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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

I was actually just complaining about map design the other day with my friends after a comp match.

The bulk of the map design is just a variation of the same thing. Fun fight zones that lead into really infuriating choke points that either stall the game until one team coordinates their ults better than the other or simply let the team that's winning win harder.

I've lately just been switching to widow for the choke portions of the match because getting 2 picks quickly within 5 seconds of each other is honestly more beneficial than 50% of what the other characters can do. 2 dead enemies either completely stops a push from happening, or opens us up to do a super strong potentially round winning push.
It's a shame that I can't ever pick widow unless i'm queued with almost a full group or SOMEONE on my team will throw a hissy fit guaranteed

So many bad Widows out there, man. We come by our hatred honestly.
Matchmaking in QP is not being kind to me tonight. Had one win followed by 4 not even close straight losses.

I managed to get gold in everything one game, even with such pathetic numbers. Don't think I've ever done that before.
Finally out of gold. Thanks deicide. We had a good run tonight. 4 wins and no losses except for the loss deicide got for getting disconnected.

It actually didn't affect me at all which is crazy but I ain't complaining lulz.

I'm honestly surprised we won on Horizon with me playing Orisa...I have 47 minutes total playtime on her.


There's been talk on the forums about Mei being buffed and I support that sorta because I think she's a bit underpowered, but playing against a good Mei makes you remember how unbearably annoying the character can be.

Anyway, Imma go practice Mei now.


The fucked up thing about this game is that whenever I do well my first thought is usually "how much will I lose tomorrow" lol.


Quickplay is such horseshit, goddamn.

I was just in route 66 on attack. All DPS team with no healers, no tanks. The other team has a normal, sane comp. Some dipshit on Widow taht can't hit shit.

We get spawn camped the entire fucking game. No one makes a switch.

Quickplay is flat out non-functional.


What the hell could they possibly buff other supports with to make them even half as effective as rezzing a player every 30 seconds? A 75% damage boosting discord orb? Replacing healing grenade with a healing tactical nuke? Sym being able to put down an infinite amount of turrets?

Beyblade-Era Ana and Zen Discord through barriers and/or the old 50% discord.

I fucking Guarantee you Mercy will be the least of your concerns then. In such a meta, she may actually be balanced.


No! I think it's because MMing was pairing us with other stacks since we stacking ourselves. Sadly we were always with the crappy stack.

Or it could be I should duo with Lik instead. Who knows.

If I were a junkrat we would have won our games.

My trip to plat was delayed by a couple soloq wins inbetween losses. Team chat was so bad in my last game I had to leave it, we did win but it wasn't fun.
There's been talk on the forums about Mei being buffed and I support that sorta because I think she's a bit underpowered, but playing against a good Mei makes you remember how unbearably annoying the character can be.

Anyway, Imma go practice Mei now.

Really, they could slightly increase the slowing when you get hit with Mei's primary. And/or remove the delay between button press and actual firing of her alt-fire.

My personal opinion is to do both and increase the cooldown on her iceblock by a second or two. Give her more firepower, but decrease her ability to stall indefinitely.
Had pretty much non-stop wins tonite with guts and fox. Season high of 2575 rn so I at least have a buffer from dropping to gold...again.

I was d/cing like a bitch for a minute tho but thankfully it stopped. I mean, I was always still connected to psn so I dunno wut was goin on.

Yesterday it was the appear offline thing, which randomly fixed itself today, this this.

Not sure wuts up but gonna reboot my router just in case.
Teamed up with The_Decide we went 8-1 and I'm up 150 SR tonight in on of the best nights I've ever had playing Overwatch.

We had 6 players on mic in almost every game and people switching roles and overall very cool people.


What the hell could they possibly buff other supports with to make them even half as effective as rezzing a player every 30 seconds? A 75% damage boosting discord orb? Replacing healing grenade with a healing tactical nuke? Sym being able to put down an infinite amount of turrets?

Her rez on the PTR is extremely risky unless they die right next to you. Have to be extremely close and you have no invincibility anymore and the window to rez is only like 5 seconds. It's only getting used on tanks or cautious dps who happen to get picked off near the group. Valkyrie is a different story, but it's an ultimate, so it should feel strong. I still feel like Lucio and Zen are going to be the best picks for support in most situations.


Sorry, I am to lazy to research it myself. But if you reached platina for example and drop back to gold you are not keeping plat like you did in previous seasons? I'm gold now, but I've been in plat.


Her rez on the PTR is extremely risky unless they die right next to you. Have to be extremely close and you have no invincibility anymore and the window to rez is only like 5 seconds. It's only getting used on tanks or cautious dps who happen to get picked off near the group. Valkyrie is a different story, but it's an ultimate, so it should feel strong. I still feel like Lucio and Zen are going to be the best picks for support in most situations.

In all honesty, I can't wait untill Mercy's mass rez is out of competitie play. So bring on her 30 sec rez.


Sorry, I am to lazy to research it myself. But if you reached platina for example and drop back to gold you are not keeping plat like you did in previous seasons? I'm gold now, but I've been in plat.

Yep, you get the icon that is associated with current rank.
Zen - 8-3-1

4-0 on yesterday's comp game.

might be able to just coast along and get to plat.

also i think people just look at WR% without considering how many games played LOL. but fuck it 80% who cares if its only a few games.


Zen - 8-3-1

4-0 on yesterday's comp game.

might be able to just coast along and get to plat.

also i think people just look at WR% without considering how many games played LOL. but fuck it 80% who cares if its only a few games.

What's your PSN? I forget if I have you in my list. I thought you were on PC for some reason.
Comp is so demoralizing (ps4).

I solo climbed to platinum the season before last, and the toxicity of comp really turned me off last season. Placed 2150 this season and immediately lost six or seven games in a row. Multiple leavers and a few draws later and I'm stuck at a shitty 1997. The quality of games drops so precipitously in silver/gold it's a wonder anybody can climb out.

I'm doing my best, trying to stay positive and picking complementary heroes but it seems I'm just stuck.

idk what's worst. the fact i played pc forever and i get to ps4 and forget the names of the heroes and how to do callout.

also im surprised the lack of sym and pharah on the lower rank.

also they tried to cheese on numbani defense with rein and bastion. idk how they could fuck that up lol.


Finally did my PS4 placements for the season...went 6-4, mostly using Zen, Reaper and some D.va. Placed in diamond, I do like how it doesn't place you a couple hundred SR lower this season


It's funny how often it's easy to tell what's going to lose the game, but even begging doesn't fix it. Just got out of a game where enemy pharah was absolutely murdering on Dorado. "Please kill Pharah!" The 76/McCree combo didn't accomplish it once.


I've seen a lot of people lately in between rounds selecting Torb(when it's offense) trying to trigger people, and then when the rounds starts they actually pick what they wanted to play. Nobody got triggered yet in my games, but I bet if someone does they keep that Torb pick. Some people man just like seeing the world burn.


I've seen a lot of people lately in between rounds selecting Torb(when it's offense) trying to trigger people, and then when the rounds starts they actually pick what they wanted to play. Nobody got triggered yet in my games, but I bet if someone does they keep that Torb pick. Some people man just like seeing the world burn.

Pro players do this all the time just to fuck with the casters.
Pro players do this all the time just to fuck with the casters.

We had someone go attack Torb on Eichenwalde yesterday. Two people on our team bitched at him the entire time. After about 2 minutes, he got on mic and explained that Torb is all he plays. He didn't really go about it in the nicest way, but who wants to be nice when you have two people insulting you non stop.

Somehow we capped the first point in OT. Then capped the second point in OT. Then capped the third point in OT.

Naturally, the Torb started running his mouth and being even MORE toxic than the people before because we still finished the round successfully.

Then on Defense, two people on the enemy team quit out. If I had to guess, the enemy team was raging from losing to an attack Torb.

Despite winning, it was the most unpleasant match I've ever played.


I fucking hate this mobility meta. Tracer cancer in every fucking match. How do you counter a good tracer? It feels like you need and overblown amount of pure skill on my (counter's) part to outplay a good tracer. We need a tracer counter ASAP who can demolish tracer with the same ease and consistency as Reaper can demolish Winston. Tracer needs a reliable shut down button/character.


I fucking hate this mobility meta. Tracer cancer in every fucking match. How do you counter a good tracer? It feels like you need and overblown amount of pure skill on my (counter's) part to outplay a good tracer. We need a tracer counter ASAP who can demolish tracer with the same ease and consistency as Reaper can demolish Winston. Tracer needs a reliable shut down button/character.

A Torb who knows where to place his turrets or a good Widow?


I fucking hate this mobility meta. Tracer cancer in every fucking match. How do you counter a good tracer? It feels like you need and overblown amount of pure skill on my (counter's) part to outplay a good tracer. We need a tracer counter ASAP who can demolish tracer with the same ease and consistency as Reaper can demolish Winston. Tracer needs a reliable shut down button/character.

Mei can counter them, but she's not good in this current meta.

I'd like to see her get a "cone of cold" ability like Mages can get in WoW. It's a frontal AE cone that slows people movement down, does a little damage, 15 second or so cooldown, and make it consume 90% of her weapon ammo. If somebody(or multiple people) got hit with Cone of Cold on top of not being able to walk as fast as they normally do, they can't jump as high or even double jump, can't climb walls, etc.. They can still fire back, but they are severely hampered and it would be a great counter to Tracer/Genji.

I just think Mei is about bringing people down to her mobility level and she needs some help in this regard now. Her current left click isn't enough.
I fucking hate this mobility meta. Tracer cancer in every fucking match. How do you counter a good tracer? It feels like you need and overblown amount of pure skill on my (counter's) part to outplay a good tracer. We need a tracer counter ASAP who can demolish tracer with the same ease and consistency as Reaper can demolish Winston. Tracer needs a reliable shut down button/character.

Odd, I've only seen Tracer like twice in 25 games so far. I always feel like both 76 and McCree counter her pretty well, and I feel like at least 1 of those is required for every comp right now.
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