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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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They did something with retail version of the game. :(

On some maps i am getting fps drops to 40. I am sure that it's not drivers issue. In beta i had stable 60fps.
Also i have some weird input lag, or i am not even sure what it is. For example with Soldier: 76 when i want to shoot or use the rockets it's like game doesn't even register it at all, and i have to click twice to start shooting.

Am i the only one? I never had these issues when i was playing the beta. :/
-Some more responses on that quick communication wheel would be nice. Maybe enemy callouts or some general "get on the point stupid" ones (heroes sometimes say this at random but it'd be nice to manually trigger) and maybe a general "good job/nice shot" attaboy.
Just a note: I believe the game does throw these out, but they're player-specific. So you will hear a nearby friend compliment your shot if you do something well, but that friend may not actually hear it on their end; it's purely to make the player feel good. They do a lot of tricksy audio stuff this way. See also: when friends call out "behind you!"


They did something with retail version of the game. :(

On some maps i am getting fps drops to 40. I am sure that it's not drivers issue. In beta i had stable 60fps.
Also i have some weird input lag, or i am not even sure what it is. For example with Soldier: 76 when i want to shoot or use the rockets it's like game doesn't even register it at all, and i have to click twice to start shooting.

Am i the only one? I never had these issues when i was playing the beta. :/
Updated drivers?
They did something with retail version of the game. :(

On some maps i am getting fps drops to 40. I am sure that it's not drivers issue. In beta i had stable 60fps.
Also i have some weird input lag, or i am not even sure what it is. For example with Soldier: 76 when i want to shoot or use the rockets it's like game doesn't even register it at all, and i have to click twice to start shooting.

Am i the only one? I never had these issues when i was playing the beta. :/
I actually feel like the retail version runs smoother than the beta. Might be a drivers issue.


It should happen, though. McRee has poor mobility, takes a while to get into position, has routes he cannot take that Winston or other strong mobility character can, etc. And why wouldn't you expect a premier damage dealer to do what he was design to do?

You got got, and its a bad matchup. Thats the game.

I highly suggest anyone who wants to complain about any character just play as that character instead and FIND OUT.

I've played McCree. I played the entire Beta week as well as a couple of the Beta weekends prior to that. I feel like I have a good handle on the game and most of the characters. I am not just complaining because I "got got". McCree is legitimately a bit too powerful. I don't feel this way about any other character. McCree may not have as much mobility but he doesn't need it, he is very easy to aim with and his aim is anywhere he can see. No non-ult attack in the game should be able to take out a tank character at full.

Nah McCree is the most used character in competitive play for a reason and sits on top of the tier list. He's very strong. Mei wishes she could do anything like that as easily.

Exactly. There's a reason a lot of the competitive teams we have seen are running two McCrees. He's not completely unreasonable but he needs to be tuned a bit.

I feel like he stands out considerably compared with the balance of the rest of the cast. It's for the most part pretty great.

Conversely the only characters I feel are a bit underpowered right now are Tjorbjorn, DVA, Symmetra, and Zenyatta. But they aren't egregiously so and good players can still do plenty of great things with them..


One thing that bugged me in the beta and is still an issue - Reaper's teleport is seriously buggy when it comes to ledges, windows. It's so finicky that I've absolutely died because I stood in a spot for around 5 seconds trying to line it up before an enemy suddenly appeared. Wish it just worked like Dishonored's blink and was more reliant on the aim reticule.
How Blizzard's server guys must be feeling right now



I highly suggest anyone who wants to complain about any character just play as that character instead and FIND OUT.

OMG, 150% this!

I've point-blanked fan the hammer in roadhogs face before and sure it took him way down fast, but definitely didn't kill him.


Just had an epic match. Both teams at 1 point a piece. Other team has 99% on the control point. We were able to get from to 0% to 100% to win it all. That robot guy with the shield made all the difference.
I dunno, I see his point. I'm against maps/characters buying because maps fragment the userbase and characters can lead to situations where the best counter to a character is behind a paywall. But I find buying cosmentics out right (or buying the currency to buy them in game) a better way because buying loot boxes (or random medals or keys or whatever in a f2p game) is just straight up gambling.

I'm not opposed to microtransactions and I'm not going to buy any boxes and this system obviously works well because multiple users in this topic have already bought the most expensive bundle. But I see his point of a purchase being "one and done" being better than the random drop gamble. Like if I could just pay an amount of money and get all the skins/sprays/poses/voice lines I want then I'd much rather pay $40 for that than $40 for a random assortment of things that might consist entirely of things I don't want or care about.

But they make more money with a gamble system, and presumably, make back the money they lose on characters and maps, which are surefire sellers

I will never understand why people criticize this model, when maps and characters are free. I've even heard some people say they prefer to pay for maps and characters, which is completely short-sighted IMO.
McCree is actually overpowered, though. I say this as someone who uses McCree a lot. Because he's overpowered.

I would make small (small!) tweaks to Lucio, McCree, and Widowmaker before touching anyone else. The first two in particular just have too much powerful utility in too many contexts. There's a reason they almost never don't feature in pro teams.


I don't get why people think Zarya is shit tbh. Situational, sure, but in the right situation... she's really good.

Zarya is one of the most challenging heroes to play as an inexperienced player because her power is dependent on shielding somebody right before they take a lot of damage.
This was bound to happen after all of the times I've said bad things about Mei. I might have to begrudgingly use Mei once. Two legendaries in my last 3 boxes though (the other was 500g), not bad.

Practised a little in the training map with McRee and did well with him. Oddly enough when I tried him in a match or two the problem I had with him is that I thought he was mechanically harder than he is.
Does anyone have gameplay of a team vs. team?

I played this only with randoms and I thought it was okay fun, but nothing that Id miss. I feel competitive gameplay would change that.


I have not encountered a single useful Zarya player on console. Nobody seems to use her well.

I just had a great game with a Zarya player. I was Symmetra, the Zarya was holding the point like no one's business and setting me up with perfect shields for me to get beam kills. I ended up getting play of the game when she threw the black hole and I killed every motherfucker on the opposing team with my beam/nearby sentries. So nice. Symmetra <3 Zarya.


Conversely the only characters I feel are a bit underpowered right now are Tjorbjorn, DVA, Symmetra, and Zenyatta. But they aren't egregiously so and good players can still do plenty of great things with them..

Symmetra and Zenyatta were the last two characters nerfed during the beta, and it feels like the nerfs went a bit far. (Symmetra: Photon Shield reduced from 50 to 25; Zenyatta: Orb of Harmony and Discord now require line of sight.) The Symmetra nerf also doubled as a Zenyatta/Tracer nerf, because those two characters benefited the most from the ability.

Zenyatta in particular was hit by multiple nerfs back-to-back, and that final nerf might have been the breaking point. The line of sight requirement is just too difficult to maintain given Zenyatta's playstyle.


I came in with 2.30 left in a game on hollywood, my team had not even taken A.

I did more pushing, more kills and got POTG in that 2.30 than anyone else. Some people are straight up bad. We lost because while I was capping my team was trying to chase down a single tracer i didn't kill
McCree is actually overpowered, though. I say this as someone who uses McCree a lot. Because he's overpowered.

I would make small (small!) tweaks to Lucio, McCree, and Widowmaker before touching anyone else. The first two in particular just have too much powerful utility in too many contexts. There's a reason they almost never don't feature in pro teams.

Lucio being so strong kind of annoys me because for me at least he's by far the most boring support to play. But he's also in many situations the most effective because of the extreme amount of healing he can put out just by being alive.
It should happen, though. McRee has poor mobility, takes a while to get into position, has routes he cannot take that Winston or other strong mobility character can, etc. And why wouldn't you expect a premier damage dealer to do what he was design to do?

You got got, and its a bad matchup. Thats the game.

I highly suggest anyone who wants to complain about any character just play as that character instead and FIND OUT.

I was going to say that's how a lot of fighting games work, then I saw your username, lol.
Symmetra and Zenyatta were the last two characters nerfed during the beta, and it feels like the nerfs went a bit far. (Symmetra: Photon Shield reduced from 50 to 25; Zenyatta: Orb of Harmony and Discord now require line of sight.) The Symmetra nerf also doubled as a Zenyatta/Tracer nerf, because those two characters benefited the most from the ability.

Zenyatta in particular was hit by multiple nerfs back-to-back, and that final nerf might have been the breaking point. The line of sight requirement is just too difficult to maintain given Zenyatta's playstyle.
I like Symmetra and Zenyatta a lot, and I think they're underplayed because there's a degree of complexity to both (in addition to being supports), but yeah, Sym's kit is a little too situational (I tend to use her for the first objective while defending only) and Zenyatta is just a little too frail. They could use subtle reworks, nothing too crazy. Maybe it'd be simpler for the orbs to expire over time rather than disappear out of LoS?

Lucio being so strong kind of annoys me because for me at least he's by far the most boring support to play. But he's also in many situations the most effective because of the extreme amount of healing he can put out just by being alive.
I like using him more than Mercy, but yeah, his design leaves me cold and most of what you're doing is just busywork. I'm always happy when someone else takes the role so I don't have to.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I haven't played everyone yet but so far Junkrat is my waifu.


So for someone that doesn't like to get TOO competitive with shooters, (but still some what), but does enjoy having fun with them, is this worth 60$? Is there any single player stuff?

I still have SFV for my competitive needs, but I've pretty much just been playing that since February and would like something new for a bit.
Is the Hero of My Storm poster in Hollywood new? I don't remember noticing it in the beta. I think I would have noticed it before because it stars Hana Song
(aka D.va)
, but maybe I'm just blind.


McCree is actually overpowered, though. I say this as someone who uses McCree a lot. Because he's overpowered.

I would make small (small!) tweaks to Lucio, McCree, and Widowmaker before touching anyone else. The first two in particular just have too much powerful utility in too many contexts. There's a reason they almost never don't feature in pro teams.

As someone who played Lucio for the first time last night, what is considered too powerful with him? Just curious.
McCree is definitely the most powerful character, hands down, do not past go, do not collect $200. He's the big gun to worry about at higher levels, not the scrub killers like Mei or Bastion(who are actually not played much at higher level teams for a reason).

And to think he was even MORE OP in the first beta.

edit: Lucio is second only to Reinhardt in how versatile he is. There's never a bad time to have a Lucio/Reinhardt on the team, offense or defense.
Symmetra and Zenyatta were the last two characters nerfed during the beta, and it feels like the nerfs went a bit far. (Symmetra: Photon Shield reduced from 50 to 25; Zenyatta: Orb of Harmony and Discord now require line of sight.) The Symmetra nerf also doubled as a Zenyatta/Tracer nerf, because those two characters benefited the most from the ability.

Zenyatta in particular was hit by multiple nerfs back-to-back, and that final nerf might have been the breaking point. The line of sight requirement is just too difficult to maintain given Zenyatta's playstyle.

I feel like the LoS nerf is fine, but you have to give him something in return, namely a health boost. If he's going to require LoS to support his teammates, he's going to get run over because of his lack of mobility.

Although making him too beefy would turn him very quickly into an offensive powerhouse. His damage is already kind of insane if you have decent aim and aren't instantly dying to a Widow. His ult is also completely bonkers.

Basically I don't know what he needs. AN extra 50 health probably would help without making him a monster so I guess I would start there.
Missed out on the beta, but played two games last night and one before work this morning and holy cow is this game fun. Way more fun than I remember having with TF2 back in the day. Such a range of cool characters. Tracer has been my favorite so far (mainly because the technical witchcraft that is her time travel move).

The only niggling thing is character movement. Fresh off of DOOM, I keep fumbling around for a sprint button. I'll get used to it soon, I'm sure!

This game has so much personality!


Yup, he is good and fits well on a lot of team comps, but I dont agree that its 'too much'.

I would say he fits on every team comp. He's also incredibly easy to use so there isn't even really a skill requirement there. We'll have to agree to disagree because I don't at all think right clicking once should kill a Winston from full to dead. Nor do I think a stun should last as long as it does. Hell, I think it'd be a good change to remove the stun altogether and make it a blind or something instead.

Symmetra and Zenyatta were the last two characters nerfed during the beta, and it feels like the nerfs went a bit far. (Symmetra: Photon Shield reduced from 50 to 25; Zenyatta: Orb of Harmony and Discord now require line of sight.) The Symmetra nerf also doubled as a Zenyatta/Tracer nerf, because those two characters benefited the most from the ability.

Zenyatta in particular was hit by multiple nerfs back-to-back, and that final nerf might have been the breaking point. The line of sight requirement is just too difficult to maintain given Zenyatta's playstyle.

Yeah it's unfortunate. Symmetra is still one of my favourite characters to play though. Routinely am getting 20-25+ kill streak games with her. She feels so situational though. Like she's good on Defense on most maps but nearly useless on King of the Hill and not that great on attack. She's the only character I feel is not super playable in every game type.


I think McCree is the only character that is actually in need of some significant changes. His stun grenade lasts way too long and his Fan the Hammer does too much damage. Grenade stun and fan the hammer kills any character in the game. Just turning the wrong corner with a full health Winston could mean I'm dead from a Fan the Hammer. That shouldn't happen I feel.

If you want to argue that McCree is overpowered, it isn't because of his flashbang and alt. It's because of what nobody ever seems to talk about - his left click. In the hands of someone with good aim, a McCree will left click everything to death at mid-range. His long-range was nerfed a ways back but a headshot is still 70 damage, which is not insignificant against the squishier targets.

I don't happen to think he's grossly overpowered. He's a fixture in pro games because his style and kit happen to fit into every situation. He's the best anti-flanker in the game, and as such can protect critical teammates very well, and has a reliable mid-range damage output. There's never a time when you can't use a McCree, but that's because of his general kit rather than any of his damage values or whatnot. They would have to re-think his kit if they don't want him to be as useful, or else they might risk nerfing him to a rough state.


But they make more money with a gamble system, and presumably, make back the money they lose on characters and maps, which are surefire sellers

I will never understand why people criticize this model, when maps and characters are free. I've even heard some people say they prefer to pay for maps and characters, which is completely short-sighted IMO.

Because gambling for items is pure fucking dog shit. Doesn't matter if it's in TF2 or Overwatch or Kingdom Hearts X or any other number of mobile games. It sucks. Yeah, it makes them more money because it prays on peoples addictions.


How Blizzard's server guys must be feeling right now



And yeah after the initial like 10-15 mins when severs went live that we (PS4) couldn't connect to bnet, everything was smooth as can be for me (US) until midnight PST when I stopped playing. But imagine it held up after that since I didn't see any complaints anywhere.

Great launch.
As someone who played Lucio for the first time last night, what is considered too powerful with him? Just curious.
He does everything.

He has a very effective heal that requires little player input and which can be amped even further. He has the fastest speed in the game while amping, which lets him get to objectives — or bring the whole team to an objective — rapidly. He can wall-run to locations many other heroes can't. His primary fire is surprisingly powerful. His secondary fire has huge utility in area denial and blowing heroes clean off the map. He's pretty damn durable (more so than other supports). And his ultimate basically cancels all but the most insane burst damage for a few seconds.

In an average game, not even a good game, you're soaking a quarter of your team's damage while dealing plenty of your own — and likely leading in objective time, too.
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