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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0


Took me like hundreds of fusing to get a five link on the Nagamu Axe of whatever just to try the cyclone build. Thought I'd be stronger but I'm lacking HP right now. Only level 75 but don't see how I am going to get a huge life pool without a belly.
What class you are using? Cyclone Slayer can get a good life pool.

Edit: Hold the phone... 5 linking Nghamu? Bro you are doing it wrong! You don't need Nghamu linked, you just need it 6 socketed. The projectiles count as being 6 linked even if you have no links on them.

The actual Cyclone isn't what is doing the damage it's the projectile. You can easily do a 4 link Cyclone with the Essence on the gloves that gives attack speed and that will do all content in the game.

Tom Penny

What class you are using? Cyclone Slayer can get a good life pool.

Edit: Hold the phone... 5 linking Nghamu? Bro you are doing it wrong! You don't need Nghamu linked, you just need it 6 socketed. The projectiles count as being 6 linked even if you have no links on them.

The actual Cyclone isn't what is doing the damage it's the projectile. You can easily do a 4 link Cyclone with the Essence on the gloves that gives attack speed and that will do all content in the game.
Lol what the fuck. SMH. It's a scion by the way. Glad i didn't try to 6 link!!!!
What class you are using? Cyclone Slayer can get a good life pool.

Edit: Hold the phone... 5 linking Nghamu? Bro you are doing it wrong! You don't need Nghamu linked, you just need it 6 socketed. The projectiles count as being 6 linked even if you have no links on them.

The actual Cyclone isn't what is doing the damage it's the projectile. You can easily do a 4 link Cyclone with the Essence on the gloves that gives attack speed and that will do all content in the game.

Yeah just came to post this as well.....

That's what made me make another. I can't stand getting stuck on bullshit things with my shield charge. That and it'll cut my lab times in half.

After I get new lab farmer up and running I'm going to switch my RF back to Zerker and turn it into a just a mapping character. Might even buy a biscos and see if I can fit it in.

No kidding. Even on my RF character that has almost 10k life I'll still get almost bursted down near instantly by something completely random. It's not for me. I enjoy SC. HC just seems like unneeded frustration.

If they were to get rid of the random one shots and reflect I might give HC a go.

I got a decent QOTF drop and i 6s5l in about 50 jewelers and 70 fuse so I decided to make use it for something. Colors are going to be an issue though.... Using vorici method would work but I don't want to waste the currency I spent on it yet.

I could always flip it and buy one that I want as I am selling my RF gear off because I am enjoying my TS/Barrage pathfinder quite a bit.
Yeah just came to post this as well.....

I got a decent QOTF drop and i 6s5l in about 50 jewelers and 70 fuse so I decided to make use it for something. Colors are going to be an issue though.... Using vorici method would work but I don't want to waste the currency I spent on it yet.

I could always flip it and buy one that I want as I am selling my RF gear off because I am enjoying my TS/Barrage pathfinder quite a bit.

To get the colors for my build it would need something like 10k chromes according to the rng calculator. So I bought a cheap 4L to get started for 20c then bought a 5b1g 6 socket that I'm dumping all of my fusings into to 6L that. I didn't want to bother attempted to color that.

But this build even on a 4L is pretty strong in terms of single target. The guy who made this build did a ton of runs on just the blade vortex in Uber with full keys.


Lol what the fuck. SMH. It's a scion by the way. Glad i didn't try to 6 link!!!!
If you go Raider plus Slayer/Champion pathing then you should have enough HP especially with the Scion life wheel. You are going to be around the bottom left corner of the tree anyway because you are getting stuff like Resolute Technique and 2h nodes. If you really want more HP then you can even go Blood Magic on this build, use Blasphemy/Flammability and Artic Armor for your aura.

Also you want to get Point Blank on this build for obvious reasons and Dying Sun is a massive boost. And of course Xoph"s Blood.

I think for Scion Nghamu, Raider plus Champion, Raider plus Elementalist and Champion plus Elementalist are the best options. I personally prefer Raider plus Champion, free Taunt, Fortify, Onslaught and Frenzy charge generation. You would be weaker to reflect damage but once you have a Ruby flask you should be fine on singular mobs with reflect.

Tom Penny

If you go Raider plus Slayer/Champion pathing then you should have enough HP especially with the Scion life wheel. You are going to be around the bottom left corner of the tree anyway because you are getting stuff like Resolute Technique and 2h nodes. If you really want more HP then you can even go Blood Magic on this build, use Blasphemy/Flammability and Artic Armor for your aura.

Also you want to get Point Blank on this build for obvious reasons and Dying Sun is a massive boost. And of course Xoph"s Blood.

I think for Scion Nghamu, Raider plus Champion, Raider plus Elementalist and Champion plus Elementalist are the best options. I personally prefer Raider plus Champion, free Taunt, Fortify, Onslaught and Frenzy charge generation. You would be weaker to reflect damage but once you have a Ruby flask you should be fine on singular mobs with reflect.


I'm elementalist in using this guide..xoph's is like 4 exalt in standards so not yet for me. I've spend decent currency respec'ing in standard trying all different builds. Sucks when you do that and hate the build. Now I have a totem, essense drain, frost blades, Nguamu, RF and Dark Pact build. Dark Pact and Frost Blades is most fun but get those random ass deaths so I can get them to 90+


I am assuming Champion and Elementalist which is safest/most defensive option, no worries about reflect. You should still have access to a lot of life nodes in this build and easy pathing to Elemental Overload.

Tom Penny

I am assuming Champion and Elementalist which is safest/most defensive option, no worries about reflect. You should still have access to a lot of life nodes in this build and easy pathing to Elemental Overload.

I didn't realize once I go all the way around I can respec 6 points which will let me get them health nodes. I'm only 4 levels away.


I can't believe this is actually working but I've had a riot making a Doryani's Touch ascendant. The build clears like a champ and is fun as all hell to play. Resists have been a bitch to sort out and I've opted for damage over raw life for now, but by 90 I should comfortably be at 5.5k+ life.

Here it is clearing out a T14 with tricurse/EE.

I rip on the boss at the end, but eh I'm underleveled, undergeared, and enfeeble/EE is effectively cutting my DPS in half, not to mention not having a warchief going yet.


it's funny how exact the prices of things can be in this game

I was trying to sell an exalted orb earlier and moving the price around to try and find the "real" price and turns out 32 and 31 chaos is the difference between literally zero whispers for an hour and straight up dozens of whispers with people flat out accusing you of price fixing if you tell them you already sold it
it's funny how exact the prices of things can be in this game

I was trying to sell an exalted orb earlier and moving the price around to try and find the "real" price and turns out 32 and 31 chaos is the difference between literally zero whispers for an hour and straight up dozens of whispers with people flat out accusing you of price fixing if you tell them you already sold it

1 chaos difference in price can be multiple pages of people on poe.trade. You could be the 200th person with one price, change by 1c and go to top 10 on the list.
I got a Glacial Cascade phys to cold conversion enchant from Uber (makes the skill do 100% cold dmg), so I am gonna make a GC miner for absurd boss nukes. Gonna cost me 450c for the damn 6L Carcass Jack, but I can use the same colors on my Dark Pact Zerker too. At least I've saved 300c on the helm.

As for this league, the price fixing of Exalts kinda sucks. I'm not nearly as excited when I find them. At the same time, people who craft are probably loving it. My hoarding is working against me.
As for this league, the price fixing of Exalts kinda sucks. I'm not nearly as excited when I find them. At the same time, people who craft are probably loving it. My hoarding is working against me.

Are you SURE there is price fixing? From my experience

- poe.trade lags a lot. I've had people message me up to ONE HOUR after item was already sold. It gets really tiring really quick if you accidentally priced item at an extremely popular price point
- Price of exalts might be going down because of new exalt shards being introduced. I think the decline got faster now that Harbingers are a lot more common
- There is also a proper chaos sink this league

I've had no problems with trading this league. Sure a lot of ppl don't answer but that happens all the time. Just scroll down the list..

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
So when socketing stuff does it always go from top left to the bottom? And does it make a difference? Like I've been trying to get a g-g-r-r helm/boots/gloves and have r-r-g-g of each. Would that still work correctly? If they're both 4 linked?


So when socketing stuff does it always go from top left to the bottom? And does it make a difference? Like I've been trying to get a g-g-r-r helm/boots/gloves and have r-r-g-g of each. Would that still work correctly? If they're both 4 linked?

Order doesn't matter


So, I am a relatively new player, on XBO, and find the game utterly overwhelming, the shear amount of 'stuff' is mind boggling.

I've watched a lot of new player guides on youtube, but am still bamboozled by the shear weight of things, information overload.

So I am asking PoEGAF, what should a new player do to learn the game?, I am currently playing through Act 1, just defeated Brutus (?) in the jail, what should my gameplay loop be?, currently I am ignoring white items, picking up all orbs, shards, scrolls etc, and replacing my equipment with any new equipment that is better, and selling the rest in town.


6 linking luck continuing for me

I bought a disfavor and stupidly used 300 fusings on it before realizing it was at 0 quality but then I made it 20 quality and got it within the next 50

so three 6 links so far in 750ish fusings and like almost half of those were at 0 quality


There is another choice and you get two passive points. That's usually the most commonly taken one. Is your character crit based? Then take Alirax otherwise kill them all for two passive points.

This. Alira for crit, oak for the life Regen if you are doing RF, otherwise I always take the skill points.


Economy is actually reasonable this time around. Exalts aren't worth hundreds of chaos meaning you can actually use them yourself and not feel bad. Chaos are also reasonable relative to other currency given that there is a solid chaos sink.

Some people still think that prices of Exalt will go up but I doubt it. Maybe they will go up a little bit but right now it's not top hard to get Exalts anyway especially when you realize how profitable doing Harbinger maps are.


So, I am a relatively new player, on XBO, and find the game utterly overwhelming, the shear amount of 'stuff' is mind boggling.

I've watched a lot of new player guides on youtube, but am still bamboozled by the shear weight of things, information overload.

So I am asking PoEGAF, what should a new player do to learn the game?, I am currently playing through Act 1, just defeated Brutus (?) in the jail, what should my gameplay loop be?, currently I am ignoring white items, picking up all orbs, shards, scrolls etc, and replacing my equipment with any new equipment that is better, and selling the rest in town.

I'm also relatively new (started with 3.0), so I'm probably not the best to answer this, but if you're still in Act 1 I honestly wouldn't worry about understanding everything. For now, you should just focus on going through the main story story content. It's simple enough, and there's not really all that much you can screw up there. The only things that can screw you over later are your build and wasting rare currency. For the build, you can look up builds online if you're worried about this, or you can just accept that you will probably screw it up and do whatever you want. For the currency (all the orbs that modify your items), there's really no need to use the rare une until later on, so I'd just save it for later. Some of the uniques that drop can also be quite valuable, which you can check at poe.trade, but most of them will be pretty awful later on.

Basically, I'd just focus on playing the game and looking up things as you come across them. Trying to learn everything at once is just impossible, since there's just way too much stuff. For your gameplay loop, it sounds about right. Pick up all the usable items, ignore white items (you should probably ignore blue equipment too - there's just too much of it so you'll fill up your inventory way to fast if you pick all of it up) and upgrade your gear. It's also worth picking up items that contain a green, red and blue linked sockets, since they will sell to vendors for 1 chromatic orb. There's some other vendor recipes like that, but at low levels that's probably the most common one. Just focus on clearing the storyline really - there's not much point in grinding this early in the game. Once you're get further into the game, this guide is a good overview on what to look out for regarding item drops. The channel also has some other guides that are quite helpful, but as I said, I wouldn't worry about them till later.



Thanks for that, makes a lot of sense, I guess one of my faults is that I try to understand the minutiae of a game and it's systems from the get go, and with a game like PoE with just so much stuff, that's impossible.

I'll just play through the story and see what pans out.

Tom Penny

So, I am a relatively new player, on XBO, and find the game utterly overwhelming, the shear amount of 'stuff' is mind boggling.

I've watched a lot of new player guides on youtube, but am still bamboozled by the shear weight of things, information overload.

So I am asking PoEGAF, what should a new player do to learn the game?, I am currently playing through Act 1, just defeated Brutus (?) in the jail, what should my gameplay loop be?, currently I am ignoring white items, picking up all orbs, shards, scrolls etc, and replacing my equipment with any new equipment that is better, and selling the rest in town.
Game is overwhelming. Look for a 3.0 starter build guide and follow one. You learn alot. Sunder build is s good one since you can use the skill basically the whole way


Thanks for that, makes a lot of sense, I guess one of my faults is that I try to understand the minutiae of a game and it's systems from the get go, and with a game like PoE with just so much stuff, that's impossible.

I'll just play through the story and see what pans out.

There's a lot of things that are pretty much impossible to make sense of if you haven't encountered them yet. Those things are much easier to understand if you're actually at the point where they're useful. For example, map shaping strategies and sextant usage sounded extremely convoluted to me at the beginning, but now that I'm actually doing mapping they are actually pretty straightforward. It's similar with gear - I didn't really understand why health and resistances are so valuable until I ran across an area that reduced my resistances and I suddenly died to everything.

There's so many things to learn about that if you wanted to understand every detail from the get go, you'd have to spend dozens of hours just watching/reading guides before even playing the game. And then most of the mechanics discussed in those guides wouldn't really be relevant until much later into the game anyway.


Saint Nic
Man, I'm finally starting to "click" with this game. Got Sunder and have been doing work with my Scion.

Also, there is a SHIT ton going on in this game. The fact that it's F2P is mind boggling. I'll probably buy some stash tab stuff at some point to support the game.


well that's a little sad to think about

accidentally clicked on a diviners when it was white while I was rolling it and it was still the best one i've seen so far(abandoned wealth+chaotic disposition)


Yeah if you are new to the game it's probably best to follow a build (make sure it says BUDGET on there). Most people don't have the patience to start a character/build, realize it doesn't work as well later on and then start a new character.. most people just quit altogether.

Once you have chosen a build, just play through the game as it comes doing all the side quests. Look up videos on YouTube under the channel Engineering Eternity and have the PoE wiki up all the time on your browser. Whenever you run into a term, don't try to guess what it is just read it online.

Some new players tips:

*"More" is way better than "increased". "Less" is more significant than "reduced". This is why support gems are strong in this game because they give "more" damage. More is a multiplier. If something says "take increased/reduced damage" that is actually a multiplier too.

*The white items you should be picking up and vendoring early game are 3 socket linked with the colors red, green and blue as this item vendors into a chromatic orb. That and qualitY flasks and gems, more on that later.

*In fact, learn all the vendor recipes. As a rule of thumb, three of a kind upgrades to a higher one of the same thing. This is useful for life/mana flasks early on, later on this is useful for stuff like maps and sextants. Later on you want to start using the unided full set of rares above item lvl65 for 2 chaos (or ided for 1 chaos). Remember that pressing Alt shows the itemlevel of an item (don't known command on Xbox).

*Do all the side quests. This means Prophecies, Master quests Labyrinths, Pantheon etc. Some of these are annoying but later on it adds up especially master levels (masters max out at 8 though).

*You can carry all secondary weapon set that you can swap to. In this you should have white weapons with full sockets to level up extra gems in. Whatever main skill you are using for your build that's what you should be leveling up. Because when they turn 20, you can vendor them with a Gemcutter Prism to get lvl1 gem with 20 quality. Then you level up to 20 again which gives you a 20/20 gem which you can Vaal to get a 21 level gem. That's you level 6 of the same gems, more chances to succeed. If they don't succeed, selling a 20/20 gem is still worth money.

*When you increase quality of an item, using one currency on an item gives you 5% quality, 2% for blue and 1% for rare/unique. So if you are trying to increase quality of a utility flask, first make sure it's white, then use 4 Glassblower Bauble to get it to 20 quality then make it into a magic and craft it. This is especially used for maps later on, for now use it on flasks. Getting Armourer Scrap and Blacksmith stones are fairly common.

*There is a vendor late game that sells all the regular gems in that game. I believe 3 exceptions are Enlighten, Empower and Enhance. So don't pick up gems unless they are quality. Quality gems can be sold together adding upto 50% for a Gemcutter, same for Flasks and Glassblower.

*For any build, you can use a couple of auras to reserve your mana for some type of permanent boost, a curse (that synergizes with your build), a totem (decoy, spell, ancestral), a war cry, a movement skill, cast on damage taken set up and a couple of Vaal gems to support your build. This is very helpful early on until you start narrowing in on the focus of your build.

Example: I am using Physical Earthquake build. I can use Vulnerability curse to make opponent take more physical damage and bleed. I can use Enduring Cry to make Endurance charges. I can use Flame Golem for more damage. Leapslam for mobility that I can attach Fortify with. Ancestral Warchief Totem. Hatred and Herald of Ash or Artic Armor for auras. For Vaal gems I can use Vaal Lightning Trap to shock bosses for more damage and Vaal Ground Slam to stun enemies. I can also use Blood Rage if I have the space. Cast on damage taken, Immortal Call, Molten Shell.

*Don't spend currencies like Chaos Orbs early on try to craft low level items. Chaos orbs are used as the gold type of currency in the game. Far larger purchases we use Exalts which are worth like 30-40 chaos right now. If you find a Mirror then Uninstall the game because you beat the game.

*When trying to craft some item for personal use, make sure you aren't actually using it. You don't want to change colors/links on your item, then realize you don't have enough chromes/fusings and you are stuck with an item you can't use. You also don't want to be going for 5 and 6 link until you have the right end game weapon/chest.

*Colors are decided by the base item and the item's stat requirement. If an item requires like 150 Dex to equip then that means it is very likely to get green sockets. Higher the number, the more it leans towards that color. There is a Vorici calculator that figures out chance to chrome items that is very useful. This isn't a big factor for 4 sockets but for 6 sockets it's a big deal and it impacts your item choice. Ie. You don't want to run an Earthquake build using a Beast Fur Shawl chest because that item rolls blue sockets and for Earthquake you usually end up needing like 5 red sockets. It's still possible to get 5 red 1 blue but it's very expensive and not at all worth it.

*Learn about ailments. TLDR version is that we have 3 Elemental ailments and 2 other ailments, and the ailments are applied either by flat chance and/or applied through a crit. Physical damage has a chance to cause bleeding, Chaos damage has a chance to cause poison. 3 Elementals and their ailments are Lightning/Shock, Fire/Burning and Ice/Chill and Freeze. You want to have your flasks to at least counter act Bleeding and Freeze as they can kill you easily. You also want Curse immunity for later game if you can. Crafting flasks is easy just make your the flask level is high enough to be able to roll these affixes.

*Learn item Affixes for Rares. Learn prefixes and suffixes. This is kinda complicated but necessary especially for evaluating items. Generally speaking, life and energy values with offensive stats are prefixes and resistances/crit are suffixes. You can have 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes. Have POE Affixes opened up in your browser as well. It gets complicated for Jewels too.

*% Physical damage reduction, block (to attack and spell), dodge (attack and spell), Fortify, Endurance charges are important defense layers to your character that should not be neglected. Of course you should still have a high HP pool (life), capped elemental resistances at 75% and high secondary defenses (armor, evasion and/or energy shield). Chaos resistance is not a priority, don't fret if you have like -20% chaos resistance just be careful about bosses that can do chaos damage.

Probably a bunch of other stuff I am missing. In my experience trial by fire is the best way to learn. I can tell you that Freeze and Stuns are a problem but you won't know why until you die from it.


loot filter editing is such a rabbit hole

keep making mine more strict every couple days,just removed rares and a couple more currency types today


Dahbomb, you are a beast. Thank you for your posts!

Speaking of loot filtering...How do I get started with that?

grab one and put it in documents>my games>path of exile

there's a few out there,neversink is probably the most used one and is the one I use too I like how easy it is to change it


there's a few presets you can use and there's also a site where you can easily change specific aspects of it(such as making a currency type not show up or making something make a sound or not make a sound or make a different sound)

just start off with one of the least strict presets(such as "regular") and adjust over time to taste
Yesterday's lab was so nice and easy. Today's lab is killing me.

I don't have the patience for that gauntlet path from room 5 to 6. Especially when I don't use any HP potions.


Hopefully the next one is good.


Saint Nic
grab one and put it in documents>my games>path of exile

there's a few out there,neversink is probably the most used one and is the one I use too I like how easy it is to change it


there's a few presets you can use and there's also a site where you can easily change specific aspects of it(such as making a currency type not show up or making something make a sound or not make a sound or make a different sound)

just start off with one of the least strict presets(such as "regular") and adjust over time to taste

I did what it said, but it still shows all loot. It shows up as a filter file, shows up in my presets, has a lowercase f...Any idea why this wouldn't be working?

E: It may be as simple as me having pressed Z to show all...Oops?
Yesterday's lab was so nice and easy. Today's lab is killing me.

I don't have the patience for that gauntlet path from room 5 to 6. Especially when I don't use any HP potions.


Hopefully the next one is good.
I also hate gargoyles. I kill them by accident too often... You do have to wait for him to revive them, right?


I did what it said, but it still shows all loot. It shows up as a filter file, shows up in my presets, has a lowercase f...Any idea why this wouldn't be working?

E: It may be as simple as me having pressed Z to show all...Oops?

You actually selected it in the UI options right? If you think it still shows too much you can try using a stricter one, Neversinks has like 6 strictness levels.
I also hate gargoyles. I kill them by accident too often... You do have to wait for him to revive them, right?

Never actually got to the 2nd Izaro so I'm not sure.

I trying to go to and from Argus is what got me. There is this part with a ton of spikes and saws that I couldn't get past. No monster to leech from + no HP potions = RIP me.


I hate the assassin quests as a Necro. I pretty much fail every single one of them.
Yeah good luck keeping them at low life for 8s and/or keeping one of his lieutenants alive, etc. Lately I've been lucky with his dailies but some of them I just despise. Opening the chest is one that I can't stand but might be doable for a Necro?


Saint Nic
You actually selected it in the UI options right? If you think it still shows too much you can try using a stricter one, Neversinks has like 6 strictness levels.

Yeah, it seems like the filter kind of works.

I see the items for ~3 seconds, but then they disappear. Any idea how to get them to stay?


Yeah, it seems like the filter kind of works.

I see the items for ~3 seconds, but then they disappear. Any idea how to get them to stay?

Hit Z again. By default it shows everything being passed through the loot filter, but if you hit Z the first time it will just turn everything off.

If you really want to see if your loot filter is working kill some monsters and hold alt.


Saint Nic
Hit Z again. By default it shows everything being passed through the loot filter, but if you hit Z the first time it will just turn everything off.

If you really want to see if your loot filter is working kill some monsters and hold alt.

It works when I hold alt. But the Z trick doesn't seem to work.


So, I am a relatively new player, on XBO, and find the game utterly overwhelming, the shear amount of 'stuff' is mind boggling.

I've watched a lot of new player guides on youtube, but am still bamboozled by the shear weight of things, information overload.

So I am asking PoEGAF, what should a new player do to learn the game?, I am currently playing through Act 1, just defeated Brutus (?) in the jail, what should my gameplay loop be?, currently I am ignoring white items, picking up all orbs, shards, scrolls etc, and replacing my equipment with any new equipment that is better, and selling the rest in town.

I wouldn't do this. Crafting items starting with a white item is highly useful. As far as items that I actually end up using, I'd probably say crafted white items end up getting used more than rares that drop, cause it's easier to get a good implicit roll, good socket layout, etc.

I basically always alchemy white two stone rings to get decent resist early on every play through. It's basically the easiest way to get a max implicit(16%) two stone with a third resist. I have also used transmutation/alteration to get the third resist on it, and then regal it.

For other items, it is often easier to get an item with the sockets you want and then craft it to have the attributes you need than the other way around

At the end game, sure you ignore most white items(unless it has it is a six link, or you are farming three links for chromatics or six socket items for jewelers orbs), but while levelling I keep an eye out for white items of the base type you are using that are higher item level. If the ilvl difference is more than 10 or so, it's probably worth picking up the white item and trying to craft it into an upgrade.

Also there are some unique items that you are way easier to get by using chance orbs on white items (Skyforth most notably, as they can only drop of level 84+ mobs, which means tier 15+ maps and certain bosses or strongboxes with +chest level modifiers Nobody really ever farms T15+ maps because it is not really economical, so you can make a lot of money if you get lucky chancing)

As far as learning the game, you just gotta try out different stuff, and don't really worry about whether you are doing it right. The one thing to watch out for as a new player IMO is make sure you understand the difference between an attack and a spell and how the passive tree bonuses affect that. The first character I made was a marauder, and I was getting all those attack damage nodes on the tree and could not understand for the life of me why it was taking me 5 seconds to kill a white mob using some spell gem(i don't even remember what), I didn't realize the difference between + spell and +attack damage nodes until I rolled my second character, a witch, and started one-shotting everything.

I'm pretty sure the new tutorial system covers this though.


Saint Nic
Just got to Act 4 and tried out the labyrinth. I have no idea what's going on. There were so many areas I couldn't access or figure out. I probably need to read up on this.

On a lighter note, my build is doing well. I can pretty much hold right click to sunder and never die. Just need to use flasks for mana once in a while. I'm sure that will change soon, but until it does...

E: Also, it's nice when life steal is a viable mechanic in an ARPG, haha.


Just got to Act 4 and tried out the labyrinth. I have no idea what's going on. There were so many areas I couldn't access or figure out. I probably need to read up on this.

On a lighter note, my build is doing well. I can pretty much hold right click to sunder and never die. Just need to use flasks for mana once in a while. I'm sure that will change soon, but until it does...

E: Also, it's nice when life steal is a viable mechanic in an ARPG, haha.
Labyrinthe is actually pretty straight forward.

You have a map that shows you where you are and where you can go (those are the basin looking objects you can click on). You want to be moving towards the right and fight Izaro a total of three times.

Whenever you enter a new zone, check the map to see if it's a dead end or not. Sometimes you might need a golden key to get through which is in a different zone (that zone will be marked with a golden key). You should ignore the Silver Key/Door areas completely (for now that is), just go through areas that progress the Labyrinthe.

Any area that has the name "Annex" or "Enclosure" is usually a dead end.

I wouldn't do this. Crafting items starting with a white item is highly useful. As far as items that I actually end up using, I'd probably say crafted white items end up getting used more than rares that drop, cause it's easier to get a good implicit roll, good socket layout, etc.
For leveling, you can just go to the vendor and find the white item that you want and then just craft that (ie. a weapon with 3 sockets). Way less of a hassle than looking out for white items in loot.

And honestly I have played this game for over a thousand hours yet I am still learning new stuff. A few weeks ago I learned that you can move through your Inventory stashes by pressing the left/right arrow keys on the keyboard.


formerly sane
Got super lucky and my first running with a friend a little ago.


This made my switch from the other arpg so worth it. The rng gesus this league is amazing.

Anyone got any suggestions on a elemental build I can invest in?

Also thanks for that tip Dahbomb nice to know I can scroll mega quick through my stuff with arrows.


I mean with a Mirror drop you can play a Barrage Wander build (that uses Elemental damage) and do all content in the game. If you still want to play a bow build then you can play Lightning Arrow + Barrage, get two Doomfletches 6 linked, Kaom's Heart, Abyssus with Barrage + 2 projectiles, Dying Sun and delete everyone.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
So beat the game. Last boss was rough. Got a nearby node for 15% all resist to remax resist till I get better gear. Got all my links set up for now, though only 4 link on the armour. Shame I'll have no room for my flame golem. It's hilarious reserving 75% of my mana and still never running out due to mana/life leech. Need to get more life though only ~3400 atm. Sunder does over 7k still without my golem and using a dagger off hand for whirling blades.

So do I just do maps now and fill out the atlas?

Quite liking the game so far. Bought a currency/essence tab. Barb is lvl 72 and have a necro at 23.

Masters take so long to lvl though and the game has crashed or disconnected a few times. Achievements are bugged too. Some I have in game but not steam and vice versa.

I also really wish they listed more stuff like where to find certain monsters or like d3 had with all the random pages with uniques/events/challenges etc. That was the 1 thing I thought d3 did better.


Got super lucky and my first running with a friend a little ago.

This made my switch from the other arpg so worth it. The rng gesus this league is amazing.

Anyone got any suggestions on a elemental build I can invest in?

Also thanks for that tip Dahbomb nice to know I can scroll mega quick through my stuff with arrows.

GG you just won the game. And I thought I was lucky getting a headhunter.

Yeah, make a wander:
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