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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Competitive games at silver rank are so shit right now. Just had 2 games where the team basically threw the game and we lost 0-3. EDIT: and another one where everyone seemed like they were tryin but we lost 0-3 anyway.

Matchmaking is so garbage in this game.
It'll affect your S4 placements if you care about that.

Hopefully not as much as last season.

All three seasons I've been mid to high plat and last season they put me in gold after calibrations.

With that being said I probably shouldn't have played on tilt and dropped from 2800 to 2500 :/
Competitive games at silver rank are so shit right now. Just had 2 games where the team basically threw the game and we lost 0-3.
Ah a man sharing my own personal hell. 5 dps teams? Bossy hanzo mains calling for picks while doing jack shit? No tanks or healers but your team gets all of the widows and hanzos? Teammates bailing after losing the first round (because of their own lousy picks)?

The silver struggle.


Playing as Mercy is surprisingly fun everyone wants my blood, hope this teaches me a lot about positioning and just being careful in general.


Playing as Mercy is surprisingly fun everyone wants my blood, hope this teaches me a lot about positioning and just being careful in general.

It helped me, yeah. Unfortunately I played her so much for a while that I found myself trying to GA away from danger on, like, Sombra lol. Didn't work too well :p


Ah a man sharing my own personal hell. 5 dps teams? Bossy hanzo mains calling for picks while doing jack shit? No tanks or healers but your team gets all of the widows and hanzos? Teammates bailing after losing the first round (because of their own lousy picks)?

The silver struggle.

If you're on PC in NA or EU, we could group? I'm Danj#2393, on NA right now.


In case anybody is wondering more about my Reaper statement ....
Nah, in beyblade meta this trio was still present and didn't affect reaper that much. The real reason why reaper is having such a hard time now is hog. Hog does his job way better. That rein example you mentioned can be solved with hog right click. Either break the shield outright and hook or wait for him to put it down.


Nah, in beyblade meta this trio was still present and didn't affect reaper that much. The real reason why reaper is having such a hard time now is hog. Hog does his job way better. That rein example you mentioned can be solved with hog right click. Either break the shield outright and hook or wait for him to put it down.

Actually, in Beyblade meta Reaper didn't have to worry about space because he moved at 250% movement speed whenever he got nanoboosted. It's a completely different scenario. You gotta look at those details. Reaper didn't actually do much besides get thrown at the enemy to hit Q or to farm Q. Now he can only get to 170% boosted movement, and it happens way less often so he doesn't get used in the same way :T

The Roadhog thing is only half true. He can spam the shield down and contest unshielded space really well. This is why he's picked, he works into the strategy. I say half true because the way it all works out is that Roadhog really isn't enough to get through that all and can be played around.

It's pretty clear the Bastion rework is supposed to address the Rein problem by offloading anti-shield damage into him while taking away some potential real damage. It's not a terrible solution tbh, but it's probably not enough. Shield and healing mechanics in general probably need to be looked at, or more abilities need to be introduced to interact with them better.
I hope Blizz keeps 300 references to a minimum if he was really a spartan inspired character.

Enemy teams Greek Warrior:


Your teams Greek Warrior:



Hopefully not as much as last season.

All three seasons I've been mid to high plat and last season they put me in gold after calibrations.

With that being said I probably shouldn't have played on tilt and dropped from 2800 to 2500 :/

The S3 change to move a bunch of plat players to gold should still be sticking around.

Is it based on your SR at the end of last season? not season high?

Yeah, it's a combination of your SR you had at the end of the season + how well placement matches go but leans more heavily on previous SR.


Playing as Mercy is surprisingly fun everyone wants my blood, hope this teaches me a lot about positioning and just being careful in general.
GA'ing all over the place is what makes Mercy fun to play for me.

My positioning has absolutely improved across the board for playing >100 hours of Mercy.


GA'ing all over the place is what makes Mercy fun to play for me.

My positioning has absolutely improved across the board for playing >100 hours of Mercy.

Same. Her hyper mobility is just super fun and really instils not only your own position but being aware of everyone else's relative position as well.


In case anybody is wondering more about my Reaper statement:

Rein controls space and makes it so you can't collapse on him once he has ult
Rein's weakness is he has to drop shield and he's slow
Lucio allows him to play forward and back without the slow part being an issue. He controls whatever space he wants that isn't challenged by another Rein
The shield can be dropped and he can still hold aggressive space because Ana can get him through it. She heals in chunks.

If a character can't deal with that at this point in development, they just don't exist in the higher level metagame. Reaper can't even imagine being in that space, so he's out. Junkrat can't challenge that space so he is out. Etc.

Luckily there are only a few characters put out by this, but it's the state of the game. No one hero can replace another just like that with how they work atm. If something isn't picked, it's because the popular strats are pushing them out. Even then on maps where space to work with is limited, Reaper is still okay. You only wanna run him on offense though because you might run into McCree/Rein/Lucio/Ana and that is actually an auto loss for the character.

I don't think this is the full story. Reaper is designed like a flanker but his abilities as a flanker are absolutely terrible now. He's not supposed to be main DPS dealing with the Reinhardt. He should be getting different angles as the fight properly starts but he can't because teleport is just terrible offensively and wraith form is a meh ability. I personally feel like Reaper is also getting weaker because people are just getting better and his toolkit doesn't work as well because decent players know how to completely outplay it.

If it was entirely dependant on space, Reaper would actually be good on KOTH but Genji, Soldier, McCree and Tracer are absolutely better. Even with the nerf to nanoboost it means you don't wanna run Reaper because Soldier's nanovisor is a lot more consistent.

I used to subscribe to the theory that you'd need Reaper vs triple tank with a Winston but you really don't. Just play Soldier.

And if Bastion is a response to this meta, then that means Reaper will be even worse lol.

not salty :(


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I don't think Reaper was ever intended to be a Rein shield buster. Even with the amount of damage Reaper puts out, you want to put distance between yourself and their front line if you want to bust their shield. Even Roadhog does this job better than Reaper, and he's not even supposed to be a tank buster.


If it was entirely dependant on space, Reaper would actually be good on KOTH but Genji, Soldier, McCree and Tracer are absolutely better. Even with the nerf to nanoboost it means you don't wanna run Reaper because Soldier's nanovisor is a lot more consistent.

It's definitely about space because all those heroes are effective at more ranges and almost as effective as reaper at his range. Reaper is almost useless most of the time, and it comes down to how often he is (or isn't) a threat.


And I feel that positioning is my biggest weakness, I know what every hero does but I'm always at the wrong place and the wrong time at least now I've been more careful with Roadhog's Hook and kinda know how to bait it.


I won't be home from work until 6 PM PST my guy. I might be down to play tonight though. I usually don't mind queuing up with 1-2 people but any more than that and it becomes a mess lol.

I saved my team from a Graviton + Pulse Bomb last night by charging out of the Graviton into the Tracer right as she threw the bomb. It stuck to me and killed us both but no one else.

No problem. I'll be on by then. :D



Who is down for a Plat/Diamond Placement push tomorrow?
If you have played with me before and know my playstyle great, but if not we can do some QP and learn how to do comms.

Really don't want to have to SQ my placements again, so please, let me know.


It's definitely about space because all those heroes are effective at more ranges and almost as effective as reaper at his range. Reaper is almost useless most of the time, and it comes down to how often he is (or isn't) a threat.

I agree it's partly about space but there's also problems with how his abilities don't allow him to do his job anymore.


I made a quick mercy guide on survival tips etc. it's not really extensive but I was just messing with video editing software to see what I could come up with. any feedback would be really helpful/appreciated!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jQ...h every game for the last couple weeks or so.


I don't think this is the full story. Reaper is designed like a flanker but his abilities as a flanker are absolutely terrible now. He's not supposed to be main DPS dealing with the Reinhardt. He should be getting different angles as the fight properly starts but he can't because teleport is just terrible offensively and wraith form is a meh ability. I personally feel like Reaper is also getting weaker because people are just getting better and his toolkit doesn't work as well because decent players know how to completely outplay it.

I'm just going to tell you flat out that you're wrong. In a world where Rein is king, every DPS in the game has to play around him or they have to just not play the game. If you can't at least kill Rein or bust shield or play around shield space, you are ass and will continue to be ass. Individual match ups just don't matter. I don't care if good players can out play Reaper. Outplaying a Reaper that can 1-2 shot you if he has space is hard and it's not just some easy thing to do. Reaper can't fight for space, and he's not picked often because of it, end of story.

We've had metagames where Reaper is good, and in all of them space control was less of an issue than it is now. In all of those metas Reaper did his job and played matchups just the same. Soldier being good literally changes none of his matchups as far as outplaying goes. Yeah, it makes Soldier more appealing, but enough to completely take Reaper out his niche when he is still way better at killing tanks in close range? I doubt it. There's a lot more going on and the logical conclusion pretty much every better player comes down to is he can't get into the space he needs to be good.

Whether that means the obviously out of sync shielding +.healing mechanics need to be fixed, or Reaper's kit needs to be changed is another story. I'm just telling you why it's happening, and the train of thought "well Soldier is just better in every way" is blatantly incorrect. "Other DPS just can outplay him better" is also wrong. It's a metagme issue, not just a kit-to-kit comparison issue.


I'm just going to tell you flat out that you're wrong. In a world where Rein is king, every DPS in the game has to play around him or they have to just not play the game. If you can't at least kill Rein or bust shield or play around shield space, you are ass and will continue to be ass. Individual match ups just don't matter. I don't care if good players can out play Reaper. Outplaying a Reaper that can 1-2 shot you if he has space is hard and it's not just some easy thing to do. Reaper can't fight for space, and he's not picked often because of it, end of story.

We've had metagames where Reaper is good, and in all of them space control was less of an issue than it is now. In all of those metas Reaper did his job and played matchups just the same. Soldier being good literally changes none of his matchups as far as outplaying goes. Yeah, it makes Soldier more appealing, but enough to completely take Reaper out his niche when he is still way better at killing tanks in close range? I doubt it. There's a lot more going on and the logical conclusion pretty much every better player comes down to is he can't get into the space he needs to be good.

Whether that means the obviously out of sync shielding +.healing mechanics need to be fixed, or Reaper's kit needs to be changed is another story. I'm just telling you why it's happening, and the train of thought "well Soldier is just better in every way" is blatantly incorrect. "Other DPS just can outplay him better" is also wrong. It's a metagme issue, not just a kit-to-kit comparison issue.

I don't really understand what you're saying. You say it's all about space but then admit that Reaper's kit might need to be changed? And that's basically what I said.

His abilities don't let him create space like Genji/Tracer do as flankers and Soldier/McCree do as main DPS. His abilities are a lot more easily outplayed than the other DPS heroes. Am I wrong in saying that?

And Soldier being top tier of course compounds the issue. You can't just say a mid range DPS becoming top tier hasn't had any effect on Reaper's viability. Especially one that fills a niche as a nanoboost target as well as being able to protect Ana better.

I guess I'm wrong but this was my line of thinking.


It's more like, if you take Reaper and just give him the ability to move about and fight for space better, you're just making an OP character that is going to encroach on what other characters are already doing. You'd have to change this single character who's kit is honestly fine all because of the current metagame that is happening.

Spoilers: that is shitty game design because it creates a bunch of problems. You don't want him competing with Tracer/Genji for movement or McCree/Soldier for ranged damage. You don't want something to get super strong just to exist in one metagame where it would be hilariously broken in another. See: Roadhog.

When I say kit tweaks, I mostly mean ways to interact with shields/healing better. If he's going to be a tank buster, maybe make interacting with shields better for him. You can't just give him more ranged damage though, because now you're just making his strength in general better which is dangerous if the metagame ever shifts away from shields. This is why Bastion got more ammo and staying power, but lost damage against non shields. What if Reaper just flat dealt more damage to shields only somehow? What if he could bleed damage through shields? Those types of changes would be interesting since shield busting is pretty limited in the game. Not saying they are what should happen because I'm sure you could poke holes in those specific solutions, it's just the line of thinking.

He also can't deal with heal bombs very well either since his fire rate and damage is so chunky. It's another thing where more DPS is not a good solution since in any situation Ana isn't in he deals more than enough DPS. So maybe if interactions with healing mechanics worked differently it'd be interesting?

Idk, I hope that explains it a bit better. You don't want to just laterally buff/nerf around persistent metagaming issues like that.

I think I need to say this again, Soldier isn't that much better than Reaper or any other DPS. He just works really well in a metagame where Rein/Ana are very dominant since that caters to the spaces he excels in. In a metagame state where closer range things can work, Soldier is a lot worse. We just haven't seen that much since his buff happened when Ana/Rein were established and that hasn't changed since. He might be a bit too good kit-to-kit, yeah. It's why I think his CDs should be nerfed. But is it enough to drive heroes out of the metagame? Hell nah.


His abilities are a lot more easily outplayed than the other DPS heroes. Am I wrong in saying that?

Yes, this is wrong. He's not easily outplayed by other DPS heroes. He's easily outplayed by Rein/Ana/Lucio.

edit edit: If it isn't clear form what I talked about, those changes deal with the busted healing/shielding stuff right now more than it does with Reaper himself.


playing mccree and ana these days have made me realize that MOST of the times its better to save ult than use it

and its helped my soldier play (that and the aiming)


Does the amount of medals you get in the placement matches play a huge role for the rating?

In Season 2 I almost got to plat and after winning 8 out of 10 placement matches in Season 3 I dropped to 2200. I tend to switch roles with other people a lot, causing me to sometimes end up with only bronze/silver medals for healing or damage since I don't play the same role for the entire duration of a king of the hill match.


Just watched a POTG of Symmetra soloing a Reinhardt that was trying to destroy a teleporter while not hiting the base...
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