Explain to me which dictionary tells you that it's still gambling if you always win.
Playing a slot machine that always pays out a minimum of $0.50 on each $2 play is still gambling
Explain to me which dictionary tells you that it's still gambling if you always win.
Exactly, not like you go into open a crate when you have none and it gives you a massive pop up saying you don't have any but would you like to buy more?
You get the option off to the side in a unobtrusive manner akin to "Hey guys we sell these things to the side buy them or don't whatever we don't care"
I don't understand how someone could care enough about sprays, poses, and voice lines to pay actual money. They are the definition of worthless.
Look. You can sit there and theorycraft and hypothesize your worst case scenarios all day long to try and hang on to your point. I'm telling you, after a dozen or so 50 box bundles opened, how the system works and what the odds seem to be based on blizzard's other titles, odds across like 15 bundles (750 opened boxes across like 4 accounts), and reasonably known pity mechanics.
You get a random legendary roughly 1:20
Pity timer seems to be 30-40 boxes
Credits across 50 boxes start out at what seems to be 1800 (we'll say 1600-1900 to be safe) and goes up above 2000 with further bundles.
If you want to pay for boxes ithats about what to expect. If you have a smaller collection with a smaller sample size you'll probably see results quite different. That's why you don't generate statistics with small sample sizes.
If you don't want to pay for boxes, all you need to do is thank those of us who are paying for them for ensuring that all future GAMEPLAY content is released with no additional charge.
I don't get it and I'll ask again whether the OP wants full voice acting and paid DLC for new maps / heroes / game modes. The game is balls to the walls fun as it is and we'll be getting new toys to play for free. You can't have cake and eat it too.
Hate to know how OP feels about Hearthstone or Magic the Gathering or most Mobile games, facebook games, ... ...
Just seems whiny when there's no material advantage to be gained in Overwatch.
I think the main issue is charging microtransactions for a full priced game. I really liked the beta, I totally intend to buy it later (cheaper), but I think that kind sucks.
It was either the MTs we got or they charge for each and every major content update, splitting the playerbase. Charging for MTs isn't new, nor is it about to stop anytime soon, especially as games get more and more expensive to create and support over time.
Generally speaking, people prefer paying 60 dollars + cosmetics microtransactions, or something like Heroes of the Storm, where you can play for free, with character rotations, and buy your favorites separately + cosmetic microtransactions?
I for one think Heroes of the Storm model is pretty decent.
This is hilariously ironic considering I'm stating facts and posting proof while you're the one theorizing on how the system actually works. I'm telling you, this micro transaction system is based on a "game of chance" system that you can AT BEST be vaguely certain of (and vague certainty is mechanism of exploiting people that F2P and "Freemium" titles use.) I've been posting videos that backed that up. You're the one theorizing "pity timers" and at what point the credit system becomes a certainty based on nothing but your own word about your anecdotal experience as a whale.
I don't work for Blizzard, but I do work in games, and some of the titles on which I have worked have "blind bag" type item packs. Those games most certainly do include Pitty timers (I implemented it myself), as does more or less every other developer out there. Each one is going to work differently, but they're an incredibly common way of making players feel rewarded when luck is screwing them over. IMO Blizzard definitely does this. I would stake my life savings on it.
you are missing the point
No, I said that he is theorizing pity timers. Which he is. There's a difference.You seem to think Pitty timers don't exist. They do.
No, I said that he is theorizing pity timers. Which he is. There's a difference.
You are missing the point. This is once again theorizing RNG of an uncertain mechanic designed to be uncertain in a way that you can feel vaguely certain about but not are. It's a system that makes people say you'll definitely make enough credit to buy a skin when you get 24 of them. And oh, when that turns out to be wrong? Buy another 24! You already put $20 anyways and you'll be certain to get enough credit for that skin and hey maybe every single box is a legendary*.Blizzard are never going to reveal the inner workings, so all one could do is thorize and experiment to get a rough image of how it works. His theories don't seem outlandish in the slightest. Do you really think each box you open is just pure RNG?
You are missing the point. Is a slot machine pure RNG? How certain are you when you play on one?
*every single box won't be a legendary. but the rules will never be made clear to the consumer.
this is the only way you can partake in getting unlocks and customizing your favorite heroes.
Right, you can make a educated guess when it's going to pay out. But it's not certain. If you came across a gambling addict, would you pointing him to this slot machine be the morally right thing to do?If you've watched the machine then you can figure out it's payout value.
Maybe I am missing the point, but you haven't made it very well.
Great, you've gone away from theory crafting how Blizzard handles the odds (which you will never be certain) and got back to what matters. Which is that it's a gamble with what you're going to get.Rules? They're pretty clear to me. "Here's a box. You don't know whats in it. Could be good, could be bad. $2 to find out."
Yes, Blizzard is putting this "game of chance" in everybody's hands for free. But your additional free chances get dolled out slower and slower and it might not be until hour twenty that you'll even see a legendary and even longer that you'll get the credit to buy the exact thing you want. You can't pay for the credit itself, but you can pay to partake in more chances.You know you can just get them for levelling up, right?
A paywall doesn't employ gambling tactics designed to exploit various human behaviors in hopes of getting them to spend more money than they should.Yes, they need to create value somewhere. In this case, value through artificial scarcity.
Because otherwise they won't make enough money to fund continual development at all. At least from their point of view.
Other games lock gameplay behind paywalls/grindwalls to give value to their MTX options. Is it so difficult to admit how much worse this is, for the actual health of a game, than locking away cosmetics behind various barriers?
A paywall doesn't employ gambling tactics designed to exploit various human behaviors in hopes of getting them to spend more money than they should.
Yeah. Like how I'm pissed I've dropped hundreds on League of Legends and now I don't even play anymore and every time I poke around in it again I realize there's all this cool stuff I won't ever get to experience unless I grind/pay for it.It just results in a situation where some gamers feel that they are not getting the content that they deserve for their money. Which can suck! I've been there.
Yes. Is it not? I mean, when governments have to heavily regulate or make gambling illegal you should take into considering why that's the case. And how Overwatch does it feels so deliberate, so calculated at activating those tendencies. People fucking love loot crates and legendary skins. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard is making a ton of bank right now right off of them, and I bet we're going to see a ton of new Overwatch content over the years because they need to keep those loot crates valuable.Is that the crux of your argument? That exploiting gambling tendencies is worse than other kinds of whale hunting?
Yes. Is it not?
It's probably been pointed out a few dozen times in this thread by now but a Free to play character system would not work with the Overwatch gameplay.Generally speaking, people prefer paying 60 dollars + cosmetics microtransactions, or something like Heroes of the Storm, where you can play for free, with character rotations, and buy your favorites separately + cosmetic microtransactions?
I for one think Heroes of the Storm model is pretty decent.
Generally speaking, people prefer paying 60 dollars + cosmetics microtransactions, or something like Heroes of the Storm, where you can play for free, with character rotations, and buy your favorites separately + cosmetic microtransactions?
I for one think Heroes of the Storm model is pretty decent.
All of your bitching and not one of you addresses how else pay launch support and development is paid for. Heroes and LoL? Lock away game content behind a grind or paywall. Valve games? Subsidized by a store that has a 99% market share in the PC games industry. COD? Season passes on game content. So keep bitching I guess. In the meantime those of us fine with it will continue ensuring that those who aren't fine can continue to play with no further charges.I mean the suggestion that "put in $150 dollars and you'll never have to worry about your chances again" is a pretty fucking bad one. If you are a millionaire whatever sure fine but people vulnerable to these transaction mechanics think that way too. People that need that money to feed their family or keep the lights on.
It's probably been pointed out a few dozen times in this thread by now but a Free to play character system would not work with the Overwatch gameplay.
In Overwatch your are expected to change your character depending on many different situations. Like your team composition, enemy team composition, map, Attack or Defense, beginning of match or end, etc.
This would create a huge balance disparity between the people with many characters and the people with free characters in a Free to play system.
And if they changed the gameplay to suit the Free to play system the gameplay would suffer greatly and the game would not be as good or fun because of it.
A Buy to play system was the best choice for the game but there also needs to be a way for it to sustain revenue between box sales.
It seems to make sense to everyone. Sadly a small group of people want to bitch about microtransactions yet ignore the repercussions of doing away with them.Yeah, that makes sense to me!
I want to pay for my content, one and done. I'd gladly pay for heroes and maps if it means we wouldn't have to deal with the hot mess that is the loot crate distribution system.All of your bitching and not one of you addresses how else pay launch support and development is paid for. Heroes and LoL? Lock away game content behind a grind or paywall. Valve games? Subsidized by a store that has a 99% market share in the PC games industry. COD? Season passes on game content. So keep bitching I guess. In the meantime those of us fine with it will continue ensuring that those who aren't fine can continue to play with no further charges.
"Oh shit!! We need Lucio guys. Hey lets play CTF on the China map."I want to pay for my content, one and done. I'd gladly pay for heroes and maps if it means we wouldn't have to deal with the hot mess that is the loot crate distribution system.
Really? Show me one shooter where you have paid DLC where the user base has maintained or grown over many years. Why do you think the ones with paid DLC see new releases every 1-2 years?And making people pay for them isn't some ominous boogeyman that people make it out to be. The userbase is large enough to sustain itself even if split.
"Oh shit!! We need Lucio guys. Hey lets play CTF on the China map."
"Sorry. I didn't buy any of that and none of it is on rotation this week."
Vs. "you have everyone unlocked, everyone coming in the future unlocked, amd never have to worry about having to buy a character, map or game mode. "
All because you guys want to bitch about paper hats.
For fuck sake.
Really? Show me one shooter where you have paid DLC where the user base has maintained or grown over many years. Why do you think the ones with paid DLC see new releases every 1-2 years?
Every shooter that has maintained its health over 4 or more years has done so on new game content for no additional charge. Period.
Really? Show me one shooter where you have paid DLC where the user base has maintained or grown over many years. Why do you think the ones with paid DLC see new releases every 1-2 years?
Every shooter that has maintained its health over 4 or more years has done so on new game content for no additional charge. Period.
Isn't it pretty standard Blizzard to average a legendary item around 20 or so tries? Hearthstone works out about the same, give or take 5 packs opened.
Weak logic, tons of people still play old shooter like BF3, they release them so often because they know people will buy the same game again with a fresh coat of paint.
Blizzard isn't trying to be your buddy with this game, they have enitre departments devoted to the best way to separate you from your dollar. It's a business. If they could do an Overwatch 2 in 2 year they would, they just crunched the numbers and this way works so much better for them.
All any game company sees in the consumer is $$$$
competitively? bullshit.Weak logic, tons of people still play old shooter like BF3, they release them so often because they know people will buy the same game again with a fresh coat of paint.
umm.. why not both? Why not a game that people love to play and remains healthy for years AND something that's profitable for the company?Blizzard isn't trying to be your buddy with this game, they have enitre departments devoted to the best way to separate you from your dollar. It's a business. If they could do an Overwatch 2 in 2 year they would, they just crunched the numbers and this way works so much better for them.
wow. so there's no love for creating new and exciting things for people to enjoy. all about that almighty dollar I guess. I mean that's all anyone talks about at events like GDC and such, right?All any game company sees in the consumer is $$$$
They release them so often because the community jumps off a cliff several months after release so they can go to "the next best thing". Making a "new" "next best thing" gets peoples attention again. The lemmings that continue to jump from game to game because they only follow what's being talked about, rather than sit in one place, are the reason why most MP games don't last past the "honeymoon" period.
If a single one of them could hold people for more than a few months, maybe they'd actually be more willing to support it for a longer period of time, rather than dump it the moment they're done with dlc. The "tons" of people still playing BF3 clearly isn't enough for them to give a shit about supporting it anymore, other than keeping the severs online still.
I enjoy the unlock system...