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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Also people should get over their K/D and dive on the point when the game is about to end in a loss. You have effectively nothing to lose and can buy your team those couple of seconds to retake it. I've won a lot of games that were about to be losses because my team was valiant in jumping on the point to keep the game going, even if they died in the process.

Watching a teammate strafe around the point to take potshots when we're about to lose is infuriating.

What, are you afraid you'll die and then... what? We'll lose if you die? Because just tapping your foot inside the rectangle is what will do objectively more to help us not lose. I don't care if your high noon ass is at 67% and you're sure you can charge it up real fast if you play it safe.


Neo Member
Also people should get over their K/D and dive on the point when the game is about to end in a loss. You have effectively nothing to lose and can buy your team those couple of seconds to retake it. I've won a lot of games that were about to be losses because my team was valiant in jumping on the point to keep the game going, even if they died in the process.

What's more, K/D in this game is effectively worthless as a metric because in a lot of situations, you get a eliminations for doing less than 10% of the overall damage to an enemy. It's funny to watch players from other kinds of games desperately cling to it to justify their ineffective play.
Watching a teammate strafe around the point to take potshots when we're about to lose is infuriating.

What, are you afraid you'll die and then... what? We'll lose if you die? Because just tapping your foot inside the rectangle is what will do objectively more to help us not lose. I don't care if your high noon ass is at 67% and you're sure you can charge it up real fast if you play it safe.
At least your teammates are near the point. Meanwhile where's that fucking guy that locked in Genji at the start and never swapped heroes? Now that's a true ninja, even his team can't see him.
Why in FUCK are people chasing kills?! Like, you SEE the objective. Move the fucking payload. Where the fuck were the decent players from the beta?

There have been multiple times where I laughed after the initial annoyance because realizing that half their team decided to chase me down as D.Va in the exact opposite direction of their payload is so ridiculous, or watching a tank go "OH SHIT A REAPER" and abandon their team to chase me for 30 seconds across the map.


Watching a teammate strafe around the point to take potshots when we're about to lose is infuriating.

What, are you afraid you'll die and then... what? We'll lose if you die? Because just tapping your foot inside the rectangle is what will do objectively more to help us not lose. I don't care if your high noon ass is at 67% and you're sure you can charge it up real fast if you play it safe.

Besides, a manly last stand is way much cooler than that High Noon anyway.


Yeah, I mean, a good widowmaker just getting kill after kill while her team plays the objective can be really valuable. Key point being "while her team plays the objective". If everyone is just kind of fighting all over the map, then the defenders (or attackers sometimes I guess if people don't stop a capture) are going to take it.
What's more, K/D in this game is effectively worthless as a metric because in a lot of situations, you get a eliminations for doing less than 10% of the overall damage to an enemy. It's funny to watch players from other kinds of games desperately cling to it to justify their ineffective play.

The lack of leaderboards is awesome. And while I don't think PotG is perfect, the fact that it is even capable of highlighting support and objective play is big step forward to what we're used to in games like these. This game really emphasizes working with your team to win more than anything else and that's awesome.


I watched a Reinhardt with his shield up and a Hanzo circle strafe around our last control point earlier, they had a good 10 seconds to move ever so slightly forward to deny the capture but nope.


Mei is awesome. She's my go-to defense character. What killed the dinosaurs?



stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point

the junkrat 100 meters away from the point in the opposite direction is not the point. yes i know he's pestering you slightly but don't do a 180 and walk toward him

that random lucio is not the point

looking at the point is not standing on the point

vaguely standing near the point and shooting in the general direction of a guy across from you is not standing on the point

this is like the early days of tf2 and splatoon ranked all over again

If everyone stood on the point, the enemy team could just waltz to the point uncontested. I have no problem with teammates pushing forward and harassing, contesting their trek toward the point.


wish the spectator cam was first person instead of third.

Also did they finally put in an option to disable the stupid "tips" when you die


So, Amazon refunded me $11.88 due to the Overwatch price drop despite the fact that I had a Prime pre-order discount.

So between the Prime discount and the refunded amount, I got the Origins edition for less than what I would've paid if I bought the $40 Battle.net version. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh my God I keep getting into the FPS dance where me and another person are in a 1v1 and we just keep jumping over each other and losing track of each other

I just did this for 30 seconds as Reaper against a Tracer and with our abilities WE DON'T DIE


There is something really satisfying about stopping someone's ult.

You want your dragon to eat my teammates? How about molten core in your skull instead.

Justice rains from above? Nope, only thing raining is your corpse.

And as much as I hate it on my team, I love having stupid opponents who will try to shoot at me as I capture or move a payload as they stand entirely too far away to do anything.
Is there any system to Mercy choosing to say her Ult quote ("Helden sterben nicht" / "Heroes never die") in German vs. English?

is there any way to tell whether it was OUR mercy who popped the ult or the enemy's?

You just said it. English is friendly Mercy, German is enemy Mercy

Friendly supers and enemy supers have different lines. Another example is McCree saying "Step right up" for his ult when he's on your team.


Watching a teammate strafe around the point to take potshots when we're about to lose is infuriating.

What, are you afraid you'll die and then... what? We'll lose if you die? Because just tapping your foot inside the rectangle is what will do objectively more to help us not lose. I don't care if your high noon ass is at 67% and you're sure you can charge it up real fast if you play it safe.

It is very early days so players will get better in time (I mean a lot of players don't even know that they should be standing near the payload to move it). Towards the latter of the stages of the closed beta, pub players were much better about this sort of thing. Lots of great overtime tug of war battles can happen when people play the objective and the two teams are balanced.


I find that this ult is hard to use correctly. Whenever a Pharah leaps into the air I lock on to her in case she uses it because it makes her a floating target and she doesn't have much health.

Exactly. You can use it on the ground but its just so effective in the air. I think the problem a lot of times is that people are not dodging in the air that much. Maybe since I am on PS4 a lot of people don't know they can control fuel with L2 after they launched


hang back during KOTH, that will surely win you the round.

Holy crap, some of these players really don't get it.

Holy shit, 5 of us on the point and then 4 disperse in all different directions and end up dead. Me, I'm just Lucio wondering where the fuck my team is when 3 opponents rush me on the objective. Running away from your AoE healer is just super.


Obviously we don't have numbers yet, but I am assuming the game is doing pretty well even though it's "buy to play". I was a little worried that not being free would stymie them, but thank god there's no character unlocking bullshit hampering the game. It's one of the reasons I can't get into HotS beyond a very casual level. It honestly feels like the developers had to fight someone to keep all the heroes available (for the ability to freely swap) because I can totally see it lending itself "well" to an unlock approach like HotS or LoL. A "free hero rotation" would have been completely off-putting to me even if the game itself was free.

Because team selection and counter-picking makes up the majority of the strategic layer I think the game would have been unworkable without all the heroes available from the get go.

I think where our opinions differ is that I just don't think it's exploitation.

That would seem to be the point of divergence, an irreconcilable one I think. You literally said they were taking advantage of peoples addictions, how can you call that anything but exploitative?

Are TCG's exploitative? Casinos? The lottery? I don't believe so. Something being random does not make it "anti-consumer", it makes it random. If you spend $50 dollars on loot crates and don't get the thing you want, them's the breaks and you knew that was a possibility when you spent the money. Consenting adults that want to spend a grand on loot crates so they can get everything in the game aren't being exploited, they're making a choice.

Blind buy random distribution certainly is anti-consumer, this isnt black and white, its shades of grey. Blind buy random distribution is explicitly designed to offer poor return to and increase spend from the consumer. Are there worse anti-consumer practices? Sure, but that doesnt mean this isnt. You also seem to be conflating exploitation with anti-consumer practices. Explicitly exploiting addiction is clearly both. But it depends on the actual consumer, if you dont have any issues with gambling/completionism/etc. then the loot boxes are simply anti-consumer for you, you may not care about or think its of a sufficient level to worry about, but it is. If you have problems with addiction then the system is both anti-consumer and exploitative. I also cant believe you're suggesting that Casinos arent exploitative, its an industry built on exploiting addiction. CCG's can be, depending on the consumer, like loot boxes they run into the same default anti-consumer issues. The lottery I'd say is as well, the common joke about it being a tax for people who are bad at math, is true in more ways than one. As for consenting adults, the issue is that anyone can consent to mild anti-consumerism but if you are a "prime target" then your consent is compromised by your addiction.

And get off your high horse acting as if I'm worshipping at the church of capitalism. I just have a little more respect for people being able to make their own choices on what is worth spending money on them without the developers feeling like they need to protect their consumers from addiction.

No need to get so defensive. I didnt make any value judgement. There is a difference between a developer having an obligation to protect consumers from their addictions and actively exploiting those addictions. You seem fine with the latter, and based on your comments above about consent is there anything you actually would consider exploitation?

Whales aren't being exploited, they are spending money on something that gives them pleasure. If they do that in excess, that's their choice.

The idea you arent being exploited because a) you dont think you are or b) you're getting pleasure out of it seems, well, lets say a fairly outre way to define exploitation.


I played a game against 5 functional Tracers last night and it was a nightmare. I'm sure there's a logical counter to it, but all I could think was "stop it, fucking leave me alone, stop it!" the entire match.


There is something really satisfying about stopping someone's ult.

You want your dragon to eat my teammates? How about molten core in your skull instead.

Justice rains from above? Nope, only thing raining is your corpse.

And as much as I hate it on my team, I love having stupid opponents who will try to shoot at me as I capture or move a payload as they stand entirely too far away to do anything.
I love when someone drops an instakill ult when I'm the only opponent in the area (lol reapers) Talking about ults, I stopped two in a row as a bastion


Man, Lucio is really fun.

He's my main support. I like the ability to have a little fun and his ability makes it ok to be in the action a bit.

I'm just glad to have a shooter that makes me think. I was playing as him and I saw a Reinhardt coming at me so I flipped his ability to speed and did that boost power up and bolted out of there. My brain is having a hard time switching from CoD mode. Playing supports is helping though since you're pretty limited offensively.


I played a game against 5 functional Tracers last night and it was a nightmare. I'm sure there's a logical counter to it, but all I could think was "stop it, fucking leave me alone, stop it!" the entire match.

I want to play on a 5 bastion team on defense


He's my main support. I like the ability to have a little fun and his ability makes it ok to be in the action a bit.

I'm just glad to have a shooter that makes me think. I was playing as him and I saw a Reinhardt coming at me so I flipped his ability to speed and did that boost power up and bolted out of there. My brain is having a hard time switching from CoD mode. Playing supports is helping though since you're pretty limited offensively.

Lucio is amazing. Such a helpful character, and not super complicated to play. There is depth there, though.
I find that this ult is hard to use correctly. Whenever a Pharah leaps into the air I lock on to her in case she uses it because it makes her a floating target and she doesn't have much health.

Does the ult do less damage than it did in the beta, or is it just me? I feel like before it would just melt people and now they get hit once, turn around, and delete her.

I assume they tweaked some stuff between open beta and launch, but I have no idea what.
A good junkrat is such an abusive troll to the other team it makes them hard to mount any sort of defense
Yeah, sometimes I'll rush forward just to disrupt a respawning team where they're not expecting it. If you take two of them with you, you've staggered their next push.
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