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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

Andddd our 0-2 comp warm-up for that hour.

Finally get randoms who talk and they're toxic. RIP

I think I need to take up meditation or something. It's some fake number that will never mean anything. Yet I just hate losing SR so much. If I could just enjoy the game and never get mad at losing even when teammates are being absolutely stupid I would be a happier person.


I've been in and out of Masters about 6 times already lol, up to 3550 now. Last season I got up to 3800. I don't really care but it's literally win one then lose one.

Time to grind MH. Love when it gives me Zarya, 17-0 win in like 2.5 mins.
Went 8-2 in my placements and ended up at 2094. I was really putting in work and getting multiple gold medals per game as Zarya...feels bad.

Last season I climbed from silver to plat, so hopefully I can do it again this season but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


Unconfirmed Member
30-37 in competitive now at SR 1525, but 12-5 with Winston and Symetra.

I believe the key is to play heroes I don't have to aim with.


Gold Member
Must be.

Second match started as two Zens, two Zaryas, an Ana and a Lucio vs two Pharahs, a Mercy, a Zen, a Reaper, and a DVa.

So much fun. So much.

I reached my "fuck this shit" breaking point with Mystery Heroes tonight after our opponents got this wonderful stack of flab. No one could get close to the point without being hook-shot and our Pharah and Genji might as well have been throwing pebbles.

The mode just isn't worth the frustration. Rather bang my head into 3v3 Lockout Elims or even Draw the Flag than play Mystery Heroes.

hmm anyone want to add me to play some comp? we could get a team going :) east coast time down to play evenings. all my friends moved to battlegrounds and ive been struggling, currently silver at 1850. all my random games have been horrible with people just not cooperating or leaving mid match. send me a pm if you want to play!
Sometimes I feel like people here get so depressed about Comp. I feel ya.

I'm not torn up about my placement, but I do think my play was far closer to my plat performance than my stumbling in high silver / low gold.

I reached my "fuck this shit" breaking point with Mystery Heroes tonight after our opponents got this wonderful stack of flab. No one could get close to the point without being hook-shot and our Pharah and Genji might as well have been throwing pebbles.

Ha! That's such a terrible comp. I've played close to 50 hours of Mystery Heroes and I'm not sure I've ever run into something that bad. Love the mode.
Because not everyone is going to intently watch the back of one single teammate, especially if it's someone who tends to split away from the main group like Hanzo. If you don't tell your team you have someone on your ass, nobody will know.

"X on me" is a pretty common callout. If you can't make the call in time for your teammates to assist, you can at least let them know the enemy position.

I'm sorry I was defending OP and interpreted it as the Hanzo complaining that no one told him there was a Pharah around him. Same principle though: if you don't say anything it isn't my job to babysit you.


Like a third of my matches this season have trolls and griefers. Not something as benign as off-meta picks but people who just literally suicide into the enemy team on purpose, hop off cliffs, idle and brag about it, etc.

Blizzard, at some point, needs to actually put a foot down because the fact that they don't really punish seems to be becoming fairly widely known.
Ok, I'm done with comp for the day. Just had an amazing game.

Route 66

On defense, gets steamrolled.

On attack, we overtimed on each checkpoint.

On attack again with only 1 minute, we went the full way on permanent overtime. But had to literally struggle for each checkpoint through.

On defense, other team didn't reach 1st checkpoint.

Holy smokes the numbers at the end were redunculous. 38k dmg from the enemy hanzo, 40k healing on mercy, 70+ elims from the dps...

This is the game I wish more comp matches were like.
You get so much EXP from Mayhem, and I love seeing all the player salt. Our Ana earlier chain slept a Roadhog and made him rage quit, I laughed my ass off.
GGs, I gotta go. And thats why you run people like Reaper and WInston and Sombra, to counter the stallfest.

Also god I'm getting janked on these loot chests....still need 44k worth of stuff and I only have 5k. Gonna have to go ham on buying loot boxes this weekend I guess.....seems like I'm lucky to get a non duplicate purple lately


Zarya, Winston, Pharah and Mercy are the must picks in TM. Everyone else is whatever

Also, this other stack keeps getting PotG but they keep losing to us, lmao


I find lucio to be better than Mercy in those mode. Both of them make you invincible tho

Def need one of them as healer or else trying to stay in battle is near impossible.

Also, don't use Genji. Fucking useless in this mode. A random picked him and was just dying endlessly lol


key for total mayhem is to quit the attacks and only play on defense, that saves a lot of time.

Unless your team is completely oblivious, defense wins everytime. You can stall forever and inevitably just bump attacker off the payload with winston or mei and win.

On attack your best shot is having sombra combos. It's much harder and needs coordination.


Dva is also good. Her Ult can help clear out some dudes from point.

key for total mayhem is to quit the attacks and only play on defense, that saves a lot of time.

Unless your team is completely oblivious, defense wins everytime. You can stall forever and inevitably just bump attacker off the payload with winston or mei and win.

On attack your best shot is having sombra combos. It's much harder and needs coordination.

Nah, we did fine on both. Just wombo combo Ults and it's pretty painless. Didn't have any trouble pushing it to the end in most of the games tonight.
I'm bored. Anyone want to start a group for comp or whatever on PC? My main is at 3800 and my alt is 2900 or something if we decide to do comp.


I'm getting matched against 4500 GMs in 3v3 but I'm a 3100 level player, ok Blizzard.

I played against this guy constantly in season 1 and 2, so I guess I'll take some comfort in knowing my hidden skill rating or whatever is still comparable to his, lol.


Zarya, Winston, Pharah and Mercy are the must picks in TM. Everyone else is whatever

Also, this other stack keeps getting PotG but they keep losing to us, lmao

Hanzo gets his bullshit arrow on every alternate shot in TM. He can instantly delete any squishy, something no one else can do in TM.
Fucking hell. Mayhem has been out, how long now? How are there still games without Winstons or Zaryas?
Stop picking fucking Mcrees, Genjis and Torbs. They're useless in this mode.


I just absolutely worked a guy using Soldier with Ana in 1v1, and he quit after I beat his Widow with shitty Pharah play on my end. And I still didn't get a Ana POTG!! Never gonna happen...
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