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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Sou Da

stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point

the junkrat 100 meters away from the point in the opposite direction is not the point. yes i know he's pestering you slightly but don't do a 180 and walk toward him

that random lucio is not the point

looking at the point is not standing on the point

vaguely standing near the point and shooting in the general direction of a guy across from you is not standing on the point

this is like the early days of tf2 and splatoon ranked all over again
Nah breh you can stand on the point alone, if I get snipes then they can't ever possibly knock you off. It's a foolproof plan!


I'm interested in this, but it always looks so chaotic. Is it hard to learn?

Note: I'm on console

You get used to it and its not hard to learn at all. Only thing that will take time is probably learning the match ups and the best choice of counter picking.


How do you defeat a well organized team of all mcrees?

Wait til 12:01 PM.

No, uh, McCree's pretty well-balanced, so he does not have huge weaknesses. I would just make a balanced team of specialists to take him on. Snipers can kill McCrees, Winston can block his damage with E even if he gets Flashbanged, Torbjorn's turrets are hard for assault characters to deal with.


Blizzard tends to do this to encourage people to make more friends in the game and raise retention.

Diablo 3 also has a group experience boost for example.

Hearthstone gets at this through having quests that require you to spectate someone.

Though yes, it is effectively punishment for being solo. In WoW, rested experience was originally implemented as a penalty for not being rested. They didn't change any of the values, but switched the context to rested experience being a bonus instead of unrested being a penalty, and everyone liked it way more.

They've kept that phrasing ever since.

IIRC that was changed in 2.4 so solo xp is much closer to group xp these days


stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point

the junkrat 100 meters away from the point in the opposite direction is not the point. yes i know he's pestering you slightly but don't do a 180 and walk toward him

that random lucio is not the point

looking at the point is not standing on the point

vaguely standing near the point and shooting in the general direction of a guy across from you is not standing on the point

this is like the early days of tf2 and splatoon ranked all over again

Also people should get over their K/D and dive on the point when the game is about to end in a loss. You have effectively nothing to lose and can buy your team those couple of seconds to retake it. I've won a lot of games that were about to be losses because my team was valiant in jumping on the point to keep the game going, even if they died in the process.


Reposting this cuz I would really love an opinion. I'm debating whether to pick this up after work.

So for someone that doesn't like to get TOO competitive with shooters, (but still some what), but does enjoy having fun with them, is this worth 60$? Is there any single player stuff?

I still have SFV for my competitive needs, but I've pretty much just been playing that since February and would like something new for a bit.


Also people should get over their K/D and dive on the point when the game is about to end in a loss. You have effectively nothing to lose and can buy your team those couple of seconds to retake it. I've won a lot of games that were about to be losses because my team was valiant in jumping on the point to keep the game going, even if they died in the process.
Winstons ult is great for that.


IIRC that was changed in 2.4 so solo xp is much closer to group xp these days

Sort of, but there's still a 10% magic find and XP bonus per other player.

The change to solo was more that group play was something like 20x faster than solo play, it was insane how unbalanced it was. Group is still better too just by virtue of being able to do 10-20 rifts higher than solo players.


Reposting this cuz I would really love an opinion. I'm debating whether to pick this up after work.

There is no single player stuff. This is a game where you can compete but relax and have fun. Its still fun even when you lose (but not as fun obviously). Group up with some people and have a blast. If you decide to pick it up on console you get get it for $48 from Amazon using prime.
They probably dont have a moral obligation but they may have an ethical one, how people feel about corporations exploiting people's personality flaws to make more money is ultimately up to them to determine. I suppose it is oddly refreshing to see consumers champion companies exploiting addiction in favour of the almighty dollar. I will say there is a weird pro-business/anti-consumer element in a lot of videogame fandom, one of its idiosyncrasies, I imagine it springs in large part from the odd emotional investment people have in videogame companies.

I think where our opinions differ is that I just don't think it's exploitation.

Are TCG's exploitative? Casinos? The lottery? I don't believe so. Something being random does not make it "anti-consumer", it makes it random. If you spend $50 dollars on loot crates and don't get the thing you want, them's the breaks and you knew that was a possibility when you spent the money. Consenting adults that want to spend a grand on loot crates so they can get everything in the game aren't being exploited, they're making a choice.

And get off your high horse acting as if I'm worshipping at the church of capitalism. I just have a little more respect for people being able to make their own choices on what is worth spending money on them without the developers feeling like they need to protect their consumers from addiction.

Whales aren't being exploited, they are spending money on something that gives them pleasure. If they do that in excess, that's their choice.


I'm going to make a little capture point on the floor of my apartment and require my daughter to stand on it in order to get food.

I think the only solution is to train the next generation.


I'm going to make a little capture point on the floor of my apartment and require my daughter to stand on it in order to get food.

I think the only solution is to train the next generation.

Reposting this cuz I would really love an opinion. I'm debating whether to pick this up after work.

If you can afford it I say do it. its great fun! Like I said earlier matches play out more like chess matches then death matches. Blizzard is supporting the game for free with new heroes and maps. If you are interested at all you might as well get in now. I really feel like the skill gap in this game is going to be huge if you fall behind on team comps and counters.


stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point

the junkrat 100 meters away from the point in the opposite direction is not the point. yes i know he's pestering you slightly but don't do a 180 and walk toward him

that random lucio is not the point

looking at the point is not standing on the point

vaguely standing near the point and shooting in the general direction of a guy across from you is not standing on the point

this is like the early days of tf2 and splatoon ranked all over again

Huge difference between a bad junkrat that thinks they should just stand back and lob nades and a good junkrat that is aggressive and disrupts the the enemy at every angle.

A good junkrat is such an abusive troll to the other team it makes them hard to mount any sort of defense
That makes sense. We were thinking junk rat but that didn't really work.
I think if we had a couple junkrats / pharahs and a reinhardt, then all pushed the left side simultaneously, we would have broken through.

Just too little, too late at the end when we started to switch, and we never did really group up together for a unified push.


Why in FUCK are people chasing kills?! Like, you SEE the objective. Move the fucking payload. Where the fuck were the decent players from the beta?


RE: Business model, I am very pleased with the direction they are taking the game. Entirely cosmetic rewards that you get plenty of just by playing, with the option of buying more if you feel like it, doesn't bother me in the slightest. Characters and maps are coming down the road and are something everyone will get to avoid splitting.

Obviously we don't have numbers yet, but I am assuming the game is doing pretty well even though it's "buy to play". I was a little worried that not being free would stymie them, but thank god there's no character unlocking bullshit hampering the game. It's one of the reasons I can't get into HotS beyond a very casual level. It honestly feels like the developers had to fight someone to keep all the heroes available (for the ability to freely swap) because I can totally see it lending itself "well" to an unlock approach like HotS or LoL. A "free hero rotation" would have been completely off-putting to me even if the game itself was free.
Why in FUCK are people chasing kills?! Like, you SEE the objective. Move the fucking payload. Where the fuck were the decent players from the beta?

Yeah I lost probably 3-4 games last night that were easily won but my team was off playing team death match.

it will take a few days but people will get it.


When characters call their ults in foreign languages it's always on the enemy team. For those that use english then the phrase is different : Pharah says "Launching Missiles" or something alike when she's on your team and ulting away. "Justice" is always on the enemy team. It's part of the great sound design in Overwatch, information being relaid by the sound itself.

oooh, i think i get it.
If the enemy casts it, it's the same as if you would cast it (which means it should be familiar to you)
if friendlies cast their ult, it's some sort of variation.


Why in FUCK are people chasing kills?! Like, you SEE the objective. Move the fucking payload. Where the fuck were the decent players from the beta?

Spread very thin now with the amount of new players. I am just going to enjoy this period of newbness and go solo as Genji till people get their act together.


Why in FUCK are people chasing kills?! Like, you SEE the objective. Move the fucking payload. Where the fuck were the decent players from the beta?

I never saw so many people chase me as Tracer in the beta, I was baiting 3 people around a map last night while the rest of my team capped.

People think this is TDM lol.
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