So, let us talk about dodge chance, folks.
In a-RPG games, dodge is a binary thing. Which means you either get hit by an attack or you do not. The upside is? When you dodge that HUGE Hit. The downside? When you do not dodge, and potentially die.
Let us talk specifics. In both Diablo III and PoE, dodge is one part of the avoidance equation (one-third). The other being armor, and above all being resistances.
While the depth and skill variety - and the encounters - of Diablo III ROS and PoE differs vastly, imho they have both failed when it comes to dodge. Let us just look at the *current* state of the games:
1) In ROS, Dexterity-based classes complained about squishiness, and the latest change gets rid of dodge in favor of pure armor. Which means that your *agile* class will have armor, a percentage-based mitigation instead, as their dexterity scales upwards.
2) In Path Of Exile, things are a bit more complicated: there is dodge and avoidance (evade), but the thing is: one of the most popular keyword (think of it as a big talent in the talent tree) was - and still is - Iron Reflexes. Iron Reflexes turns your evasion rating into armor. Bam, just like that. Why is this good? Because you benefit from both armor and evasion rating (stats found not only on gear, but in talent tree AND from ingame auras as well).
In both games, the game is *clearly* designed around having three vastly different defense mechanics. In PoE, it is the red-blue-green triumvirate. You have armor, you have mitigation, you have magic res. You have dex, int, str. You are supposed to have fun trying to work out dodging. It even has an inverse entropy, making sure to get hit on averaged times, instead of in bursts. In D3, your dex-int-str made up quite an interesting triumvirate itself, where after you reached a certain high with one (all res/armor), it was more beneficial to get a few +dex offset stats or +str (if you lacked armor) due to diminishing returns.
Both developers failed - as it seems - to provide a gameplay where the endgame is not built around huge, huge, usually unavoidable hits, and environments where having a straight damage reduction would not be as beneficial as dodging the majority of hits. Why? Is it not going to be a thing in arpgs, moving forward?
Note to self and to anyone who has an insight about this: let us ignore the PoE vs D3 thing right now. Let us just look at what each can do right about this, and if there is a way out of this "predictable average vs uncontrollable mix of highs and lows" fight that is armor vs dodge.