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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0


I'll be playing hardcore from the get go, though that's probably a stupid idea. Going to take it slow though. Not sure what skill to pick, but I often start leagues as Duelist, so probably whatever suits him and his start best. Maybe 2-hand Cyclone again.


One nice thing about this patch is that it finally allowed me to claim the character name Wallach. Stay free random guy from 2013. Stay free.


Frost Blades is just what I wanted as a shadow. Currently leveling with LMP + HoA and it's pretty fun, especially with the extra melee range.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

For achievements broken up by Act or Difficulty, the progress of each is tracked individually, to make it easier to follow your progress. This also means that these achievements are no longer required to be done on a single character, though each individual Act or Difficulty must be.

Oh thank fuck. I may actually come back if they fixed the stupid loading time as well.


I've done some 80-82 maps.

I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.

It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.

Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.


wow that weaseal kill of mali was super super cheap and I'm not sure if game design is a direction I'd approve of going.

he used like 50-70 portal scrolls to go in throw down what 3 flame totems and then left again. Gratz man for racing to merciless and getting there so fast alive but those boss tactics were terrible and shocking that GGG supports that.


now I don't play this that often, but I decided to give the game a go again today. Did they just send the drop rates of skill gems like through the roof? A year ago It would take me a solid 45 minutes to an hour of play to get maybe 1-2 gems. I've gotten at least 10 in the past 1-2 hours today. I'm not complaining about it though, lets me experiment and stuff and keep the game fresh as I try out new combos and stuff with whatever weapons/armor im using at the moment.
I've done some 80-82 maps.

I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.

It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.

Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.

That doesn't sound too promising... I haven't started a character in leagues yet due to being busy all day but I might just wait a week until they get something ironed out.


now I don't play this that often, but I decided to give the game a go again today. Did they just send the drop rates of skill gems like through the roof? A year ago It would take me a solid 45 minutes to an hour of play to get maybe 1-2 gems. I've gotten at least 10 in the past 1-2 hours today. I'm not complaining about it though, lets me experiment and stuff and keep the game fresh as I try out new combos and stuff with whatever weapons/armor im using at the moment.

You can buy skill gems now too, so they are not problematic to obtain.

My biggest WTF moment of this expansion is 6 socket chest drop at level 26 Solaris normal :O


I've done some 80-82 maps.

I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.

It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.

Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.

It is neither broken nor destroyed.
Leech is capped unless you spend talents on increasing the cap. It is 2% of your max life per sec if I remember correctly, and unless you put serious work into being a leecher (assigning the proper nodes), you wont gain more than that. I already seem to leech more than that 50hp back with my lv30 character, and he does 400 dps :p


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Staff Member
I've done some 80-82 maps.

I have to say that the bosses are absolutely batshit insane. In a party of three people full of mirrored/GG gear, we had several deaths (one-shots), some bosses took over 3 minutes to kill, and another (Voll) we couldn't even put a dent on.

It was funny, but it's waaaaay overtuned, and there are going to be a lot of complaints about this as people reach maps in temp leagues.

Also, leech is absolutely fucking broken. I have 200K DPS single-target with Vaal Pact/Glyph Mark/Puncture, and I leech maybe 50hp back per hit from bosses and rares. I have no idea how anyone with a mid-tier weapon is even expected to leech. They literally broke leech. There are also going to be a lot of complaints about this by the end of the week.

I need to respec my archer to test.

But playing with my own Mjonler build, i have no problems leeching with vaal pact, the problem now leech is almost trash in 1vs1.

You need to do big aoe to be able to leech properly.
Hi guys, been casually lurking this thread for a while, pick this game up every once in a while when I'm burned out from Diablo and MH. Would love an invite to the GAF guild if there's room.

Not sure if you need the account name or in-game name.

edit: thanks for quick invite!


Does flame dash and fire trap burning damage stack or overlap?

Stack because fire trap burning is considered a different burning.
But two fire traps overlap.

So you can have different sources of burning but not multiple ones from the same effect.

If I remember my fire trap days correctly :D


It is neither broken nor destroyed.
Leech is capped unless you spend talents on increasing the cap. It is 2% of your max life per sec if I remember correctly, and unless you put serious work into being a leecher (assigning the proper nodes), you wont gain more than that. I already seem to leech more than that 50hp back with my lv30 character, and he does 400 dps :p
Vaal Pact.

Also, I'm speaking about these high level maps. Bosses have not only insane HP but insane mitigation.

I've tried a bit more since then, and 76-78s are a bit more doable. But it's still very crappy.


Seems like Cleave is a good leveling skill, dunno about how it does later. Spectral Throw is always good to me.

Sounds about right. I've done a similar build before, just checking in case some skills are no longer useful or something. I did this a long time ago with Double Strike as my single target but I might try something else this time around. Hopefully I can take the build past 65ish this time. Last time I just got bored (and had trouble getting a good 2H sword at that point).


Someone give me some up to date builds from lvl 1. Any class, but preferably either melee or ranged if they hold up against mages in terms of power.

I played the game 20 months ago and the skill tree was completely unbalanced. I was also playing a duelist that was notorious for being useless in terms of build paths.

Thank you.
Thoughts on the new hardcore league? I went in with pretty meh impressions based on the explanation/video...but it's not bad. It's one of the least intrusive HC leagues. In dense areas where there are a lot of mobs it can be challenging as well as rewarding due to the buffs, and I can tell it'll lead to some close calls later (Lunaris for instance).

I haven't tried the softcore league but it sounds like something that GGG would have made the HC league at one point. Roaming, potentially untuned packs of powerful mobs that provide little incentive to kill? Definitely a HC idea! I'm guessing they smartened up and will test/tune it in softcore before adding it to the HC leagues next time.

Right now I'm leveling with a Spectral Throw/Double Strike Scion, but my build is for Ice Shot; I just haven't found a decent bow yet. Struggled to beat Brutus lol...that's how bad drops have been for me thus far. Once I find a decent bow though I'll be trucking. Dunno what my secondary skills will be. Currently playing around with the Magma bomb thing.

Someone give me some up to date builds from lvl 1. Any class, but preferably either melee or ranged if they hold up against mages in terms of power.

I played the game 20 months ago and the skill tree was completely unbalanced. I was also playing a duelist that was notorious for being useless in terms of build paths.

Thank you.

The classes/builds section of the forum should help. Just look for the 2.0 builds.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The mobs in SC aren't really a threat, but they're kind of annoying.

I got frozen once in HC by a tempest in the middle of a Rare Strongbox spawn. Almost ripped but I got out in time.
The mobs in SC aren't really a threat, but they're kind of annoying.

I got frozen once in HC by a tempest in the middle of a Rare Strongbox spawn. Almost ripped but I got out in time.

Lagged on a load from an Ursa pack while on a Master's quest, best almost-rip so far.


I beat Act 4 on normal. Four deaths on Malachai.

The expansion is a severe disappointment. Act 4 is rushed, short, the boss designs are trash and every battle takes place in a claustrophobic arena where you are unable to dodge any of the attacks since you're constantly running into a wall.

I can't believe this is what they spent two years on, much less that this is what they expected to be their saving grace to retain and grow their playerbase. The entire act is an abhorrent disaster.

The art/sound production is good, but everything else is just Bad Game Design 101.

Everyone in charge of the balance also deserves to be fired. I have never seen balance problems of this magnitude in my entire life as a gamer. This is just broken.


I haven't played since sometime in 2013 and last night I literally sat through the entirety of Normal and even dipped into a bit of Cruel. Just playing in Warbands, I don't have much desire to play Hardcore leagues anymore.

I actually quite liked the final act, though I felt like it dragged on a little too long (though this was surely exacerbated by me doing the entire thing in one go). Kaom's realm in particular is too long and needs to be shortened, nothing interesting happens with the enemy designs between the zone transitions there and it just drags on for what feels like no reason. The actual boss fight at the end was better there than in the other realm, though, at least as a melee dude; the boss fight in the other arena-based realm (can't recall that guy's name) was probably the only boss fight that I didn't feel like I understood what I was supposed to do. He was flipping between a slightly powered-up state and a normal state, so I was mostly playing avoidance during the former, but even in his normal state I felt like his telegraphs weren't working all that well. He didn't deal enough damage to make his normal state threatening though so I just kind of brute forced him down.

Personally I thought the final boss fight was awesome, but a couple of the "organ" mini-bosses were questionable to me. The one dude who was throwing purple stuff on the ground seemed really hard to find a proper window against, especially with these guys having seeming ~150-ish degree arcs on their melee swings. The blob looking woman with the overlapping debuff fields seemed neat, but I felt like her attacks were a little too hard to avoid from melee range. Third boss fight in there (some kind of witch with candles floating around her) was pretty solid and I felt like the most solid of the three. Her attacks were all pretty avoidable, the hardest one being her frontal lightning cone (which needed better visuals IMO because I had no real idea where it was hitting other than that I needed to basically be flanking her that close) but it felt like she had much lower health than the other two and didn't need to be pressed on for that long between the book AoE attacks.

I didn't wind up having any deaths though I had a couple close-ish calls, not that it matters I guess playing in Warbands. Malachai's first form was probably the closest I came; that entire first phase seemed significantly more threatening than the second, even though there's plenty more room to move. Second phase I thought was a blast.


It's pretty sad that the best boss fight is still Vaal. I'm loving the lockstep, but hating on act IV and the bosses. Most of the bosses are terrible game design 101. This act probably needed a couple of more months of development, and another 3-4 weeks of beta with the boss fights. Making my way slowly to Merciless. Right now I'm in Act IV cruel with just Malachai left. Going to grind some levels then pay someone to beat the boss. It's way too risky to run on cruel.

Edit: Wanted to add that it's incredibly sad that multiple times today certain people in my party could not even attempt to help on certain bosses like
Piety in Act IV
.They tried at first the boss nearly killed them, and they had to wait it out. When the bosses force players in parties to not even be able to help than you know it's bad. It's also worriying that GGG knew this before they launched and really did not do much to balance the bosses. Malachai still has far far to much health, and the second form should honestly just be scrapped. It makes no sense in a game like PoE. The space is far too small and many builds can't even attempt him right now the way he is.


I played about 6 hours of warbands. I'm sick of the game already and probably won't play anymore until the next major overhaul patch.

Things I rather liked: new gem vendors, lower level gems, including support gems, more 3-links early. Lockstep is fabulous. The QoL improvements are pretty nice, although it feels like I see less around my character than before(?!).

Things I didn't like: the majority of the other changes.

I really don't like the thought behind the map drops and reduced mana->enlighten change. Grind for the sake of grind. (It was laughable that an additional 20% flat chance to drop an extra map was supposed to triple +2 drops - that means their original plan was to require an average grind of at least 10 maps to get such a drop - since that additional map wasn't specified to necessarily be a higher level one, AND that doesn't include bad RNG making you fall lower in the map pool.)

Upping monster life and damage while nerfing player power and defenses makes most content boring or unfair. Perhaps it's because I no longer have my lightning fast reflexes from my teenage days, but the Ac4 bosses have so much high damage shit which I can't avoid all of. While ordinary mobs are still mundane, but more tanky, so take longer, and are more boring to clear.

But the real killer is that with everything interesting being rebalanced, there's hardly any builds that I want to try. In the lead up to forsaken masters, I put together like 15 or so builds that looked fun to play. I ended up actually playing a dozen of them: 2 were really awesome and did 78's fine. 1 was an abject failure. The rest of them were pretty fun but couldn't handle top tier content.

This patch, I have a grand total of 2 builds I want to try. And I now don't care enough to have to go through the annoyance of trading to get the gear for them so I'm not going to even bother.

Some people say they don't understand GGG's changes, but if you look at all of them from the perspective of GGG wanting to make the game more "challenging", they actually make sense. Too bad it also coincidentally removed most of the fun from the game as well. And it's still laughable that with nerfs to powerful defenses or combinations, we still have logout and tp to make anything but one-shots irrelevant.
It's pretty sad that the best boss fight is still Vaal. I'm loving the lockstep, but hating on act IV and the bosses. Most of the bosses are terrible game design 101. This act probably needed a couple of more months of development, and another 3-4 weeks of beta with the boss fights. Making my way slowly to Merciless. Right now I'm in Act IV cruel with just Malachai left. Going to grind some levels then pay someone to beat the boss. It's way too risky to run on cruel.

Edit: Wanted to add that it's incredibly sad that multiple times today certain people in my party could not even attempt to help on certain bosses like
Piety in Act IV
.They tried at first the boss nearly killed them, and they had to wait it out. When the bosses force players in parties to not even be able to help than you know it's bad. It's also worriying that GGG knew this before they launched and really did not do much to balance the bosses. Malachai still has far far to much health, and the second form should honestly just be scrapped. It makes no sense in a game like PoE. The space is far too small and many builds can't even attempt him right now the way he is.

This is exactly what I feared was going to happen after playing the beta and reading the forums with all the issues. I said July 10th was way too early for them to release this officially. Sucks to hear that those who play hardcore are hitting such a wall and I'm sure those playing standard are having issues as well. I am not feeling so bad about not being able to start up a new character in the leagues yet.

I don't know the direction the team is trying to take this game and it doesn't feel like they know 100% either. I do like the art direction personally so that's a plus. Guess I will just wait a little longer to see if I decide to hop into leagues to try things out. From what I am reading this is probably a good time to make a totem build that I've been getting around to for years.


Finished blind Tempest run on normal with lvl 40, as a Scion close range mage, which is almost the hardest combination You can use with self-found gear. Took me 14h by the counter, so probably around 12h.
I think that balance is pretty spot on from the experienced player point of view, its challenging but fair and the change with skill gems completely transform and help build diversity.
I can see though how new players will be destroyed by some stuff that is being throw there.

Died first time on Piety The Abomination, so just continued with the same gear, level and skill allocation to Malachi.
Died to Piety only because i didnt know about ray, the fight is quite far though and even easier than sub-bosses before Malachi.
Died on Malachi once, but it was my clear mistake and didnt know that this attack is as powerful as it was - when he came back from the ground and explodes everything.

I dont agree that Malachi's area is too confined, but i could agree that amount of effects and their size is completely misplaced and takes to much of screen space. Fight looks like clusterfuck in second half of second stage.

Time for a second Tempest character.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Oh thank fuck. I may actually come back if they fixed the stupid loading time as well.


I dunno what I expected. This is just "you found X much of Y limit on Z act." It's not what I was expecting of "you missed THIS one on THIS map in THIS act." At least then doing the "all ears" wouldn't be a chore of having to explore the entire maps for hours to find the one missing narrative lore node you're missing.

Also that redone UI and closer to the character graphical overhaul. Any reason they made the Field of View much closer than the Diablo 2 isometric view given?
I could understand redoing the UI to remove the women.

Also how is this build? or is Summonmancer still not allowed in Path of Exile?


So these are two super useful links from Reddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3chl0u/path_of_exile_20_launch_compendium/ Just a giant list of useful links and information. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3buc1y/20_act4_preparation_guide/This is just like 6-7 very useful links. One of the things it links is acquisition which is a trading program for PoE. Makes setting up shops in the forums really simple and straightforward. This thing is awesome and it let's me make trade far easier.
Also how is this build? or is Summonmancer still not allowed in Path of Exile?

I wouldn't recommend leveling as a summoner, I mean you can, but you'll need a 4link helmet with +2 minion gems with zombies to even try (min dmg, melee phs, zombies, fortifyor min life). Even then it'll be slower than flameblast,fire totem, incinerate, firestorm.

First character died at 56 :(, solo'd norm malachai with god awful gear. Piety beforehand was was more scary. Then I got to A4C and died to puncture + vultures all dive bombing me at once in the dried lake, not a one shot, more like a 4 shot in the space of 2 seconds, bah.

Back at A3C now. Duel flame totem is so boring, but considering my build is going to use summon skeletons (I know, I'm trying something), don't have much of a choice.


Up to A3 Merciless now in Warbands. Still no deaths yet, though I had a really close call when I misclicked a Cyclone at like max distance and ate a full channel of that lightning witch's frontal cone. Malachai on Cruel seemed a tad bit easier than on Normal. Still seems like the first phase is the hardest, which doesn't make a lot of sense. His frontal cone deal actually even hits harder in that phase than the second one for some reason. Mainly would like to see that first phase toned down slightly for incoming damage, and probably a health reduction for the second phase.

For you folks that are more familiar with the game's previous updates, what do you consider the best use of Vaal Orbs? Using them on gear seems pretty risky.


For you folks that are more familiar with the game's previous updates, what do you consider the best use of Vaal Orbs? Using them on gear seems pretty risky.
Jeweller's strongboxes. Jewellery with 6 mods can be quite good and you don't have to worry about bricking sockets. And even if you get crap, you can use the jewellery in the chaos and regal recipes.

Cartographer's strogboxes, unless they're in high level maps, in which case you'd probably prefer 'clean' maps to whatever nonsense corrupted maps can throw at you.

There's more to consider as far as existing mods (IIR for instance, wouldn't want to brick a unique, right?), but I don't have much experience there since I don't bother to carry a Vaal orb on me at all times.

Another use are skill gems and certain supports. Spell gems in particular scale best with gem levels. You can get a lvl 21 gem that way (I had a 21 Ball Lightning last league), but it's costly, since it needs to be a lvl 20 gems at 20% quality.
As far as supports go, corrupting a fresh Empower can get be a shortcut to a lvl 2 Empower, which gives you +1 to every gem linked to it.

The rest is mostly end-game stuff for when you're rich and can afford to buy several copies of good uniques to make them even better. I'd have loved to have a Cloak of Defiance with +1 gem levels last league, but that was way too expensive for me considering I didn't even have a 6-linked Cloak.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I wouldn't recommend leveling as a summoner, I mean you can, but you'll need a 4link helmet with +2 minion gems with zombies to even try (min dmg, melee phs, zombies, fortifyor min life). Even then it'll be slower than flameblast,fire totem, incinerate, firestorm.

First character died at 56 :(, solo'd norm malachai with god awful gear. Piety beforehand was was more scary. Then I got to A4C and died to puncture + vultures all dive bombing me at once in the dried lake, not a one shot, more like a 4 shot in the space of 2 seconds, bah.

Back at A3C now. Duel flame totem is so boring, but considering my build is going to use summon skeletons (I know, I'm trying something), don't have much of a choice.

So there's no Diablo 2 Summonmancer class? :/

I just remade a Scion character but I'm not sure where to go since that Sphere Grid tree is daunting and I just want to summon things to do the work for me while I worry about talking to everyone and finding all the damn narrative stuff this time.
I wouldn't recommend leveling as a summoner, I mean you can, but you'll need a 4link helmet with +2 minion gems with zombies to even try (min dmg, melee phs, zombies, fortifyor min life). Even then it'll be slower than flameblast,fire totem, incinerate, firestorm.

First character died at 56 :(, solo'd norm malachai with god awful gear. Piety beforehand was was more scary. Then I got to A4C and died to puncture + vultures all dive bombing me at once in the dried lake, not a one shot, more like a 4 shot in the space of 2 seconds, bah.

Back at A3C now. Duel flame totem is so boring, but considering my build is going to use summon skeletons (I know, I'm trying something), don't have much of a choice.

How effective has dual totems been working for you so far? Been thinking of starting a totem build but they seem kinda dull.
So there's no Diablo 2 Summonmancer class? :/

I just remade a Scion character but I'm not sure where to go since that Sphere Grid tree is daunting and I just want to summon things to do the work for me while I worry about talking to everyone and finding all the damn narrative stuff this time.

It's best to not level (Level one to high 40's/early 50's) as a pure summoner in PoE. Summons require a lot of support from the tree and gear to be able to withstand any form of punishment against bosses and act3+ mobs. At the start, you'll build a bit like a spell caster while working on the skeleton of your build, as you move past all the summon nodes then you start taking all the minion nodes at once when you believe you're ready. Be sure to refund all the points you spent on spell damage beforehand and put them into minions but it's not really a bad idea to keep some as you'll still be supporting the frontline with stuff like traps, freeze pulse or firestorm.

Nowadays, there are a lot of different summoner types, ranging from animating weapons, zombies, raging spirits(Think bone spirit build) to the new element golem skills and even supporting auras thanks to the generosity support gem. Some of these skills don't use or require all of the minion nodes so you are free to take a lot of other things in these types of builds. Summoners also have new buffs that can make corpses/consume them and also a recall-type spell to heal your horde while also protecting them from harmful AoEs.

Summoners aren't as good as they once were back when they got all their new bells and whistles, but as long as you don't focus on being only a summoner at the start, you'll be fine in the later levels once you fully transition over to one, even if you don't have all the best gear at the time.
It's best to not level (Level one to high 40's/early 50's) as a pure summoner in PoE. Summons require a lot of support from the tree and gear to be able to withstand any form of punishment against bosses and act3+ mobs.

I dunno. I didn't get to check out the final Act 4 bosses in Normal during the Beta, but I had no problems whatsoever with a summoner build.

I just ran with Zombies and SRS to start, picked up the Chaos Golem later. Went straight for all of the summon nodes in the tree. The gem vendor upgrades has made leveling a Summoner from scratch much easier. It's really hard to miss the required spells.

It'll be slow though if you don't wait til 40-50. Self-found gear will never have the right colors/sockets, it's near impossible to find/make a +1/+2 minion hat, etc. if you're not an active trader.

But I think you can do it. If I hadn't just built one during the Beta, I'd build one right now to demonstrate, but I have a really limited playtime as it is.
Leveling as a summoner is a lot better since they added Desecrate to make corpses and resummon zombies, and in general they tweaked summons to be tankier and stuff. It's still rough at times in early game sure, but it's not terrible. You probably want to go SRS at least for a while so you can kill stuff that murders your zombies though, or you can go like flame totem or whatever.

It's not a time efficient way to level, however. Summoner only really picks up later once you have all the supports and a good amount of minion nodes in the tree, I wanna say around 40-50 or so. Early on, it doesn't kill stuff very quickly and you spend a lot of time just resummoning stuff that dies to random aoes or what not, but it's viable. If your goal isn't to rush to maps or whatever, you might as well level as a summoner. Eventually however it's a beastly build, it does ridiculous damage, has an insane amount of safety compared to most other builds due to minions aggroing stuff and blocking stuff, has very low gear reliance so you can use MF builds to farm and focus on defensive aspects entirely(like you can use an aurumvorax easily for example, or 2 even).


Patch is coming in about 15 minutes that looks to be nerfing the Normal and Cruel versions of A4 bosses (a couple of those notes look like they might affect Merciless too, not sure). They are also fixing Key Pickup (thank goodness) and happened to catch that DC issue I ran into last night w/ the Redblade guy to boot.

Version 2.0.0d

Act 4 Boss Fight Changes:
While we're very happy with the difficulty of the final boss on the Merciless difficulty level, it was definitely too hard in Normal and slightly too hard in Cruel.

- The final boss now has 33% less life on Normal, and 17% less life on Cruel.
- The final boss now has fewer area effects on Normal and Cruel difficulties.
- The damage of some skills performed by the final boss have been reduced slightly, especially against minions.
- The final boss's mortar degeneration ground has been reduced in the last portion of the fight in Normal and Cruel difficulties.
- The Corrupted Lightning Beam attack used by the boss in the penultimate area now does significantly less damage to minions.
- Fixed a rare bug where a heart would fail to open in the final boss fight.

Tempest Changes:
We will continue to balance Tempests so that they are rewarding to play in. While many of the higher-level ones grant generous bonuses (guaranteed uniques, vaal fragments, 10 tormented spirits, exiles everywhere, items dropping corrupted, etc), we want players to have to make a risk-or-reward decision even for low-level Tempests.

- Areas currently affected by Tempests now have a 10% Item Quantity bonus.
- Tempests no longer occur in the final area of Cruel difficulty. They already didn't occur there in Normal difficulty.
- Removed Vaal Ice Nova from the Arctic Tempest.
- Elemental and chaos damage themed Tempest suffixes no longer affect the damage dealt by monsters in that area. They also create less dense ground effects.
- The old elemental versions of these suffixes can still appear in maps, but with different names. (Tempest of Combustion, Tempest of Winter, Tempest of Fulmination)
- The old chaos version (now called Tempest of Contamination) no longer affects damage dealt by monsters, but still has the full ground effect.

Other Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Key Pickup wouldn't work sometimes.
- Fixed a Warbands instance crash related to one of the Redblade Flamelords.
- Fixed a bug where legacy leech prefixes did not show their prefix name on magic items.
- Fixed various other rare server crashes.

We are aware of the problem where some users can't access some guild stash tabs. A fix is currently estimated to be around 48 hours away (hopefully a lot less).


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Staff Member
Great server maintaince during the only time I can play.

So when/where do I get Ice Crash?

This skill can be gained as a reward for finishing quests:

Sever the Right Hand in Act 3 (Normal), by Marauder and Templar.

Or drop.

I dont know if is sold in shops.
Are most here playing in the hardcore leagues? I usually play standard leagues as I don't have as much time to game on my PC as I used to.
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