being the most notable).
And Hamon is paying for the mess with the PS and has no chance of going to the 2nd round.


There's no guarantee that Macron will make it to the second round, though - both Melenchon and Fillon are on his tail, and Fillon in the second round won't be as hot.

I think Macron will make it in the end but it will be close.

It may end up being something like this for the top four after the first round.

2. Le Pen: 22.5-25%
3. Melenchon:16-22%
4. Fillon: 18-20%


Neo Member
On one hand, I am enjoying the idea of Mélenchon going over both Hamon and Filion.

On the other, if we have a second round Le Pen - Mélenchon, we're fucked...

Green Yoshi

He is at 19% in the polls. Lepen and Macron both at 23%. Fillon at 19% .

Melanchon has all his chances.

German media only writes about Macron, Le Pen and Fillon.

Perhaps some people, that sympathize with Hamon, will change their decison if his numbers don't catch up.


Hey guys, so uh....the Anglosphere's already fucked up pretty hard in the past year when it comes to elections

Please don't make it three for three


Hey guys, so uh....the Anglosphere's already fucked up pretty hard in the past year when it comes to elections

Please don't make it three for three

I think Le Pen has a higher chance of not making the second round at this point then winning it looking at how first round polls have tightened in the last few days or so.


I think Le Pen has a higher chance of not making the second round at this point then winning it looking at how first round polls have tightened in the last few days or so.

I mean, technically, Melanchon wants out of EU and he has great chances to win considering Hamon is at 8% and he will keep falling while Melanchon gets higher.
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