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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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A lot can still happen in the next two weeks to strip Macron of some votes. I don't think he can do anything to get more votes than he would get if the 2nd round was tomorrow, now the attacks will be solely focused on him, everything has already been said about LP and the FN, and to many the flux of "celebrity" support will sound like the usual "establishment trying to save the status quo". It's exactly the same situation as what happened in the UK and the US.

But again, a disappointing term by Macron will just open the door to the FN in a few years, wider than it has been so far, and polarize the political scene, which usually favors the right over the left, especially in an aging society.


I meant the german government/elite.

Please remember that I voted for the guy lol

And I like you for that ;)

But I really don't believe that it works that way and Merkel or the government just want to have yes-men in french. Germany and France are deeply connected, both historically and economically. We need you guys :)


Is it really like that? It seems here in Germany most of the people think that Macron would be a very fitting president at the moment. And even if you don't agree with his views I don't see a "bad" candidate as in "Trump"-bad.

Le Pen is basically Adolfa Hitler politically. Her party is basically the equivalent of French National Socialists.

On the other hand. Macron is a free market capitalist ex banker who thinks the invisible hand can fix everything. He would be called a Libertarian here in the USA.


The left/right socialist/capitalist divide is a thing of the past. The battle lines of the 21st century are between people who think immigration and trade are good and people who think they are bad.

So basically this


The left/right socialist/capitalist divide is a thing of the past. The battle lines of the 21st century are between people who think immigration and trade are good and people who think they are bad.

More like a fight between liberalism and nationalism


Mélenchon doesn't support anyone.

So far :

Fillon -> Macron
Hamon -> Macron
Juppé -> Macron
Valls -> Macron
Mélenchon -> None
Arthaud -> Blanc
Poutou -> None (and punch some LePen's supporters while you're at it pls)
Dupont-Aignant -> Next week in game magazines


Le Pen is basically Adolfa Hitler politically. Her party is basically the equivalent of French National Socialists.

On the other hand. Macron is a free market capitalist ex banker who thinks the invisible hand can fix everything. He would be called a Libertarian here in the USA.

On the other hand, you clearly know jack shit about French politics.


Le Pen is basically Adolfa Hitler politically. Her party is basically the equivalent of French National Socialists.

On the other hand. Macron is a free market capitalist ex banker who thinks the invisible hand can fix everything. He would be called a Libertarian here in the USA.

Errr, in no way would he be called libertarian lol


On the other hand. Macron is a free market capitalist ex banker who thinks the invisible hand can fix everything. He would be called a Libertarian here in the USA.

Are you out of your mind? No libertarian would look at his program and go "Yep, that's pretty much exactly what I advocate".
On the other hand. Macron is a free market capitalist ex banker who thinks the invisible hand can fix everything. He would be called a Libertarian here in the USA.

Nah, he would be considered a nutty left-wing tumblrette because he's not thumping the Bible and thinks women should have equality. /s
In all seriousness though, Macron would fall very much in line with very typical establishment Democrats in the US, not Libertarians.


Le Pen is basically Adolfa Hitler politically. Her party is basically the equivalent of French National Socialists.

On the other hand. Macron is a free market capitalist ex banker who thinks the invisible hand can fix everything. He would be called a Libertarian here in the USA.

Nah, Macron would definitely be a Democrat.


I voted for him
(because I felt like I had no choice)
but let's be real. The reason why people like him in Germany is because they know he'll do everything angela tells him to do. Just like Hollande before him. He'll be a yes man. It's sad but it's true.

EU sure could use a Yes-man right now though...
Mélenchon doesn't support anyone.

So far :

Fillon -> Macron
Hamon -> Macron
Juppé -> Macron
Valls -> Macron
Mélenchon -> None
Arthaud -> Blanc
Poutou -> None (and punch some LePen's supporters while you're at it pls)
Dupont-Aignant -> Next week in game magazines

Yeah I saw in the NYT Live Analysis that Mélenchon called choosing between the candidates as "Choosing between the brown plague and liberal cholera".


I voted for him
(because I felt like I had no choice)
but let's be real. The reason why people like him in Germany is because they know he'll do everything angela tells him to do. Just like Hollande before him. He'll be a yes man. It's sad but it's true.

Trust me. What we care about the most is not letting Le Pen destroy the Euro and the EU. You can already see how Merkel or Germany is losing influence within the EU. Southern Europe's buddy is France, the UK goes away, Poland demands more authority and is pretty much anti-Merkel.

Germany knows it faces opposition. You already see concessions with the Europe of two speeds. And Merkel faces opposition from the SPD, who pretty much agree with everyone else that austerity is not the solution to Europe's problems.


Am I wrong about Le Pen? She is awful.

I am reading Macron's policies and he is all about free markets and liberal economics but is very socially liberal.

From what I've been reading about him Macron is probably the closest thing to a US democrat there is in europe.
Yeah I saw in the NYT Live Analysis that Mélenchon called choosing between the candidates as "Choosing between the brown plague and liberal cholera".

He's France's Jill Stein?

Am I wrong about Le Pen? She is awful.

I am reading Macron's policies and he is all about free markets and liberal economics but is very socially liberal.

Le Pen is awful. She's more Steve Bannon than she is Donald Trump.

Macron's economic policies seem to follow the consensus of economists (immigration and free trade is a good thing), and is socially liberal (called the French occupation of Algeria a crime against humanity, against laws banning headscarves, etc.)


The Birthday Skeleton
It feels like propaganda is in full power now. Regarding Macron's vision about economy. Soon he will kill some poor people for fun or something.


As someone who despises free market capitalism and xenophobia and racism in all its forms I'd have a horrible lesser of two evils choice to make. I'd go with Macron because of his views on immigration but Le Pen's economic policies align more with someone on the far left like myself. It's a pity her and her party are horribly repugnant nationalists.


Still frightening that 38% of French voters would be ready to vote for Le Pen at the second round. The National Front has gained 20% in fifteen years.


From what I've been reading about him Macron is probably the closest thing to a US democrat there is in europe.

From heavy.com

Emmanuel Macron, who is a former businessman himself, says he will make France more business friendly and lower corporate taxes.
Specifically, Macron has promised to lower the corporate tax rate from 33 percent to 25 percent. He also wants to keep the legal work week at 35 hours but leave negotiation of real work hours to companies, according to Reuters.
In addition, low-wage earners would not receive certain welfare benefits under Macron’s proposals.
It’s for these positions that Macron has been criticized by some on the left. According to The New York Times, during a recent campaign event, Macron was heckled by a young man who said that he had “not a penny to pay for a suit like that one.” Macron responded by saying, “The best way to pay for a suit is to work,” to which the man replied, “I’ve worked since the age of 16.”
Macron’s platform also calls for €50 billion in public investments over the next five years.

Another one of Emmanuel Macron’s policy positions is that he wants to boost defense spending.
According to Reuters, Macron wants to raise defense spending to two percent of GDP, up from the current figure of 1.8 percent. Also, he wants to build 15,000 new prisons and hire 10,000 new police officers.
In addition, Macron recently said that there should be international military intervention if there comes to be evidence that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons.
“An international intervention is needed…My preference is that there should be an intervention under the auspices of the United Nations. A military intervention,” Macron said in early April.
Macron had previously called for a more “balanced” policy towards Syria.


He doesn't sound like a Democrat to me...


paid requisite penance
Yeah he is so full of shit, it's appalling.

The problem with far-something candidates is they usually have their ideologies and their heads so far up their own asses that they won't accept any compromise. To them, any compromise is just like being sheep and bowing to the media/system/other countries. They're *gasp* extremists in every way.

For a more dignified stance, you only need to listen to Hamon's post-defeat speech, which basically boils down to "I failed, the PS failed, it's our fault, we need to do some serious thinking. For the moment, vote Macron even if he doesn't represent the left. I know to draw the line between a political adversary (Macron) and an enemy of the republic (Le Pen)."

Good guy Hamon indeed. Even if I didn't vote for him, I'm sad he isn't more popular. But I hope he can lick his wounds and come back stronger next time around.


Full details of 2nd tour poll :
52% of those who voted Mélenchon will vote Macron. 12% to Le Pen. 36% none.
76% of Hamon's voters -> Macron. 3% to Le Pen. 21% none.
99% of Macron's Voters will vote for...Macron. ONE % to Le Pen (good joke mate you're very funny).
47% of Fillon's Voters for Macron, 23 to Lepen, 30 to none.
4% of Lepen's voters for Macron, 94 to Lepen (duh) and 2 to none.


Neo Member
Mélenchon's spokeperson has been more explicit, saying something like "not a single vote should go for the national front [for the 2nd turn]".
This election will be remembered as the failure of the left, I dreamt about a Hamon/Mélenchon alliance, sad.
Now let's kick LePen out.


American politics are so warped that their people need to make efforts to try to understand the political landscape of other countries.


I see a few Melanchon voters go to Le Pen. Even if they would 'think' they are against everything she is about. Many will also choose none or to stay home.

People are not seeing the forest for the trees. You have very anti-EU, anti-immigration, anti-globalization, ultranationalism take centre stage. It will not go away with a Le Pen second round loss. Someone said not to be worried because her dad got a lot in 2002. Well 15 years later his daughter is currently #1 with 25% according to the interior ministry. Macron is pro-EU, a banker, but you pretty much saw the repudiation of far left, and centre left politics in France tonight for a bit. The pendulum has definitely swung right.
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