Spring Drive
It's Roadhog
He's got a steady hand. But, I swear they have the console auto aim on with Hanzo. I know, I nail people constantly with him and I'm horrible.
He's got a steady hand. But, I swear they have the console auto aim on with Hanzo. I know, I nail people constantly with him and I'm horrible.
Edit: Also, you pick great music.
I don't want to work, I just want to playyyyy
Very nice!Definitely my best game playing with Junkrat.
I played a couple matches of Zarya last night. Wow, she is a really interesting character! A support tank really makes you play more defensively. Zarya + Lucio is a really good combo too, I managed to do 6k damage with her! Definitely gonna be playing more Zarya.
5 loot boxes today and not even a purple WTF
5 loot boxes today and not even a purple WTF
5 loot boxes today and not even a purple WTF
are you supposed to get something else? I am level 9 by now and haven't seen anything besides white and the occasional blue, one of them was a recolor of a standard skin.
5 loot boxes today and not even a purple WTF
I wish if Torbjorn got potg via his turret that the game would show the footage from his turret rather than him just mindlessly doing things.
Not enough, I'm afraid. Definitely some quake vibes, may e UT2k4, but not UT99. Plus oeople don't explode into gibs.Are there any similarities between Overwatch and Unreal Tournament? because it was like that in my dream!
I had a 36 elimination and 21k damage match with him tonight. He's my main for sure.Definitely my best game playing with Junkrat.
I've lost count of the amount of games where my team gets to like 95-99% control of a point, then we somehow manage to lose the game. On the plus side, career best 32 elimations as Tracer ^^. Upped my sensitivity and she got a whole lot better.
Most of the epic loots I get are only gold... currently sitting at 2 800 G, gonna wait a new batch of costumes as I got that epic Thunderbird skin for Pharah, the only one that matters imo.
A good team comp: Symmetra, Zenyatta, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Roadhog
Loot boxes are total scams. I got 1 purple skin after opening 10 of them. Every other one was just some combination of sprays, voice lines, and icons.
20, got around 9 epic drops and a lucky double epic loot box so far.2800?! What level are you?
My favorite thing in this game is just watching people get their ult interrupted and die.
It's high...shot in the head.
Loot boxes are total scams. I got 1 purple skin after opening 10 of them. Every other one was just some combination of sprays, voice lines, and icons.
Most of the epic loots I get are only gold... currently sitting at 2 800 G, gonna wait a new batch of costumes as I got that epic Thunderbird skin for Pharah, the only one that matters imo.
A good team comp: Symmetra, Zenyatta, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Roadhog