My favorite thing in this game is just watching people get their ult interrupted and die.
It's high...shot in the head.
best one
My favorite thing in this game is just watching people get their ult interrupted and die.
It's high...shot in the head.
Yeah direct shots is where it's at. I'm using old school quake 2 muscle memory or something lol. I'm landing almost all my pineapples, I even manage to hit pharah when she's in the air.I think I'd like to try Junkrat more and get better with direct shots if I can. Like using his ultimate a lot
My favorite thing in this game is just watching people get their ult interrupted and die.
It's high...shot in the head.
Not really surprised at the top 6My most played is Reinhardt and Winston according to my stats. Then Mercy in 3rd. I'd love a chance to do some damage one day if people would stop only picking dps characters
I kid I kid... kinda
Most of the epic loots I get are only gold... currently sitting at 2 800 G, gonna wait a new batch of costumes as I got that epic Thunderbird skin for Pharah, the only one that matters imo.
What do people use to counter zarya?
does Zarya's ultimate do dmg as well or just pull enemies in?
I wish the hero skins fit in properly with their backstory. Some of them seem fairly random and don't seem to fit their persoality or what they do; Lucios hockey skin, Junkrats Scarecrow skin, Soldier 76s Daredevil skin etc. I don't know if i'm missing something but they seem out of place to me.
Most played characters so far:
1. Roadhog
2. Zenyatta
3. Pharah
I love when a Mei fucks over their own teammate by blocking their escape path with an ice wall.
It does a tiny amount of damage. 22, I think.I always see Reapers get demolished mid-ult.
"Die...DIE...D *gets killed*
Quick question: does Zarya's ultimate do dmg as well or just pull enemies in?
His Ultimate is amazing! I don't use him much because his survivability has been nerfed too hard, but the ult is still fantastic.Only thing about Zen that i don't really feel it's his Ultimate, other than that, best character
5 loot boxes today and not even a purple WTF
the funny/sad part is that there is a high chance of that being done on purpose
It does a tiny amount of damage. 22, I think.
Did a game as the dwarf that builds turrets and man, so many eliminations. My turret placement wasn't even that amazing but it did a bunch of damage. And I only realised you could upgrade him on the next game. So good.
I can see myself being a builder when we are on defense.
Only thing about Zen that i don't really feel it's his Ultimate, other than that, best character
Can someone explain to me why playing against AI takes time to find a match? I want to play at work and not worry about other people. Is this actually against real people? ...and if not then why the hell are there people talking in chat.
Wait what ?
People died to your level 1 turret ?
How is that even possible ?
Wait what ?
People died to your level 1 turret ?
How is that even possible ?
Most played characters so far:
1. Roadhog
2. Zenyatta
3. Pharah
I love when a Mei fucks over their own teammate by blocking their escape path with an ice wall.
His Ultimate is amazing! I don't use him much because his survivability has been nerfed too hard, but the ult is still fantastic.
What in the world happened lol. Reinhardt shoulder charged it back??
I don't think he had higher HP, but his orbs didn't require LoS to maintain. So you could pop a harmony orb on a Tracer or Genji and let them run rampant, or just peek discord orbs and let your teammates mop up. The LoS requirements force you to put yourself into harm's way more, and a single charged Widowmaker shot to the body ends you.He had higher hp or something before?
The Ultimate itself could be good, it's the pugs i got in the last couple of days that have no fuckin clue what it does lol
Junkrat is love, Junkrat is life.
That is all.
It really is awesome how everyone has a different favorite hero and it's not a situation where people gravitate to just a couple of ones. It really shows how diversified the roster is.
Your team mates are all real people and the AI uses common chat phrases like "GG" at the end of a match.Can someone explain to me why playing against AI takes time to find a match? I want to play at work and not worry about other people. Is this actually against real people? ...and if not then why the hell are there people talking in chat.
It really is awesome how everyone has a different favorite hero and it's not a situation where people gravitate to just a couple of ones. It really shows how diversified the roster is.
I'm debating buying this game, but I just can't seem to convince myself. That makes me nervous.
I need something to do now that I get no No Mans Sky next month.
I've taken a liking to the lovable rat as well. I've been missing a go to defender, and slowly have been playing junkrat more and more on defense.
I'm debating buying this game, but I just can't seem to convince myself. That makes me nervous.
I need something to do now that I get no No Mans Sky next month.