I seriously feel like I have the worst luck.
I've played about 15 games tonight. I've won one.
I honestly just do not understand how my teams suck as much as they do.
Fine, for the fifth time,
I'll switch to support.
Oh, finally, I can be Hanzo - there's a spot for me!
A minute in, someone else selects Hanzo.
A minute after that, we have three Hanzos.
Oh, and the person who decided to heal? Three minutes in, they decided we didn't need a healer.
Also - why the fuck would you ever bother with the objective? Just why?
I mean - by pure
dumb luck I should be winning more games - just playing the odds.
And I'm actually surprised at how well I'm doing. I didn't play the beta and am not a huge FPS guy. Figured I'd get rocked. But instead, I heal a shit-ton with Mercy, I've gotten 4+ revives with my ult on a few occasions. I kick pretty decent ass with Hanzo. And I can capture an object with Reinherdt or whatever pretty regularly.
But man, my teams - they just don't give a fuck about even trying to win.
On another note - REALLY surprised at how few people use mics on PC. Shit, on R6: Siege, almost every player has a mic. I haven't had one conversation or planned one strategy with randoms, yet.
Also - level 11 and I haven't gotten one non-base loot item