Me too, I got Ifrit Zenyatta, joker Junkrat, Vikram Zarya, all white McCree, alien logo Lucio and more skins and I am sitting at 1850 gold, feel like buying that awesome Hanzo wolf skin.Who would ever buy loot crates?.I said as I paid $40 within the first three hours of playing
Got some decent stuff at least and about 1700 gold.
I love this game, everything is just so fun. Even when losing I'm still having a blast.
Question: I am thinking about buying Overwatch but am a bit unsure how region-locks work/exist in I am currently in Europe but will soon return and play in Asia.
If I buy a retail-version of the game here would I have any disadvantage? Would I be missing languages?
What if I buy on while being here? Would I be missing out on anything? Are game-keys sold online global keys?
Blows my mind that this game runs on my old ass graphic card GTX 580 at 70fps on everything high.
I love this game, everything is just so fun. Even when losing I'm still having a blast.
Blows my mind that this game runs on my old ass graphic card GTX 580 at 70fps on everything high.
Blows my mind that this game runs on my old ass graphic card GTX 580 at 70fps on everything high.
This game is so polished man, I love playing as a healer so far.
Does anyone have Lucio tips? Only support I feel like I am contributing when I play them is Mercy and the medidating dude.
Dat shiny plotSo much "Lore" and "plot"
No legendary skins. Level 9. Salty.
Dat shiny plot
Thank you for paying my server costs. ^__^I bought 60 loot boxes
Does anyone have Lucio tips? Only support I feel like I am contributing when I play them is Mercy and the medidating dude.
The deepest of lore.So much "Lore" and "plot"
Does anyone have Lucio tips? Only support I feel like I am contributing when I play them is Mercy and the medidating dude.
So much "Lore" and "plot"
Make sure the you have a line of sight to the majority of your team. You don't need to be looking at them, but there needs to be no obstructions between you and any teammate you want to heal/speed up. The icon in the middle of the screen will tell you how many teammates you're currently buffing. I tend to stick to healing and just use the speed boost when leaving the spawn point or if I need to get out of a firefight. If you stick near your team, boost the healing during a skirmish, and use the ult around your team when the enemies are making a big push you'll be a good Lucio.
Does anyone have Lucio tips? Only support I feel like I am contributing when I play them is Mercy and the medidating dude.
How the hell is Mei balanced?
I can understand her offense and her ability to fuck up positioning being so damn good.
But why in the hell does she also have the option to just go invulnerable for like 4 seconds and heal herself up?
Also Reaper:
Why is he allowed to pick up health kits when he's in his ghost/floaty form?
Also Mercy:
Why does she even have highlight intros? You're never ever ever going to see a Mercy highlight ever.
So much "Lore" and "plot"
Ping ponging between Junkrat and Lucio in most games. Love them both equally.