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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I hope this at least will call for some firearm wide nation ban, those weapons coming from eastern europe and the balkans shouldn't enter fucking western europe.
Oh wow oh wow oh wow

Stay safe French-GAF. This shit's crazy.

Guys, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stoneage is playing that concert hall

this is fucking terrible

Oh fuck, he's there with Eagles of Death Metal? That's gotta be a hell of a show, and I'm not making light of the situation. I'm just imagining going to see a show like that and having a great time and then this shit happens. What the fuck, man :(
When was the last time a coordinated attack of this breadth hit a European country? Beyond sickening.

Closest example I can think of is London ten years ago, but those were three suicide bombs that killed 52 people across three spots in the city. There was no hostage taking or gunfights on that day. This will likely outdo even that, for the lack of a better term.

Jesus, seeing everything that's unfolding on here and Twitter, it's horrible. All the best, ParisGAF. Stay safe.


Tears in the rain
The more news come out, the worse this is. I hope everyboby stuck in that horror, comes out safe. How fucking horrible.



30 people dead (not confirmed)

60 People held hostage at the Bataclan Concert Hall, which was hosting an Eagles of Death Metal concert
they can't let the people go away and take teh subway, the need to secure the station. I've been to event in that stadium and the subway is PACK when the game/shows ends
Everybody is probably stuck there for hours and will be let out in smaller groups. One suicide bomb between such a large group or someone with a gun will mean dozens dead. Best thing to keep them inside right now.

Holy shit, any chance this is a retaliation for Jihadi John? The timing is really suspect.
No, this sounds like something way more pre planned.
Damn , what a mess .
In the same neighboorhood as the charlie hebdo ones too.
As a french i feel that it can't be a coincidence.


Good Art™
That's horrible :(

That was surreal i was watching the match on tv, we heard the boom but nobody really reacted. I just saw Evra briefly look when he heard the sound as he had the ball. I was like hmm that's weird but everything seems right.. Now it seems it was actually suicide bombing outside the arena and Hollande was just there to.. What a fucking mess for security and anti terrorism..

This is a fucking war.


Fucking sickening.
I bet they are all known to the authorities as possible terrorists, it always seem to
be the case. I hate that we aren't capable of doing something before the shit hits the fan.
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