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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Jesus, now I'm under 2000...I've been the only tank in the last 9 games.

1 healer, me as tank...4 dps every single match. Yes, they were all loses and in 7 of the 9 games I had gold in every category but healing.

What is happening? I legit can't understand it.
sombra still best on 2CP mainly anubis. i don't play her but i whip out during comp. luckily no one said anything toxic when i have less than 30 minutes on her on qp and comp combined. LMFAO


...aaaaand weekly lootbox grinding is done.
Any news on the next event?

Well, if all goes according to plan, it will be the Summer Games event (early August, like last time). This will be the perfect opportunity for me to get Lucio and Mei's voice lines, as I missed out on them the last go around.

And it's been speculated that additional goodies will be added, such as new player icons, voice lines, and perhaps new skins.
...aaaaand weekly lootbox grinding is done.
Any news on the next event?
Some maps were recently datamined. These could be summer event oriented maps or they could be something saved for another update.

Maunganui maunganui_es and Utopea utopia_c

Two weeks ago we got a leak in PTR of new player icons for the event.

  • Iraq // sg2017_iraq
  • India // sg2017_india
  • Antarctica // sg2017_ecopoint
  • New Zealand // sg2017_nz
Jesus, now I'm under 2000...I've been the only tank in the last 9 games.

1 healer, me as tank...4 dps every single match. Yes, they were all loses and in 7 of the 9 games I had gold in every category but healing.

What is happening? I legit can't understand it.
Welcome to my life (except I am the 1 healer). Completely turned me off Comp. I am a Mystery Heroes man now.


Aren't all the flags in Summer Games from the maps? So yeah, New Zealand and India are definitely the next maps.

Unfortunately the Sym map is control point :D


Sym's best map right now is Oasis, so she would do even better in her own KotH map I bet.

Well, I meant with regards to her autism. Still, didn't even know she excelled so well on Oasis, as I rarely see that character on any of the three maps.




Sounds like people didn't have good games tonight. I beat and Platinumed Cosmic Star Heroine. Great game. A nice break from OW. I'll be back tomorrow to check out the new map.


We just tried a shield spam comp in our plat alts, it surprisingly worked really well. We ran Rein/Sym/Winston/Orisa/Torb/Mercy and we had the sym throw a shield gen and the torb was throwing armor everywhere. It was like we had a 7 person team cause the turret was almost never down and it was shooting people constantly. It was fun but I don't think it would work anywhere above plat cause a good pharmercy would fuck our shit up.


Wolfenstein is awesome, one of the best FPS experiences this gen. I can't wait for the sequel this year.

Hey man! I was off last week due to feeling a bit like shit (and shit related) and having a lot of stuff to do. On sunday I managed to get back the SR I lost because of decay, and later today I'll be around at around 19-20. If you wanna hit comp let me know, I don't wanna risk going solo Q again after the weird and crazy matches I had on sunday (fortunately I ended up 5-1, but I pushed my luck a couple of times).


Wolfenstein is awesome, one of the best FPS experiences this gen. I can't wait for the sequel this year.

It's a pretty sweet game, I hope the sequel gets a little more HL2/Homefront in setting/story implementation but more BJ and more crazy upgrades impending should be great.
0-3 to start the day D:

I'll keep going, first two games had throwers.

Edit: and now that I had a good team someone leaves in the first minute. Pls


Edit: and now that I had a good team someone leaves in the first minute. Pls

That's how it works.

Someone leaves on my team:
"If you leave this match now you will not be penalized but you will suffer a loss."

Someone leaves on the enemy team:
"Match will be canceled."
Apparently destroying the shield generator is more important than getting the 2nd checkpoint in gibraltar...

Payload 2m away, I kill rein and mercy, winston jumps to the payload at the last second and all of my team is fighting on the plane.


That's how it works.

Someone leaves on my team:
"If you leave this match now you will not be penalized but you will suffer a loss."

Someone leaves on the enemy team:
"Match will be canceled."

So true lol
The new hero has to be Japanese with healing nunchucks. That way all the Hanzo and Genji mains might heal once in a while.

Give them a nice arse too, maybe the Widow mains will jump on board.

Why do Blizzard still not localise the time for their scheduled maintenance? 3am PDT? What fucking good is that to me? I know it's easy enough for me to find out, but it can't be that difficult for them to put right surely?


I mean, when I joined my Diamond-rated friends for some comp, here's a sampling of some of the assholes I had to deal with.

For example:

Haha. Sheeeeeit.

I'm gold/plat on PS4. Nobody speaks; I only converse with my real life teammates. This is good, as many gamers are either wankers or twelve. Playing with either makes me feel bad.

The worst matches are the ones where you can tell by everyone's characters that nobody cares about team composition. They just want to play their mains. People trickling in. I have to decide between either being a healer or a tank. These matches are 33% of the time, in my experience.

The other 33% of the time there is some awareness of team composition. People spam healers/tanks when selecting to force a pick on someone. Many solo-healers. Sometimes a good composition, but still trickling and bad decision making. I don't usually mind that much, because you're probably playing against a team that's doing the same thing.

The best 33% are matches where there is a lot of communication, if only it's "group up" and ultimate calling. They're overtime matches, they take long, they're intense, and they actually make me say: this was a good match, even though we've lost. I expect the folks in platinum/gold playing these matches are the more hardcore players, the ones who check streamers and tips and have meta-awareness.

If you're a console gamer and have really good aim and play McRee or Soldier for instance, you will quickly rise, because that shit just wrecks us more casual players.

And no communication with randoms = good.
I mean, when I joined my Diamond-rated friends for some comp, here's a sampling of some of the assholes I had to deal with.

I have never been part of such a toxic community, I do not understand it and I think it has only gotten worse as time goes on, you experience mirrors mine (I'm in the 2600-2900 range)
It makes me want to quit the game and go play something else where I can guarantee I am going to have fun winning or losing instead of committing my entertainment time to a game where immature people can ruin that.
Every now and then you get a game where there is communication and team work but those are far less frequent now, it sucks playing this game solo.


Who are you again?


Hopefully we can get a good stack going today after the new map launches.

Hehe I'll be reading initial impressions from the sidelines. Just 3 more days and my exams are over x_x
Hasn't stopped me from sneaking in some Overwatch but never mind that!
Great hold on numbani 3rd point (played lucio and we had a ana), our time to attack, no one goes healer besides me who stick with lucio, team starts asking for a mercy and two of them start "punching" me in the spawn. When the game starts the zarya goes widow and after the first death the tracer goes hanzo.

And that's how numbani was lost xD

I would say that 80% of my losses this season had throwers in my team. Not always at the beginning, but as soon as things start to go wrong a thrower appears. Simply unwinnable.

Send me a message if it's forming, even if I'm not online.. Maybe I'll join

Will do.


Hehe I'll be reading initial impressions from the sidelines. Just 3 more days and my exams are over x_x
Hasn't stopped me from sneaking in some Overwatch but never mind that!

Good luck!

We have time to play together on the weekend :)


Not sure if anyone has seen this but this game is a complete Overwatch rip-off. Actually funny:

Hey man! I was off last week due to feeling a bit like shit (and shit related) and having a lot of stuff to do. On sunday I managed to get back the SR I lost because of decay, and later today I'll be around at around 19-20. If you wanna hit comp let me know, I don't wanna risk going solo Q again after the weird and crazy matches I had on sunday (fortunately I ended up 5-1, but I pushed my luck a couple of times).

Yeah I took a break from Overwatch recently too, been playing a lot of Gwent lately and some others. I'm down to play tonight, hopefully I'll be on in good time. I'll give you a shout when I'm online.
So Blizzard changed Pharah anubis skin when you have the golden gun equipped. Now the center part of the gun is black instead of white and the rockets are blue (they should've stayed gold here imo)... problem is that the golden weapon on the jackal skin also changed for this when that skin is completely white with red rockets lol

Blizzard pls


Please you all have abandoned overwatch only one I've seen online is ruler and LiK lol.

You didn't even reply when I asked about duo queue for Comp. I see how it is. I invited Igor and we went 3-0 for the night before he had to leave.
Had a really cool play today as Pharah on Dorado 3rd point while defending, enemy Zarya gravs basically all of my team, I heard the Genji using his ult without knowing where he was and I just decide to also use mine firing at my team because I knew the genji was coming for them. Killed the genji, followed by Zarya and the two supports. That was a real lifesaver play and most likely prevented them from finishing the map.

POTG goes to mercy with a 3-man rez ( ._.)


Had a really cool play today as Pharah on Dorado 3rd point while defending, enemy Zarya gravs basically all of my team, I heard the Genji using his ult without knowing where he was and I just decide to also use mine firing at my team because I knew the genji was coming for them. Killed the genji, followed by Zarya and the two supports. That was a real lifesaver play and most likely prevented them from finishing the map.

POTG goes to mercy with a 3-man rez ( ._.)

Are you playing solo q Comp?
Gotta do duo at least. What time do you play these days? Never seen you on.

I prefer solo to duo, I feel like trying more if I'm playing together with other people and sometimes it's not worth it because of the randoms, which only leads to frustration. Either solo or a big stack (6 is the best imo).

Don't really have a schedule, today I started at like 3am est. No one was on, too late for you guys I guess.

Edit: usually when the randoms see a stack they instalock dps or stupid picks because they know that the group is most likely going to try they hardest and provide a decent team composition, seen that happening too many times.


I prefer solo to duo, I feel like trying more if I'm playing together with other people and sometimes it's not worth it because of the randoms, which only leads to frustration. Either solo or a big stack (6 is the best imo).

Don't really have a schedule, today I started at like 3am est. No one was on, too late for you guys I guess.

I'm not doing full stacks anymore. I feel like we lose more than win against other 6 stacks. Our synergy needs to be great or else it becomes a mess. I win more in duo and triple stacks now like i did in previous seasons. Like I did super well with Buttchin/Pollux in triple and more recently with Igor in duo. So I won't be climbing with you guys anymore if you're sticking with full stacks. Also when I did duo, I didn't join team chat. Much more pleasant experience and I don't need to second guess myself.
So I won't be tanking with you guys anymore if you're sticking with full stacks.

ftfy :p

Last season we had some really good games as a 6-stack but only when our average was around 2800-2900, I noticed that when it's above 3000 we usually have a very rough time.

We'll see how it goes in this one.


ftfy :p

Last season we had some really good games as a 6-stack but only when our average was around 2800-2900, I noticed that when it's above 3000 we usually have a very rough time.

We'll see how it goes in this one.

I think the problem is when we have people who all play the same heroes. I've noticed some people who try to flex but end up coming up short with their alts when things get rough. Some people died too quickly. That can be an issue in a 6 stack with no synergy. Just an observation from playing in previous stacks.

I can flex easily now since I can play 2 of each class now with no problem. When I was duo queueing last week, I didn't even pick first. I just waited for other dudes to pick whatever they want and then I go with my pick. Had one match where everyone picked my mains (sans Junk) so I picked Zarya and we won in a close match. Total Mayhem made me a much better Zarya player.


Poured one out for my boy Roadhog last night. Your ability to delete squishies with poor positioning will be missed.
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