More dragon quest stuff plus some other bits & pieces as well as some more switch additions from my wishlist/preorders.
Roto's shield is the second piece of his equipment obtained, that's two down and 2 left to go the helm is probably the hardest & most expensive to find now as it came out ages ago. Love the quality of these things, too small to wear but large enough to mount to the wall and look pretty cool.
Also grabbed this neat looking slime hourglass it appears as the loading icon in some DQ games & has enough sand in it to let me make a cup noodle. Shame it wasn't more full to make it look like a slime properly but i see why they did it as 3 min is useful.
Another book to the library this one been on gashapon through the years from the 60's to the 90's, pretty much all full colour illustrations of alsorts of neat old gacha stuff. Will go read this over the weekend in more detail
Some more gacha this month to add to the collection some stackable slime DQ figures and some chonky haniwa and other ancient Japanese artifacts but i mainly got it for the haniwa.
Some switch stuff, a mix of alsorts in there. Was surprised to see the asian version of the DQ collection that has englis on amazon japan so i grabbed it as i have been meaning to pick it up for ages,
And finally my mugen gashapon, been waiting since last year for this preorder to finally be released. I love wacky gadget stuff like this, too much effort to describe what they do in detail so here's a youtube vid on them.
This lot will keep me going till next payday