So apparently François Bayrou (another potential center-right candidate) was on the TV news tonight. Still hasn't said if he would run for President, but will decide before the middle of the month.
I guess if Fillon explodes, he could have a chance too. There will be a void to fill anyway.
Not really.
UMP/LR wouldn't support him (and they are definitely going to have a candidate).
He doesn't have an organized party anymore.
He is at best a right-wing centrist, while Fillon is a on a strong right/far-right approach.
And his political space has been taken up by a younger, fresher, organized candidate (Macron)
Would he even have the 500 signatures required ?
He was on TV so that poll agencies will continue to take in name in the next polls (that are going to be Rolling polls) and so that he can decide based on that if he it is Worth it
By the way others seem eager to fill the void left by Fillon if he steps down, domain names baroin2017 and wauquiez2017 have just been registered...
We don't know where that comes from, it could very well be people that read that in the paper and/or want to be in the paper.
I don't see how he's not gonna drop the race sooner or later though, you can't survive one week like he had. Worst political PR I've seen in years, for someone that was already weak. Even if the police doesn't come for him, the polls will kill him soon and LR/UMP are going to hold an emergency election in order to find a replacement, but good luck finding someone this quickly that everybody want and with a project.
It's an impossible situation. Macron has never been closer to the presidency, he had every single green light since November : Juppé lost against Fillon, leaving the center right ; Hollande not coming again ; Hamon winning over Valls leaving the center right open ; and now Fillon doing the worst pre-campaign. If Bayrou isn't here, Le Pen torn up in scandals and Trump outcomes, and the left lost in a divided state....