C'mon, totally a visor with screens and VR.
Welcome to her reality.
C'mon, totally a visor with screens and VR.
I thought either Owzers or Batman left with me. I THOUGHT THE GROUP WAS DISBANDING.
It's now clear that I was the problem.
I like the skin but how does she see lol
Blizzard needs to do a full reset of MMR.
Otherwise I'm going to be forever stuck in low Platinum.
There's just no out. It doesn't matter how well I play I'm always going to be here. The placement matches are a complete waste of time. In fact, having seasons is a complete waste of time because nothing ever fucking changes.
How would a reset fix that if they don't change how mmr/SR fundamentally works?Here's the thing, I don't believe in "Elo Hell", if you're good enough you'll eventually climb out. My biggest problem is the amount of boosted one-tricks that are in my GM games on PC. If they don't get to play their one hero we are essentially playing the game 5v6, it's frustrating. My last match last night I had 3 one-trick Mercy mains on my team, they spent half the game arguing about who should play Mercy...
How would a reset fix that if they don't change how mmr/SR fundamentally works?
Eventually you'd run in to the same problem.
Here's the thing, I don't believe in "Elo Hell", if you're good enough you'll eventually climb out. My biggest problem is the amount of boosted one-tricks that are in my GM games on PC. If they don't get to play their one hero we are essentially playing the game 5v6, it's frustrating. My last match last night I had 3 one-trick Mercy mains on my team, they spent half the game arguing about who should play Mercy...
How would a reset fix that if they don't change how mmr/SR fundamentally works?
Eventually you'd run in to the same problem.
I dunno. It's just very boring having one win and then one loss and then being exactly where you were when you started.
There's just no out. It doesn't matter how well I play I'm always going to be here. The placement matches are a complete waste of time. In fact, having seasons is a complete waste of time because nothing ever fucking changes.
It's not really even about climbing above Platinum. I know I'm not a great player, far from it, but I'd like to feel some sort of actual progression, some sort of actual change. Even if that means dropping down loads of ranks, at least that's movement.
I dunno. It's just very boring having one win and then one loss and then being exactly where you were when you started.
I'm still relatively new to this game compared to some of you, and I'm just wondering how they determine comp rank. I know they probably haven't laid out all the determining metrics but I've heard it's based primarily on individual performance and that win/loss isn't a significant factor. Is that correct?
Individual performance is the primary factor.
Thanks. Guess I'll stop picking Widow when my team decides to throw a match lol.
Edit: Quick followup: So even if my team loses but lets say I have an amazing round, is it possible to move up in rank?
I just wish they'd stop weighing everything on wins and losses, all it takes is one guy throwing in this game and there is nothing you can do to overcome it.
There has to be a way they could factor in personal play a little bit.
I just wish they'd stop weighing everything on wins and losses, all it takes is one guy throwing in this game and there is nothing you can do to overcome it.
There has to be a way they could factor in personal play a little bit.
But with individual performance being the primary determinant, then even if a guy on your team throws but you play to your average, you should stay more or less where you were prior to the match, no? Just want to make sure I got this. I'm hell bent on getting diamond this season.
If you lose the match you lose points no matter what. Individual performance affects placement matches to determine where you place at the end of them. It also affects how many points you gain or lose in normal ranked games but if you win you gain points even if you play shit and if you lose you lose points even if you're amazing.
Here's the thing, I don't believe in "Elo Hell", if you're good enough you'll eventually climb out. My biggest problem is the amount of boosted one-tricks that are in my GM games on PC. If they don't get to play their one hero we are essentially playing the game 5v6, it's frustrating. My last match last night I had 3 one-trick Mercy mains on my team, they spent half the game arguing about who should play Mercy...
This is a pretty naive understanding of the relationship between SR and skill.JHall is right. Resetting MMR isn't suddenly going to get you out of plat. Elo Hell isn't real and the type of stuff that kinda resembles it doesn't really work that way. It might drop inflated MMR people back down a bi though. They'll eventually get back up again if the SR system doesn't change though.
First off, the rhythm is unload your guns, blink while reloading, repeat. If you're confident in your position (no one's shooting at you), not blinking and continuing to lay down hurt only strengthens your eventual escape - so don't feel like you HAVE to blink after every clip.
Second, once you get comfortable landing shots with her (note: you can execute a Tracer, Mercy, Zen, McCree, Soldier, Ana, Lucio, Hanzo, Widow, Sym simply by landing a full clip of body shots), work on improving your headshots. Being able to headshot with her massively increases your lethality and extends the range at which you are super scary.
Third: Pulse Bomb. Unless you have a set-up ult you feel you'll get use out of (Zarya's is #1), throw your ult like candy. Stick it to the biggest body on the field (Rein, Hog, Orisa, Bastion) and hope a squishy or two are close enough to get gibbed. You'll soon learn the timings you need to ensure a kill with it on the tanks:
Rein must have at least 100 additional damago put into him first.
Hog must not have his huff, or less than 100hp before you stick him.
Orisa must have already used Fortify, plus 5 damage at full hp.
Bastion requires 5 additonal damage when in turret form.
Throw it constantly. As soon as it comes up, use it because you can have it back in like four clips if you land your shots well. You're not getting max value out of Tracer if you're just sitting on her ult. Being able to execute the enemy Rein (blink behind him, unload a clip into his back, sticky = dead) opens most team fights wide open in your side's favor.
Fourth: you're a flanker. Don't stand behind Rein's shield - don't stand with your team - not because you shouldn't be helping in the teamfight (you should), but because if you stand there your tiny health bar will get instagibbed by general fire.
You should start every team fight ready to pounce behind or at least to the side of the enemy team. Picking supports is important, but stopping that Soldier from killing your ally can make a bigger difference.
Fifth: be an asshole. If you're confident your team can hold the point, dive on the reds' spawn and solo anyone coming to reinforce. You're Tracer - if you get the jump on them, you're favored to win in a one-on-one against everyone.
And I hear you thinking "seriously? Everyone?"
Let me repeat:
Once you can do all of that and survive to keep helping your team, you're a master Tracer, no matter your SR.
This is a pretty naive understanding of the relationship between SR and skill.
I average 18 SR for a win and 40 for a loss. It doesn't take any kind of sophisticated analytics to conclude that a) the game is pushing me in a certain direction and b) not all players are doing the same amount of work to achieve the same SR. If you include my placement, I've now lost over 700 SR in the last month with a win rate just above 50%.
That's not even taking into account the fact that influence on the game's overall outcome is unevenly distributed across roles.
This is the problem right here.
The aim of competitive is not about progression by gaining SR - it's about creating balanced matches.
Blizzard needs to do a full reset of MMR.
I love this. I've been working towards getting good as Tracer, and I feel dangerous enough to make a difference in most team fights. Unless a Roadhog hooks me, I've also been getting better at surviving.
I never get to play as her though. I almost always have to fill as D.Va or Lucio.
I love this. I've been working towards getting good as Tracer, and I feel dangerous enough to make a difference in most team fights. Unless a Roadhog hooks me, I've also been getting better at surviving.
I never get to play as her though. I almost always have to fill as D.Va or Lucio.
This might just be me, but like I've said in the past I'm finding the best way to fight a roadhog as tracer is just right up in his face. At least this way you can blink around and make him work for hook shots. Also you'll be doing max damage. Any other Tracer players chime in on this or have anti roadhog strats? Nothing worse than getting hooked as tracer.
How much HP will a Mercy have after hook-shot-melee combo? Like under 10?
It's not like Roadhog dies if his combo doesn't ohko someone.
Otherwise I'm going to be forever stuck in low Platinum.
There's just no out. It doesn't matter how well I play I'm always going to be here. The placement matches are a complete waste of time. In fact, having seasons is a complete waste of time because nothing ever fucking changes.
I mean, that's awfully presumptuous of you to assume considering the system is 90 percent opaque. If you lost more than twice what you gained, your rating would tank too. There is literally no way for me to see long run gains in the current system. Even if I win every game I play I will eventually reach a point where that's not possible and get bumped back down.This just sounds like you have had pretty poor career performance and ended up getting your SR inflated compared to what you're doing. I know a few diff GM support players that don't have this problem, and they all soloq.
I also think any role can have a lot of impact but what do I know. I kinda feel for you playing below your SR average long enough to end up in this situation, but from what I know about how SR works it seems you spent some time being inflated.
It is beyond irritating to read you comment authoritatively on something that your understanding of is based entirely on the fact that the system has worked out for you.
This might just be me, but like I've said in the past I'm finding the best way to fight a roadhog as tracer is just right up in his face. At least this way you can blink around and make him work for hook shots. Also you'll be doing max damage. Any other Tracer players chime in on this or have anti roadhog strats? Nothing worse than getting hooked as tracer.
Have 20 minutes of me rambling about how Sombra on 2CP defense works
This might just be me, but like I've said in the past I'm finding the best way to fight a roadhog as tracer is just right up in his face. At least this way you can blink around and make him work for hook shots. Also you'll be doing max damage. Any other Tracer players chime in on this or have anti roadhog strats? Nothing worse than getting hooked as tracer.
I play DPS 80 percent of the time and I only solo queued until I got to master.It's worked for me and a lot of other people, so I dunno. Have you played primarily support in a duo or trio queue since the game came out?
But I didn't even play Mercy this time.You forgot the first rule of PS4GAF: when all else fails, blame Owzers.
That's the only reason I don't like the skin. Can't get over the weird helmet - looks almost like a fancy cultist hood.
But I didn't even play Mercy this time.
I play DPS 80 percent of the time and I only solo queued until I got to master.
Yes, the key here is that you don't know but claim that you do. Until there is transparency (which will likely never happen for perfectly good reasons), your understanding of how SR works is, like mine, just a guess.
7-2-1 and I placed at 2159.
That's the lowest placement I've had ever and I was plat last season. LUL.
What was your high and final last season?Lost 7 games won 3 placed 1580. People really don't know how to deal with pharah / mercy even when they tell you "let me play soldier I'm really good".