This is one of the saddest posts I have read
I dunno, I see his point. I'm against maps/characters buying because maps fragment the userbase and characters can lead to situations where the best counter to a character is behind a paywall. But I find buying cosmentics out right (or buying the currency to buy them in game) a better way because buying loot boxes (or random medals or keys or whatever in a f2p game) is just straight up gambling.
I'm not opposed to microtransactions and I'm not going to buy any boxes and this system obviously works well because multiple users in this topic have already bought the most expensive bundle. But I see his point of a purchase being "one and done" being better than the random drop gamble. Like if I could just pay an amount of money and get all the skins/sprays/poses/voice lines I want then I'd much rather pay $40 for that than $40 for a random assortment of things that might consist entirely of things I don't want or care about.