Just lost to 6 soldier 76s. We didn't have enough time to figure out how to even counter that.
I've been rolled by that before. It's a surprisingly rough comp. So much healing, and reasonably effective at any range.
Just lost to 6 soldier 76s. We didn't have enough time to figure out how to even counter that.
In a game that short there might not BE a good multi kill.
On the other hand sometimes it just seems to bug out. I saw one where a Mercy did like 19% total damage spread out over two different people once. That was impressive.
Absolutely nothing. I guess there were so few kills to choose from that it just chose my death since it was a higher skill sniper shot?
Feels bad man![]()
As fun as ryuugawagate-uagh!
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
Ilos is the best map. I say this as a Lucio player![]()
I'm having a lot of fun with this brawl mode. It's completely ludicrous and at least half of the heroes are just totally broken when you speed up cooldowns and increase health (Mei lol), but it can lead to some pretty wild back-and-forths.
Tracer in particular is just amazing to play in this sort of mode. The action never stops!
I've been rolled by that before. It's a surprisingly rough comp. So much healing, and reasonably effective at any range.
It's possible!
Her ult needs some team cooperation to be particularly strong, and she doesn't hit hard unless she's fed. But when fed she's a bit of a beast. She's definitely not a potg machine though.
Have you ever been up against a full team of torbjorn popping molten core every minute.
What's great about the cooldown is it allows you to stay way up in the air with Phara the entire game and people just don't know how to deal it's pretty funny.I'm having a lot of fun with this brawl mode. It's completely ludicrous and at least half of the heroes are just totally broken when you speed up cooldowns and increase health (Mei lol), but it can lead to some pretty wild back-and-forths.
Tracer in particular is just amazing to play in this sort of mode. The action never stops!
So, does Zarya need a buff? I have never seen her as a POTG or rarely see her used at all.
I haven't tried her myself, but I think I'll to a few rounds with her tomorrow.
Soldier 76 is my best character so far. With other characters I struggle to get 5 kills. With Soldier 76 I got a 20 killstreak in one match alone yesterday. I find him incredibly good.
Can people playing on PS4 please help me out?
I'm really torn on whether to get this. On one hand, I love the look and overall charm. I enjoy reading up on all the characters and am interested in them out and forming a dream-duo with my buddy (also on PS4).
However, every video I watch seems to be a super-skilled PC player jumping around, reacting to everything with pin-point aiming, making it look like it's all about the kills and pure input/output efficiency... I don't know how else to put it, but it makes me feel very "casual".
It's hard to explain, but I'm worried that beyond the aesthetic and initial appeal of a team-based shooter, the "core" game won't be for me (I was never very good at TF2). Has anyone had a similar experience? Been proved wrong? Taken a cold shower and saved their cash? I'm curious to hear peoples' impressions on PS4, as I feel like using a controller will naturally result in a "slower", more measured pace of gameplay.
Hope I'm not talking nonsense. I'd like to check some videos if anyone has any recommendations of "good" PS4 gameplay. Thanks!
Can bastion not rocket jump with his ultimate anymore? I saw a vid of somebody doing it in the beta and tried it for myself, but it doesnt proprel me...
Didn't know he could do this during the beta either. Interesting
What's great about the cooldown is it allows you to stay way up in the air with Phara the entire game and people just don't know how to deal it's pretty funny.
There was a mode in the closed beta (no idea if it was in the open as well) where you had to pick either Pharah or Mercy, both with reduced cooldowns.
That one was a treat. Mercy players got to fly around basically indefinitely, and Pharah players got to have cool mid-air battles. Hope they bring that one back soon.
So far my one problem with Overwatch is that there are really only two healers - Mercy and Lucio, and both are amazing. Really they are the only people you need to have at least one of on a team.
Symmetra can't heal and the teleport is about as useful as she gets. Zendatta is more of a buffer/debuffer and while he does good damage, 90% of the time you'll want a Lucio/Mercy instead, and their ults are better then Zendatta's while serving a similar function. Soldier 76's field can help but it won't stop you from dying if pursued.
This sounds like a field day for a good Widowmaker. :|
This sounds like a field day for a good Widowmaker. :|
Even though I do think Symmetra should be put in the defense category, her turrets when placed right are no joke.
How do you mute people on ps4?
Anyone do any controller rebinding yet? I feel like some of them could actually use something to make them easier for me.
Like Pharah. Totally can't maneuver with her![]()
My and my buddies got wrecked by a Zarya playing defense on King's Row tonight. That ult is just brutal.
Man McCree has the most badass victory intro.
Makes getting PotG seem much more epic.