What does Torbjorn say when he activates his ult? Always sounds badass.
Whooping Cough!
What does Torbjorn say when he activates his ult? Always sounds badass.
Zarya is no joke. So satisfying to use her. She's the only tank with a decently ranged weapon and it can become buffed as fuck with the right amount of damage blocking. Gotten really successful since I started using her.
He`s not someone you want to be up close with. Dude can take a pounding, plus he has a good self heal. And that hook...
POTG is me killing one dude with a rocket then starting my ult and instantly getting shutdown by a turret without killing a single person
Finally got a legendary skin, Young Genji.
Spend entire match as Pharah
Get 33 eliminations, including a time where i kill 5 people in quick sucession
POTG is me killing one dude with a rocket then starting my ult and instantly getting shutdown by a turret without killing a single person
His biggest problem is being a battery for enemy ults.
Ah too bad it's not this one:
Molten Core
"Molten Coooooore"
How should I be playing Zarya? Thanks for the tips.
How should I be playing Zarya? Thanks for the tips.
I've gotten 3 POTG as Junkrat, the last one being nothing but me fucking up and killing myself with his ultimate then someone getting taken out by my body.
Seriously, did everyone need to see that?![]()
Any other characters have a sprint?
Wow, just got this game tonight and was psyched as fuck to play it.
8 hour update.
Way to go modern games. Guess I won't be playing until tomorrow night.
Any other characters have a sprint?
Ugh blocking like almost 40k damage as Reinhardt and still lose sucks. Nobody cleared the Pharah shooting rockets from the roof. >_> Would have rather played another character and have fun instead.
Any other characters have a sprint?
If people support them especially. When I see people not backing up their Mercy, I go in for the kill.
Pharah Funko coming soon
I always try to but my team is usually not good enough to coordinate in randoms.Damn, Lucio is so necessary in solo random groups. If we don't have one that means I'm him. Luckily I enjoy playing as him but hrmm :/
Just 76 but Lucio and Tracer also move fast
Pharah Funko coming soon
Yo, how should I be playing Mei? I feel like I'm not being effective enough.
Lucio has a aura that gives movement speed
Console + slow isp I presume?
Goddamn it, crates, stop giving me stuff for characters I don't play!
Look at me y'all, I'm Winston!
Seriously, ape escape is a goddamn NIGHTMARE if you jump their backline consistently.
TF2 had shortcuts all over the maps to prevent running back for too long, and any ult that is basically "run into the middle of the other team and kill them all" is annoying as hell (reaper for example).
Don't attack the groups. Wall off approaches, wall off snipers picking off your team, take out stragglers that push solo, ice block on points/cart for either capping or defending, etc.Yo, how should I be playing Mei? I feel like I'm not being effective enough.
Don't attack the groups. Wall off approaches, wall off snipers picking off your team, take out stragglers that push solo, ice block on points/cart for either capping or defending, etc.
Always single out people and don't try to hit more than 1 person with your ice spray at a time.
My favorite is when I get a Lucio trying to back up into a wall I used to separate him from his teamI love putting a wall between one guy on the enemy team and his partners as we go firing squad on the straggler lol
What sorts of lifetime stats does overwatch keep track of. Just K/D?