Anyone have tips on how to play Winston? Tried him out last night and found myself fumbling around a lot.
I don't see many Winstons doing it but he actually is pretty okay against turrets. Jump next to the turret, put down the shield in front of it and start zapping. When the shield is in front of it, it won't damage your team either for the next 600 damage.
Also a tip for his ult is to remember that it fully heals him. So if you want to create some chaos jump into the action normally, put down a shield and start zapping fools from behind the shield (if enemy gets inside the shield, go outside and so on). Then when you eventually go to low health, hit ult. You fully heal. So this way Winston is pretty damn tanky. 400 base health, 600 shield health and 1000 ult health.
Oh and his normal jump deals small amount of aoe damage. So when you jump into the chaos, try to aim right next to some enemies.