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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Really the safest thing to do, assuming Public transit is down. Secure the Stadium and don't let tens of thousands of people panic and flee into the streets.

Around the stadium is a locked zone and they are actively looking for any "devices" left.. it seems that nobody will leave untill the search is complete ..

BUt the search area is quite huge , they aren't going to finish their search any time soon , especially when nobody know for sure the reason of the explosions.
What do these fucks have against France anyways? That it's part of the coalition against Isis?

France has a relatively notable muslim population, due to its former colonial territories and the influence it still holds. Attacks like these feed the far right who feed persecution of minorities, which can then make it easier to radicalise. Its deliberately creating a vicious cycle.

That said, we still technically don't have confirmation of who the terrorists are or their affiliations.


I am afraid to say I have very little hope for the hostages in the theatre, this looks like a suicide mission :(
I don't understand what they could do with hostages, like what kind of demands they could make. I think it's a stalling tactic to eat up police resources while their partners mess things up elsewhere, and at the end, they suicide and take everyone with them.

They're could be all strapped.

I didn't go because I'm currently broke.

Cheer up! Being broke saved your life.
God fucking dammit, this is terrible. I don't understand why anyone would want to do anything like this, fuck. Stay safe, Paris.


Was waiting for my train when my mom and gf sent me messages about that, they were very worried. I still can't believe it.
I'm legit shaking at the fact that I was in Paris when it happened. And my sister wanted to go to the concert.
Stay safe fellow ParisGAFfers.


Hail to the Chef
Really the safest thing to do, assuming Public transit is down. Secure the Stadium and don't let tens of thousands of people panic and flee into the streets.
Sure, was just wondering if it was that or if there was another incident at the stadium.


What do these fucks have against France anyways? That it's part of the coalition against Isis?

France has a longstanding history of being an empire. That can result in all kinds of hate. Note: I'm not saying these attacks are justified. Such attacks never were/are/ will be justified by anything.

weird and lucky the suicide vests went off outside and apprently killed " only " one person and injured others... Imagine if they blew op in the packed crowed in the subway under the stadium : /


Terrible, and the worst part is that is going to spread the hate for all muslims in Europe. Vicious circle.
My sister is in Paris :(

She's ok, but stuck on a bus coming back from work that they're not allowing to move until they get clearance.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I highly doubt that's from the terrorists. Notice how the crowd cheers afterwards? It's normal for that sort of stuff to happen in European crowds after letting off explosions or flares.

Crowd probably thought it was some firework or something.
I don't understand what they could do with hostages, like what kind of demands they could make. I think it's a stalling tactic to eat up police resources while their partners mess things up elsewhere, and at the end, they suicide and take everyone with them.

They're could be all strapped.
Fear. That's the thing they are going for.

Big Nikus

Okay, it's been two years since I last spoke with my brother because fucking family issues (and he hates me). Trying to get in touch with him now... It should be okay, it's not in his area, but if he went to see a friend or something... fuck.


Just before the elections, just before the Climate summit...

Seems like a very well planned attack...

Are you suggesting that this is staged by the government, or the "new order". Seriously? Seriously?

Edit: I am assuming you mean due to presence of important people, or medial effect.
Sadly, a lot of places certainly wouldn't be of the religion that they are if that never worked.

Yea, I should have added "won't work anymore". Too much information for people to ever bow down to that type of ideology. Too many people would rather be free or die.

If the ideology is correct and want people ton convert they gotta do it by showing a superior way of life that people envy and want to obtain. Nothing about a bunch of fanatics shooting people up and blowing themselves up is going to make free nations say "Man, we need that shit."


Sky saying 30 dead now. Horrible news, really hope the hostage situation gets sorted, seems bad enough things as they are but could be so much worse if that doesn't go well.
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