Why would we not count Territorial Control? 2Fort was the only CTF map at launch, but we don't act like TF2 doesn't have it as a mode.
A year ago, I spent $50 on TF2. I bought literally every hat and weapon skin I wanted, for every class. In Overwatch, you have no choice but to gamble for skins if you want to avoid the RNG grind; $50 (really $110) will get you a ton of low-tier poses and voice lines, maybe a "legendary" skin for a character you don't play, and maaaaaybe enough game credit to buy a single skin you actually want. One of these is encouraging you to spend more money than the other.
Oh, ok, so the one that SHOWERS you in crates that you literally cannot open without a 2.50 microtransaction (or trading someone for keys, same thing since you have to give something valuable enough to get them) isn't encouraging you to spend money?
The one where all of the most desireable items ONLY exist through microtransactions with crates and keys isn't encouraging you to spend money?
I like how you keep trying to undermine OW's scheme by acting as though it's a severe challenge to get a skin you want, when you have very good odds of having one within your first 30-40 levels without spending a dime (and if you don't, you've probably got several others, also as you level more you're increasingly likely to get coins to just buy everything you desire).
You spent 50 bucks and bought a bunch of hats on the marketplace? Grats, now how possible is it to get that shit without spending a dime? oh it's basically not? yeah that's what I was thinking too.
The 'badness' of the microtransaction has little to do with what it costs to get what you want, which is still lower in Overwatch for true 'prestige' items since there aren't any 1 in 256 type bullshit drops with fancy particle effects to try and sucker people into buying keys, they don't litter your screen with crates and go 'hey, you ALREADY OWN THIS ITEM, but to open it you gotta spend some money bro, it's cheap really' (the actual scummiest way to goad people into spending money on random chance btw). The badness of the microtransactions in games revolve around your ability to get those items without spending a cent. In your average F2P game the amount of time required to get an item you want tends to reach into the stratosphere, and TF2 is no different. If you want a specific hat from purely in game drops, you're spending hundreds upon hundreds of hours playing just to craft fucking metal and scrap and tokens and everything else to have a good chance at getting what you want with crafting. With OW if you invested a couple hundred hours without spending a cent there is 0 chance for you not to have earned at least 3-4,000 gold on top of whatever random drops you got. With about 200 hours in the closed beta after they added loot boxes, I had at least one legendary skin for every hero, or damn close to it, and more than one for several. Back to F2P game trash like TF2, you've got your base level unlocks that you have to grind for, which are always gameplay affecting, and in most games are huge grinds (phone games for example), to encourage you to spend money. Once you've gotten all of that a lot of these games rely on cosmetics that you simply cannot ever get without spending money. League of Legends skins aren't available for IP. TF2 strange hats aren't going to just drop for you with your random drop. Overwatch doesn't have any of that shit gated. Literally the only skins you can't just reasonably get for free playing the game are the origin edition ones. There is no other item available that you can't just obtain flat out playing the game a totally fine amount of time.