I think I'm going to run stats on how often Harb dies first in an engagement vs how often NRG wins an engagement.
That dude was a massive dick, but solo healing with Lucio is a bad idea to be honest. But you were clearly the better team since you won 5v6 so it doesn't matter I guess.
Harb and Iddqd are so good on a technical level.
But it seems like they're the only ones on the team in the past 2 matches.
Mendo been their best player.
Which is really quite sad.
I have quite a feeling that Numlocked will end up being the weak link with this squad. Some of the problems that plagued him in the past with NRG were still there today.
Yeah Numlocked and Ajax seemed bad. Ajax was maybe because of the recent Lucio changes, but man, if you are a one trick you should be prepped for that.
In a video I saw someone doing 1v6 AI where the AI was all Ana for target practice.
How do I do that? :-/
Now that custom server games exist, it'd probably be b etter to do the Widowmaker practice servers
Arcade, create new game, set it to private, add enemy team of Ana, change rules to your liking, voila.
Still kind of puzzled that Mercy's rez hasn't been nerfed really. I feel like it's too much of a game changer compared to most ultis as it is now. It charges super duper fast as well. Maybe limit the max amount of people it can resurrect at once? Or make it charge even faster but have it only resurrect only one character?
Man, had 2/4 dead, but only 2:30 left for the entire back half of that room, woof.
Counterplay exists to it as is. The only thing you can realistically nerf on it is the charge time, but that doesn't seem to be a huge issue atm.
Starting to doubt Legendary is possible with randoms after about 50 failures, lol.
I found that killing the Bastions first (while ignoring the first OR-14) is the easier way to beat this mode on Legendary. The other OR-14's wont' spawn until your team kills the first one, so killing the Bastions first is a good way to make it a bit easier for everyone.
I'm surprised you managed to complete Expert with randoms. Got to the final two Bastions on a few occasions, but over eager Reins have cost us.
So, THIS happened:
Shame the Highlight didn't catch the second Earthshatter a moment later where shit really got real. But Daaaamn, what the hell just happened that recharged it so quickly.
Wish I had Shadowplay properly set up and remembered what the hotkey for record last five minutes was, but alas.
EDIT: Wow Puush really screwed it up. Reuploading elsewhere real quick.
So apparently nothing seems to be capable of hosting the original 60FPS GIF properly. *shrug*
What size mousepad do you guys use?
I'm using a Steelseries QcK but I feel like its too small for low sens heroes
What size mousepad do you guys use?
I'm using a Steelseries QcK but I feel like its too small for low sens heroes
Did Lucio's Boop get buffed too? It feels like it sends me halfway across the map now.
that might be a bit too big for my desk. i'm already replacing my naga with a deathadder though so maybe i can make some spaceI use this thing
QcK+ is as small as I would go.
Did Lucio's Boop get buffed too? It feels like it sends me halfway across the map now.
A friend of mine got placed below 500. Shit's... pretty real down there.