So one of my games today had some stuff I feel I should mention. Overall it was still a good session (im well over the 50% win rate again), but a couple of things were noticiable in this particular game:
A) the completely oblivious player. Had a game with a Mcree that all he did was left click. From a distance, never engaging. I was Mercy and one of the times I was healing him, we get ganked by someone and he proceeds to just continue to left click him while he murders me, and then him. No stun, no dump. I very rarely call people out, but I actually typed "Jesus dude kill him, I cant do shit while im healing you" and "if you dont know, you can right click to dump your entire clip on people". He continued to not dump.
So when you talk about "bad players" remember that these people exist, these are the actual bad players, someone that clearly didnt even bother to look at his skills or even try his buttons.
And then B) the classic "no tank, no healer". Unsurprisingly, it was the same game. So at the start I pick Zarya and then everyone is on dps so I say "yo someone pick a support, or at least a tank and ill heal" and nobody did. Wasnt even a silence thung either, people actually typed "im not doing it" etc. Fast forward to the end of the game, where we are trying to capture the second point, and cant because of course, we have no one to engage, to get in there and draw fire, to disrupt. We have a bunch if squishies shooting from the sides and me trying to heal them.
Dont be this guy. Either the oblivious guy, or the refuse to change guy. Thats what makes you a actual noob, the skill comes with time/practice and most people dont mind or notice. But these type of fundamental shit, you cant learn that.
Honesty, stuff like this doesn't bother me that much. But if you're going to be useless garbage, do it on the fucking objective. It feels like the average Overwatch player is actually just a cat pawing at its owner's controller half the time. Blizzard should just play the COD level up sounds the entire time you're near an objective to condition low attention-span players to want get near them.