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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

Yesterday would have been the perfect time to do placements, since I stayed home from work. But I'm legitimately sick.

Basically: "I Need Healing" "I Need Healing" "I Need Healing"


That amazing feeling when the enemy team switches to a Zen/Torb/Bastion/Soldier/Ana/D.va comp to counter your Pharmercy. We lost but I never felt more proud.

I had that last night. The first fight ensured their golden bow Hanzo was focusing me all round, and slowly half the team transformed into Tracer counters by the 2nd checkpoint (McCree, Junkrat, a Hog who was really good with his hooks).

We lost. Still proud.
IMO Rez is a fucked up ability because at low-mid level play it just destroys people, but at high level play it's held in pretty poor regard right now. It's just a noob trap and a pub stomper all in one ability.

I was watching Seagull's Contenders scrims, and there was a fight just to capture the point on Lijang that lasted over 3 minutes before anyone captured it. Both sides had Pharah/Mercy, the only time Mercy is trotted out in high level, but it was the rezzes that kept it going for so long.

There was a similar last point Gibraltar fight that just extended and extended on Wraxu's solo q stream. Rez rarely seems to change the game's outcome, as it just prolongs the hell out of it.

Plat Strat is trickling up, coming for you.

Speaking of Wraxu, people are sorely mistaken if they think he's a one-trick. His Hanzo is just next level.
5 boxes today (3 arcade, 2 from leveling), no legendary but got the McCree dance.

66 lootboxes so far, 10 legendaries (5 from the event, one of them being a dupe). Meh, seems like currency will have to be spent.

Did this cool play as pharah, though the potg didn't catch the dancing part (only the very beginning)... have to start emoting immediately without going to cover. Lesson learned.


Rez rarely seems to change the game's outcome, as it just prolongs the hell out of it.

So like, that's the key thing. Rez does come out, but when it does it's usually not a big impactful thing. It's usually just a way to extend out bad fights. That's not a good ultimate really, you don't get a lot of the same benefits you get out of other ults. Sound Barrier or Trance are almost always better, and Nano is just in a different category really.

When Pharmercy is out, Rez fights are going to happen. Like, you run Mercy for the Pharah and there's no point in not using Rez. That doesn't mean the ult isn't still meh, that just means people are using what comes attached to the hero when they pick her. The most common way Rez is even used with Pharmercy in pro games is to solo Rez Pharah when she makes an oops because Mercy is borderline useless without her.

The shit that happens in Wraxu is just, well, it's just a symptom of what's going on in solo queue right now. Game quality is at an all time low and the rank system is fucked in a way where there's Mercy in every single game. In Mercy Mirrors, Rez is a lot better too. There aren't enough big team fight support ults in the game to really punish Rez like that :T

Idk. I know it's a meh tier ult, top players say it, the character isn't ran for the ult ever, it rarely is a truly impactful ult when it comes down in those matches. That just makes this "Mercy in every soloq game ever" problem even dumber to me. The fact the ranking system has let that happen is a next level type of joke to me. I'm telling you, you don't see Mercy in all these games because she's good with a lot of amazing OTPs getting clutch Rez. She's mediocre, but you can trust in dynamic queue to help make up for the fact somebody in a stack is picking her every single game.


Wraxu was ranked in the top 100 for Hanzo, Widow, Soldier, Tracer, and Pharah. He's far from a one-trick, he's one of the best DPS players in the game.
My bad aim might be partially to blame for this, but I think it's bullshit to expect a Soldier to take care of a Pharmercy by himself. There's a reason why I'm playing in Platinum not Masters, people.

That's not even a thing in grand masters. A pro Pharah can bully a lone Soldier with ease. A soldier behind tanks should be able to deal with a Pharah though, but it's certainly difficult when there's a Mercy involved as well.

EDIT: Speaking of which, in pro tournaments yesterday I saw Seagull's team fighting some other team, and the other team was focusing the Pharmercy so hard. Their tanks (DVA and Winston) were literally jumping into the air and melee attacking the Mercy. The amount of effort to bring it down is insane (though they did succeed).


The amount of effort to bring it down is insane (though they did succeed).

It's worth investing in I guess. Pharah is pretty ass without Mercy or at least a Zen orb, and Mercy is just ass in general. You invest hard into killing one, and if you succeed you're now up a support and have a huge DPS advantage off killing one hero. Doesn't matter which one you kill first, as long as one dies.


It's worth investing in I guess. Pharah is pretty ass without Mercy or at least a Zen orb, and Mercy is just ass in general. You invest hard into killing one, and if you succeed you're now up a support and have a huge DPS advantage off killing one hero. Doesn't matter which one you kill first, as long as one dies.

Two asses combine to form one mega asshole.
I try not to get mad in arcade, but it's getting frustrating when the other team is constantly like a four stack of silver and gold portraits that are Masters.


Got my arcade loot boxes last night and leveled up a few times too. I decided that once I got my next legendary drop, that would be when I cash in (don't question it - It's just where I wanted to stop). Last loot box for the night I open is... 2 rares, 1 epic, and 1 legendary. The rares and epic are all dupes and the legendary a 500c treasure chest. ... Great.

I opened nearly 120 chests during this event and it seems that was enough to get me a little over half of everything. Once I started spending, my credit stockpile dropped from 36k to 9k. But I got everything.

I was watching Seagull's Contenders scrims, and there was a fight just to capture the point on Lijang that lasted over 3 minutes before anyone captured it. Both sides had Pharah/Mercy, the only time Mercy is trotted out in high level, but it was the rezzes that kept it going for so long.

Partly. A big part of the length of that team fight is that both teams were playing dive, and the hero makeups there are good for bypassing the artificial barriers to the point of Lijang Gardens. They can return very quickly, there's no OT penalty because no one had capped yet, and the heavy healing on both sides kept fights that should have ended going. Well, that and some people were doing work on the point. Even without the rezzes there was some tenacious fighting. I sure did chuckle though when I saw Mercys pulling out their second resurrections in that team fight. That some 2016 Mercy stuff.
Never trust anyone who has to justify their pick.

Just pick your character, be quiet and prove it. When someone spends all of character selection/pre-match trying to explain why their pick will work, it usually ends up not working and costing us the game.

Yeah, just say, "I think this could work. If it doesn't, I'll switch off." Then do it, if that time comes.
I'm always willing to give any team comp a chance for a fight or two. Strange teams have been known to work in the past.


nothing fills me with more joy than boosting into an ulting Pharah making her kill herself. God i cant wait for police D.va. Please give her a no fun police spray


Mercy is getting near Junkrat level of "pls delete from the game", but to be fair, I'm not seeing Junkrat anymore. It doesn't help that the player is usually obnoxious as fuck.
She needs to be near to heal but can't stay there because she can't do shit to survive or even help because she can't outheal anything, and if I'm Ana she just gets her ass in my way blocking who I'm healing, what a waste of space. Her whole value is giving a second chance to a failed 5v6.
Got the bastion event skin and now I'm super close to pulling the trigger on going golden with him. (Already have 1x offense, tank and support)


I'm gonna buy everything I'm missing this week. My hope for Zarya and Bastion as drops seems low as hell.

I'm going to buy the Zarya and Mei skin if they don't drop for me this week.

It's worth investing in I guess. Pharah is pretty ass without Mercy or at least a Zen orb, and Mercy is just ass in general. You invest hard into killing one, and if you succeed you're now up a support and have a huge DPS advantage off killing one hero. Doesn't matter which one you kill first, as long as one dies.

I can handle a Mercy or Pharah fine in "open" maps or long stretch areas but for places like Dorado it's difficult, the Pharah or Mercy can just retreat behind one of the many buildings or corners and heal up. Happened to me in a game I just played, I killed them a few times but would have been a lot more if they didn't retreat and I'm not going to over-extend to finish the job when we're on defence and I'm the only dps. We still won, the Mercy was stuck to the Pharah for the whole round and their Zen couldn't keep up with the damage we were laying into the others. I guess that's the only advantage, if you focus the troops (especially supports) on the ground, Mercy might have to break off and help... unless she's in a duo stack with the Pharah, in that case, gg for the rest of the team.
Mercy is getting near Junkrat level of "pls delete from the game", but to be fair, I'm not seeing Junkrat anymore. It doesn't help that the player is usually obnoxious as fuck.
She needs to be near to heal but can't stay there because she can't do shit to survive or even help because she can't outheal anything, and if I'm Ana she just gets her ass in my way blocking who I'm healing, what a waste of space. Her whole value is giving a second chance to a failed 5v6.

I really like both Mercy and Junk :(
I'm going to buy the Zarya and Mei skin if they don't drop for me this week.

I can handle a Mercy or Pharah fine in "open" maps or long stretch areas but for places like Dorado it's difficult, the Pharah or Mercy can just retreat behind one of the many buildings or corners and heal up. Happened to me in a game I just played, I killed them a few times but would have been a lot more if they didn't retreat and I'm not going to over-extend to finish the job when we're on defence and I'm the only dps. We still won, the Mercy was stuck to the Pharah for the whole round and their Zen couldn't keep up with the damage we were laying into the others. I guess that's the only advantage, if you focus the troops (especially supports) on the ground, Mercy might have to break off and help... unless she's in a duo stack with the Pharah, in that case, gg for the rest of the team.

I main soldier and folks believe that solider is THE counter for Pharah and get really pissed when the pharmercy keeps eating us up. I can generally handle her, but a good player especially in Ilios (not the ruins), Dorado, Numbani have wayy too many duck and get healed for 2 seconds and keep on targeting support characters.


My bad aim might be partially to blame for this, but I think it's bullshit to expect a Soldier to take care of a Pharmercy by himself. There's a reason why I'm playing in Platinum not Masters, people.
I'm in master and I've played against Gm/T500 hitscans as Pharah. She shits on all of them 1v1. Pharah has good answers for everything except a Widow headshot but Pharah has so many tools to deal with Widow that she's not a problem for her. Pharmercy? Forget about it.

If your team is expecting you to counter Pharah by yourself, the best you can do is D.Va.


I'm going to buy the Zarya and Mei skin if they don't drop for me this week.

Oh yea, I don't have the Mei skin either. Ugh

I'm in master and I've played against Gm/T500 hitscans as Pharah. She shits on all of them 1v1. Pharah has good answers for everything except a Widow headshot but Pharah has so many tools to deal with Widow that she's not a problem for her. Pharmercy? Forget about it.

If your team is expecting you to counter Pharah by yourself, the best you can do is D.Va.

Yea, don't expect me to kill a Pharmercy by myself.
Mercy is getting near Junkrat level of "pls delete from the game", but to be fair, I'm not seeing Junkrat anymore. It doesn't help that the player is usually obnoxious as fuck.
She needs to be near to heal but can't stay there because she can't do shit to survive or even help because she can't outheal anything, and if I'm Ana she just gets her ass in my way blocking who I'm healing, what a waste of space. Her whole value is giving a second chance to a failed 5v6.


Pipe down, Ana.

I feel like it can be a problem with Ana because a few times in Comp (I play Ana + Mercy mainly, Rein if I feel like losing SR) and I will line up a scoped shot for someone...only for some thicc-ass Roadhog to jump in my LoS and for me to sit up and stare at an invisible camera with a despondent look my face.

Maybe Mercy should get a buff to healing range so she doesn't have to stick quite so close to some of them. Also Lucios in Comp this season can be so annoying since it seems like 90% of them rarely heal, only speedboost and are pig ignorant of their AoE indicator and think its still LoS based...


First placement in solo queue: team goes in 1 by 1, dies, "ana u suck u piece of shit", "ANA HEAL ME" (while I'm dead), repeat until the end. Literally everyone spawns, goes on the payload and dies alone. Roadhog keeps exploding because of a Bastion but it's my fault of course. This is why you don't solo queue and support during placements.

I really like both Mercy and Junk :(
First placement in solo queue: team goes in 1 by 1, dies, "ana u suck u piece of shit", "ANA HEAL ME" (while I'm dead), repeat until the end. Literally everyone spawns, goes on the payload and dies alone. Roadhog keeps exploding because of a Bastion but it's my fault of course. This is why you don't solo queue and support during placements.


I went from having 2 of my best comp games ever in placement solo. Then my last 3 placement matches and most since have been meh :\


Yah, D.Va is the best single character to pick to deal Pharmercy. Just gives you way too many options to deal with it. The common D.Va/Winston/Soldier stuff just gives you way too many options in general orz.
Think the new 1v1 could use some tweaking. The ban list is too big at the moment and there's not nearly enough incentive to not just pick from hog/soldier/mei/ana since at least one is in almost every selection.


Just lost a easy win up 2-1 because the Plat DVa wouldn't switch off after Zarya started countering her hard. I hate people.
Yah, D.Va is the best single character to pick to deal Pharmercy. Just gives you way too many options to deal with it. The common D.Va/Winston/Soldier stuff just gives you way too many options in general orz.

So do you just fly at her and shoot at her or something? anything I do with D.va just doesn't seem to do much.
Oh hey I actually managed to get my main account to Diamond. It was stuck in Plat for the past 4 seasons so I thought it just wasn't going to happen anymore.

Did it insta-locking Soldier/Pharah/Reaper with the occasional Winston in KOTH and Zarya if other players got to pick DPS first. Funny thing is I did my best with Sir Grimdark Edgelord most of the time. Good practice for when he gets that buff too!

Just a good reminder that the meta isn't an unbreakable rule down in these tiers. So easy exploiting players with just awful positioning over and over again.

To chime in on the Pharmercy discussion, I also made the rare Mercy pick on my climb from low Plat to Diamond when I got locked out of DPS and one of them was Pharah. It's unstoppable. Which also made me all the more frustrated every time I would pick Pharah, get a Mercy on our team, and I wouldn't get pocketed. Probably one good reason why those particular Mercy mains stay in those ranks.

It's what definitely pushed me into just playing Reaper most of the time on Attack for these last couple of sessions I played to go above 3k.


So do you just fly at her and shoot at her or something? anything I do with D.va just doesn't seem to do much.

Constant chip pressure from range, boost into her+melee for about 1/3 or 1/4 of her HP, shoot as you fall. She can do work - she's just not like, y'know, a Widowmaker.
To celebrate my new all time low rating after my placement matches - 1000 points lower than my best - I made myself a new league badge, and it's all mine. You can't have Cardboard League.

Feel free to make fun of my glorious 628 SR. Though I do blame 6 out of 10 placement games having a leaver.
So do you just fly at her and shoot at her or something? anything I do with D.va just doesn't seem to do much.

No, you use the DM to nullify a lot of her damage hoping that the hitscan will take her down in the meantime. You can chase her and mercy down if you see a chance to pressure or even finish them off, though remember that you will be an easy target while in the air without any kind of protection, and you also need to be careful to not end up in a really bad position withouth DM after the chase.

When I play Soldier one thing I always focus is a D.Va using the DM elsewhere in the middle of nowhere completely unprotected, gives me a ton of ult charge and I can get her out of mech pretty fast so I can use it after without worrying about her eating it.


Some eSports stats:

- Pharmercy saw a sharp decline in TO2, both <5% usage
- Zenyatta is the clear secondary support in TO2, ~70% usage with Ana at ~20%
- Sombra made her biggest debut in the West at TO2, with huge help from Neptuno of Movistar Riders
2 boxes. Duplicate, Duplicate, Duplicate, Duplicate, Duplicate, Dva voice, Duplicate, Duplicate.

Losing interest Blizzard. Can't speak for anyone else, but these rates are counter to me giving a damn anymore. Let alone spending any real money.

I was planning on spending an hour or two getting those arcade boxes. But, meh.
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