I responded to your post 10 minutes ago. It's like 5 posts above yours.
Come on now.
You responded specifically about speech lines that are taunts and nod the more general question, which is what i'm still trying to get at. If you point to to the lack of impact of items as a reason why you are OK with the items being locked, then the next logical step is to ask your stance generally about any type of game that might lock non-gameplay-impacting content like dubbing, music, purely visual gfx effects and the like.
So you'er still hung up on voice lines even though it's been shown time and again just how far off the mark your original assumption about them were?
Yes, it woudl be shitty if all of the voice were locked away, instead it's just quick taunt one liners/quips that don't really add anything, just like sprays, and all real dialogue is where it should be. So why the fuck do you keep bringing it up as though it's doing something else?
I wasn't off the mark. If my math is right, there exists 189 lines of speech that are locked out of the gate.
It's shitty ANY portion of voice lines are locked away solely to serve a random unlocking system and MTAs. You might not care about quips while i think they tend to be the most enjoyable and funny lines in similar titles.
Which is why again i ask, would you be ok if Witcher 3 removed all voice acting for curses, insults and other non-informative speech only to have you randomly unlock them line by line, character by character. It's just lines! They don't add anything! Taunts and Quips!
Do you hold the opinion non-gameplay impacting elements and content of a video game can't affect a title's quality or the enjoyment of?
I know that, and already responded numerous times to this argument.
but when people that have played the game say it's not an issue, then what?
Then nothing. We've seen in the past people defending much more apparent issues and problems with games and microtransactions specifically.
More importantly, the argument boils down to me not being supposed to hold voice-acted speech lines higher than visual cosmetics. All other arguments such as 'just quips' or 'most of the overall speech is available' only emphasize the absurdity of the situation.
Which is why i asked like 3 people so far how far they are willing to let this approach go of being fine and dandy with non-gameplay impacting elements of game being locked down like they are in Overwatch. I still didn't get a straight answer. Somehow, i don't think any RPG locking 10% of its voice acting the way Overwatch does is going to be accepted with open arms.