I've been worried about this game since E3, but that doesn't matter because, no matter how good or bad it ended up being, I honestly don't think it's for me. I
panic with expendable items in any game I play. I'm also not too crazy about what I've seen of the combat (you can't even select your targets...?) or what I've heard of the arbitrary sticker obstacle puzzles, especially when they're obnoxiously adventure game-y (like how one review mentioned a lighter or matches wouldn't melt snow away because you needed to use a heater). That's really stupid if true; you can't defend that.
I really wanted something new besides Code of Princess for the XL I upgraded to recently, but I think I'll pass and play TTYD for the first time instead (been sitting on my shelf ever since I bought a Wii). Beyond that, my experience with Mario RPGs is basically limited to Super Mario RPG (completed), Superstar Saga (halfway), and Bowser's Inside Story (just around an hour). Kind of sad, I know.
I only go digital when it's significantly cheaper or caters to my impatience.
The box looks pretty snazzy, too. I also don't think I'd buy an RPG digitally unless it were one I'd play over and over.