Okay then, I guess this means I can't play Pharah (not a surprise) since I'm not really the deciding factor in my matches. Except for maybe when we lose. I like picking her though.
Maybe the issue is that I usally can't hit shit and my ult is mostly a failure lol
Aim is a harder problem to fix, but there are a lot of small things you can do to get better Pharah ults:
- You probably already know that Pharah combos well with a lot of characters (Zarya, Reinhardt, Mei... any cc ult, really). This is pretty obvious but always ask first. Pharah ult also benefits a lot from trans, beat drop, and anything that forces the enemy team to move really fast (or reorient their barriers) without being able to think too much about where they're going, like D. Va or McCree.
- In defensive positions where your team is entrenched and theirs has to come in, use the ult when they're forced to move through a section without being able to completely protect themselves. A pretty obvious example is Hanamura A; wait for them to start to run in and then ult from on top of the choke (or behind it depending on what they have on their team). There are a
lot of positions from where this is possible but obviously this doesn't really work on attack (although it works wonderful on KotH).
- If you're attacking, you have less options. There are two main ways to get a good ult in this situation. The first way is to do it while the other team is distracted from a position they're not expecting you to be. It's very important that you be at least somewhat hidden or you won't finish the ult, which cuts into the damage. Since this, too, is not always possible, the other option is to position yourself in such a way that you can shotgun one or two important targets and then switch quickly to another one with the knowledge that you'll die but will take more people out with you.
It is telling that, at midrange, an ulting Pharah will lose 1v1 to a non-ulting Pharah; the ult is only effective when people aren't hitting you.