So if I want to buy any of the Uprising costumes I should probably do it tonight, right?
So if I want to buy any of the Uprising costumes I should probably do it tonight, right?
So if I want to buy any of the Uprising costumes I should probably do it tonight, right?
So if I want to buy any of the Uprising costumes I should probably do it tonight, right?
I don't know any videos, but it is an interesting topic, considering how different Valve and Blizzard are. Valve sucks at communication, but TF2 was very open and thrived on community-created content, while Blizzard is great at communication, but only meets the community halfway when it comes to custom content.Can anyone help me?
I'm looking for an analysis video about Overwatch/TF2 comparing/contrasting their open and closed nature regarding development/community.
So if I want to buy any of the Uprising costumes I should probably do it tonight, right?
Can anyone help me?
I'm looking for an analysis video about Overwatch/TF2 comparing/contrasting their open and closed nature regarding development/community.
GGs _Legacy_!
Too bad we lost that two last games, but we got a nice winning streak there. I played mostly like shit today, but your Rein game is really good man, you deserve more than plat for sure.
BTW, I don't know if you noticed, but in the Gibraltar game one of my friends was staying in the respawn point in the last minutes of defense when the other guys were a couple of meters away from getting the third point. Dude didn't know what to pick and he just stood there. I was telling him to get his ass out there...but I didn't realize I had my mic muted T_T
A specific one? Idk, I like Overwatch much better but TF2 definitely has a more open nature due to the custom servers and whatnot.
12k healing, 10 nano assists, and 16 sleeps and I can't get a card, Blizz? Just in two rounds no less!
Back in diamond after some major solo qing Yay?
Yay, I found the video:
"Errant Signal: Social Spaces & Payload Races"
No wonder I couldn't remember the title.
Back in diamond after some major solo qing Yay?
was in 3400s dropped to to 26xx! LolThat's good, I solo q the odd time but been burned way too many times with the comp. I prefer duo or 4 stacks now. How far down did you drop down too?
No one really now just playing whatever is needed... Lots of dva, lots of Zen, some soldier,some Winston.Who's your main in solo q?
was in 3400s dropped to to 26xx! Lol
Can anyone help me try to get all the achievements for the uprising dlc?
Xbox one later tonightgt: xGeneral Ice
Boo!Back in diamond after some major solo qing Yay?
I knew a lot of people who got really upset about this spray. I really like it myself.All I need is Blackwatch McCree, Talon Widowmaker, and Null Sector OR14 Orisa. Otherwise, I'm pretty much set from this event, especially after getting Mei's new spray and the Overwatch skins for Tracer, Reinhardt, Mercy, and Torbjorn.
I knew a lot of people who got really upset about this spray. I really like it myself.
I knew a lot of people who got really upset about this spray. I really like it myself.
Enjoy being in the worst rank, random player wise. I hated being in diamond. Everyone was skilled enough to move up but the lack of common sense was astounding.Back in diamond after some major solo qing Yay?
The last two times I played I've had awful, weird lag. I can't imagine it's a connection thing because the play sessions were more than 48 hours apart.
It's making it easy to stay away at least.
Fuck yourselves with this 6stack QP tryhard shit
Having a lot of fun with Winston lately. He's really awesome at fucking up squishies.
Time for another one #PS4WatchGAF!
I am planning on 5/6 @ 7pm Eastern like the last one. Hope to see everyone there for some more awesome fun.
Hijacking this to say that the PC one is going on now if we get enough people.
Just stealing my photoshops I see!
Trying to do an impromptu PC in-house. Need a few more peeps though.
Next week is an awful long time away to still think overwatch is fun.![]()
Time for another one #PS4WatchGAF!
I am planning on 5/6 @ 7pm Eastern like the last one. Hope to see everyone there for some more awesome fun.
Next week is an awful long time away to still think overwatch is fun.
Fuck yourselves with this 6stack QP tryhard shit
Fuck yourselves with this 6stack QP tryhard shit
Why not just leave? There's no penalty.
I don't mind going up against a duo or even a triple, but don't put me up against a full team of masters/grand/top 500's, when my team only has a duo/triple. Like there's no way were going to win, especially when my team picks no healers or tanks. I don't mind people trying out different heroes in QP, but most of the time it's instalocked Genji/Tracer/Widow and they're not new heroes to those players. I will usually pick a tank/healer if that happens, and give it 1 life to see how we're doing/give them a chance to pick a tank, if not I'll just switch to what I want to play.
Not sure how they can change the system in QP ("it's just QP mentality, means no changing will probably ever happen) but removing putting solo players against 5/6 stacks is a start.