I've discovered overwatch. I love it.
I don't pay attention to the win % in quick play before I use a character, I just play them if I feel comfortable using them.Typically, what kind of win % do you want to have before going into Competitive? Zen's at 64%, followed by Sym, D.Va, and Mei at about 57%. Mercy is only like 39% : /
I've discovered overwatch. I love it.
wasnt people talking about support bug now in comp that give you less sr as support heroSo....I made a new account on PS4 just to practice Ana and nothing else.
Made it to level 25 and did all my placements solo queue in a single stretch on Saturday.
My Ana isn't half bad, honestly!
In placements I began with being grouped up in golds and plats
By the end I was grouped with silvers.
End result 4-6, 1985 SR silver
I'm mid diamond player on my main account and I had created a new account to practice Pharah in S2 (8-2 placements, 3178 SR), so I was a little annoyed at getting placed silver by just playing Ana. I stopped restricting myself and decided to just play whatever I wanted. 6 wins in 6 games since placement, and my account is now at 2471 SR. I'm not entirely sure what this means. I had thought that my QP MMR should prevent me from placing so low, and yet I ended up in silver. If my QP MMR did not matter in comp, then I should not have gained 500 SR in 6 games. What will the MMR system for comp do if I get to level 25 with 0 hours in QP then?
I've been playing D. Va, Mercy and Junkrat. The game is really addicting.
wasnt people talking about support bug now in comp that give you less sr as support hero
wasnt people talking about support bug now in comp that give you less sr as support hero
I feel like this isn't the first time playing support has weirdly affected sr so I will pretty much never pick support during placement. Kaplan said:Thanks for the input, guys. This is really helpful. A lot of what you're saying aligns with what we're seeing.
We've made so many changes since Season 1 that the data from that Season is not relevant anymore. Also, we made significant changes after the placement reset on the PTR. So our sample size is limited in evaluating this. It's also somewhat tainted because much of the feedback we get is either Season 1 holdover feedback or pre-"placement reset" Season 2 feedback. So trying to separate out all of the old issues from possible current new ones is challenging.
What it looks like to us is:
--Zen places fine
--Ana places fine
--Mercy places low (fix in flight)
--Lucio places really low (fix in flight)
There were other heroes (non-support) who were placing too high and too low... and there are fixes in flight for these as well. This should further help to balance things out... hopefully. We'll keep a very close eye on this and continue to make improvements as needed.
Finished my placement matches with the help of some GAFers tonight: final tally was 4-4-2, and got placed at Gold with 2436 SR. Was hoping to finally get placed in Platinum, but it's my highest placement so far (46 Season 1, 2350 Season 2, 2150 Season 3) so I'm definitely improving. Maybe Season 5 I'll start in Platinum...
I was hoping to try and make the Diamond chase this season but I'm not sure about it now.
I feel like this isn't the first time playing support has weirdly affected sr so I will pretty much never pick support during placement.
Yeah people forget that the objective is to guard the point, instead of going out and killing everything.
People end up being surprised when they lose.
I'm going to remember this three person thing in the future, we can't risk unleashing the full nd wraith again.We need 3 players on point to cap at the max speed. Even with two we almost made it, that dumbass reaper threw away a sure win.
mess.It absolutely did happen, confirmed by Jeff himself. Last August:
Had an amazing run today with 6 wins in a row, and then the final game was tied on dorado, all we had to do was hold them for 1 minute, THEY WENT THE ENTIRE WAY ON OVERTIME and we lost holy shit talk about demoralizing
Probably because they weren't getting any healing. Winston is a heal vacuum and you only had 1 support...Probably had the worst matches I ever had tonight. Had a 4 gold medal match as Winston. That's never a good sign. Even worse if you have 4 DPS on your team.
I'm going to remember this three person thing in the future, we can't risk unleashing the full nd wraith again.
Or at least until we get another hanzo random.
I think I'm going to try Rein more in koth too.
I'm going to remember this three person thing in the future, we can't risk unleashing the full nd wraith again.
Or at least until we get another hanzo random.
I think I'm going to try Rein more in koth too.
He probably didn't know he adds to the cap speed.Sometimes I just can't deal with the sheer stupidity of some people. We had a team kill in hanamura 2nd point with 3 people remaining on our team. The fucking reaper decides to leave the point letting just me and Sombra to cap.
We draw. I just can't.
Nice man.
I left immediately as the game ended because I was WAY beyond tilted.
Probably because they weren't getting any healing. Winston is a heal vacuum and you only had 1 support...
Or maybe they just can't aim
Yep! If he were on mic he could have calmly yelled at the reaper to get on point.Haha. Did ND tilt?
Haha. Did ND tilt?
He probably didn't know he adds to the cap speed.
Yep! If he were on mic he could have calmly yelled at the reaper to get on point.
I bet reaper didn't know too. I knew more is better but not that three is the max
Nice man.
I left immediately as the game ended because I was WAY beyond tilted.
I'm going to remember this three person thing in the future, we can't risk unleashing the full nd wraith again.
Or at least until we get another hanzo random.
I think I'm going to try Rein more in koth too.
Haha. Did ND tilt?
I was reading a dev post on, and apparently the matchmaking tries to pair people up based on their win %, aiming for a 50% winrate. It occurs to me that this is exactly why some people who are 1500 feel like they are incredible at the game, and others play like it's their first time. I bet this keeps people artificially inflated, and I'm not a fan of the idea.
Yeah, I could tell. No worries.
We definitely should have won that match thought - it seems like the new 2CP rules for defenders coming back from spawn are negligible overall, I haven't noticed a difference and we were holding that point by a majority for a long time.
I think I'm only going to play Lucio in KOTH matches from now on - the only time I win on KOTH is when I'm Lucio for some reason. I'm the king of boops on that one Lijiang map.
It was less tilt, more nuclear.
I try to look at games like that positively. Unless your team made some really stupid plays, I would just admire the other team for pulling a win from against odds that stacked against them.
I'm not gonna say I love every well played loss because losing still sucks and I feel you. But I try to hate 'bad' games rather than lost games. Games where someone intentionally throws or when teams won't coordinate and communicate. Those suck. But when both sides play a strong match, even if I lose, I try to admire the plays made that resulted in that good match.
I've discovered overwatch. I love it.
Ok I can understand picking Hanzo or Widowmaker on console, you hate humanity. But why both on one team? :/
It absolutely did happen, confirmed by Jeff himself. Last August:
Sometimes I just can't deal with the sheer stupidity of some people. We had a team kill in hanamura 2nd point with 3 people remaining on our team. The fucking reaper decides to leave the point letting just me and Sombra to cap.
We draw. I just can't.
Nice man.
I left immediately as the game ended because I was WAY beyond tilted.
Her small hitbox is pretty annoying. She's a real threat.
I need to work on my aim. Getting microwaved by Sym is a real trigger for me now.
Sometimes I just can't deal with the sheer stupidity of some people. We had a team kill in hanamura 2nd point with 3 people remaining on our team. The fucking reaper decides to leave the point letting just me and Sombra to cap.
We draw. I just can't.