Two weeks ago, I was getting really good with Rein and having insane stats with him in comp and even some QP games. I start practicing other characters (dive) and improving my fundamentals, and suddenly I turned into a stupid Rein that throws games.
I almost threw a game by getting aggressive toward the last seconds in defense. I somehow saved it by earth shattering and playing smart a bit too late. What I did was spam group up and try to earth shatter the other team while they rush to point A in Eichenwald. I go there fast and try to time an earth shatter, but I got picked instead. Then I made it to payload with teleporter and earth shattered whoever was there. I wasted like seven earth shatters these two days in the few matches I had.
Also, I just played really smart with Pharah. My team got wiped out by Genji sword and visor, but I escape while shitting on Genji with some rockets. I somehow managed to chip them for a bit and survive until my team came. I end the round with 12-0 miraculously in solo queue QP with only Lucio as a healer. Then I switch to Mercy because everyone went DPS...and I pissed off the other team. Their Genji literally decided to attack me only. I picked up some tips from you guys and kept flying all over the place while healing everyone that isn't ridiculously overextending. I didn't die once in both rounds, but I didn't rezz anyone as I feared it would be one of those moments where I go completely stupid with ult timing.
I don't know why my ult timing got really shit. Really bad decisions lately that I know I shouldn't do. My aim with Pharah is better with higher sensitivity too, but I feel like I am really good with her when I go ape shit aggressive with a team that does work instead of poking timidly; I run through teams if I have good healers. I don't know about Pharah honestly, because I can shoe-horn my way with her and attack those hitscans who won't expect it, but it is too much work to put in, and I run the risk of having teammates who have bad positioning and won't help with switching/countering their counters (I might get countered hard and have the match snowball from there). That is why I am starting to practice Tracer and Genji for dive once they start trying to counter my Pharah or if I feel she isn't optimal with the team comp.
SIM value has little to do with input lag or delay, it's literally 1 second divided by whatever your FPS is. It has nothing to do with your actual delay as a result of frames being postponed, monitor lag, etc.
Borderless is far from the best option.
If you're trying to climb the ladder with DPS heroes you need to suck up your discomfort with tearing. It's not a non-negligible amount at all. Even on borderless 144hz, where the input lag hit is going to be lower than on 60hz, you're going to be playing at much less than your full potential. The only reason I can think of for someone seeing little benefit would be if they're using a garbage high sensitivity to begin with and/or only playing heroes like mercy/winston/lucio/etc. That being said, tearing is basically a non-issue on higher refresh rates whereas it's super-visible on 60hz so I see where you're coming from. I would personally stick to full-screen no-vsync and use the tearing as motivation to invest in a higher refresh rate monitor in the future.
Also, you shouldn't get stutters at all with full-screen no-vsync. In fact, borderless introduces micro-stutter (judder) unless your frames are much higher than your refresh rate to the point where your GPU never misses a refresh.
Yeah basically this. Prelude you should get a higher referesh rate monitor. Something like a 200-240$ 144hz monitor, or at least 120Hz because at 60Hz, you are at a disadvantage, especially if you are playing hitscans and DPS. Heck, you might even miss some important heals if you are playing support.
I always play at fullscreen no V-sync, and try to get stable 144hz in any serious FPS like counter strike and OW. The latter is a bit more lenient since it has a low tickrate and projectile heroes.