Oh look the Cold War bullshit with Russia behind the scene again.
Even if it was true, European countries have more to gain to be allied to our neighbor than your country. Europeans (not UK) and especially french population don't want to be americans, except maybe by wearing Nike shoes, watch blockbuster movies and play EA games.
Aside from closing "welcome to immigrants" borders, you should read and follow french politics, everything from Le Pen program is more left than the french "democrats" program. Actually she is very close to Melenchon on every subjects, except that she is not trying to please everyone and being vague about some sensible stuffs. Just like leaving Europe, she is not planning to do it, she is only planning to give the choice to the population. If the population chooses to leave it, then screw whoever says they are not allowed to decide.
As I said before, the Le Pen party was considered evil in the last 40 years and still carries this image, but except for the shitty jokes from Le Pen-senior, anything he said about immigration and economy matters in the past is what the french Left (center) and Right say today. You only know that when you are old enough to remember and watch/read/follows TV debates, speeches, meetings and programs; not by listening 1 minute flash news or BHL editorials. (I am not saying "fake news")
The vast majority of french normal people have shitty jobs without security ("liberal" french left is trying to match the working policies with your beloved country where you can fire anyone easily, not blaming you, it is not how our society worked), pay (very) high taxes and do not invest money, this is the most logical choice when you are not a parisian hipster bourgeois or a clueless student.
Oh and Putin wants his country to be strong, sovereign, and tries to protect his borders and sea connections in an American World Empire TM. Shame on him, burn him!!!!