Thanks for the link, I'll watch when I get home. From what you posted though, it sounds a lot like "acceleration theory" from the #AnyoneButHillary crowd on the left last November. It only works when you don't have anything to lose personally from fascists getting access to power (personally I think we all have something to lose from that, so I don't think it ever works, nevermind the amorality of fucking over others when you think something doesn't affect you).
I think these people are pushing mainly to establish the fact that an alternative to Fillon, Lepen and Macron from the left is both possible & realistic... establish that as a fact in the mind of the common people. If you watched Ruquier's show when he had Mélenchon on recently, he kept repeating how he had no chance of winning, almost violently. To the point that he accused him of filling up the audience with people from his party when applauses were heard because he was that much in disbelief that people could actually like him that much. The idea that a candidate from the left of the left or the real left (one can call it whatever he wants) can't realistically win this election has been anchored in people's minds for so long that equally violent strategies are required to push against it. This explains why Macron is targeted so much (and rightfully so in my opinion).
"Hey look this is what Macron really is and these are the dangers that come with him winning, Mélenchon is on a good dynamic and he represents a better alternative for the people that consider themselves leftist, if you thought about voting "utile" for Macron in first round, vote Mélenchon instead!"
There is no doubt in my mind that they would never call to vote for Lepen in a Macron vs Lepen second round scenario except maybe for a crazy here and there, but there's also no doubt that this will deter a certain number of people from going out and voting Macron in that second round scenario. I don't think these people are in sufficient numbers for it to matter yet though. All in all, right now, Mélenchon's side are in a winning mindset, they want him in the second round and they're focusing on that.
Personally, although I don't agree with the anything but Macron slogan, I really think a new, more equal Europe is needed and I don't see Europe in its current shape being able to uphold peace for long, we already see a lot of tension between many countries (Greece vs Germany comes to mind obviously). That's why I'm hoping for a Mélenchon win. I don't see a path for a different Europe with the other main candidates. Macron seems happy with it, and the same for Fillon. And don't get me started on racist Le Pen...
What about Fillon though? Wouldn't a Fillon presidency pretty much do the same?
Cause I'm tempted to do something I usually don't do, as desperate times call for desperate measures: voting for Macron during the premier tour as a strategic choice. Not because I love him, but because he has the highest chance of beating Le Pen if she makes it to the second tour. Fillon is same old same old, Mélenchon is risky because he's the other extreme, and Hamon doesn't have a chance anyway.
By the way I hate that polls exist. They're the reason people think like this in the first place. If we had no idea such and such candidates were at X%, we would be more inclined to vote for who we like instead of whoever we think is the safest bet.
Yeah I really think it's a push back against the idea that Macron is the only "realistic" option for the people from the left that was hammered over and over in the media for so long.
We are going to see a Mélenchon vs Lepen second round scenario in the polls soon I have no doubt about that, maybe that will help clear things up a bit on who stands where exactly. As always with polls though, it is best to look at dynamics so hopefully we get a few of those before the first round.
That is if the FN doesn't go back into irrelevancy or implode after this election because of infighting since a lot of people within the FN don't like Marine Le Pen or her deputy.They may get pissed off at her if she does worse then expected in the second round. Also, people have forgotten that trump has been doing damage since November. to far right movements all over the place. The FN could easily be damaged permanently by this. It's possibly an even more charismatic and slightly more left wing independent candidate challenges Macron in 2022 and manages to win against him instead of the FN winning that election.
It is very hard to predict what will happen in the future I agree. Les Républicains were not far from a mutiny against Fillon either and le PS is in shambles. On the other hand, Macron's strategy for the legistlative elections is still not clear. Interesting times are ahead for sure...