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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0


Slight perspective change.

This is awesome.


The secondary gem vendor is great. It feels like the gems for sale are the ones you could have chosen from as quest rewards, which is nice.

Also, being able to buy a Spell Totem at Level 10 and be able to use it, awesome.


Went back to beta last night to test the lockstep and it has fixed my issues in the SE US. I can hug corners and whirling.blades all across zones now.

Also the QOL stuff like gems with xp based on your current level is amazing. No more making alts and having to level skill gems.

The best though is loot filtered items that you hide cannot be picked up now.
Also the QOL stuff like gems with xp based on your current level is amazing. No more making alts and having to level skill gems.

Giving an example for this:

I started a witch to make a summoner. Start with Fireball, buy Fire Trap from the lady, rocking and rolling. First rare wand was a +1 Cold. Go back to the lady, buy Cold Snap and Freezing Pulse, swap out my Level 3 fire gems for my newly bought Level 3 cold gems, and I'm back to work in minutes.

Oh yeah, not mentioned here: most of those gems cost one Wisdom scroll. I think my Spell Totem gem costed one Transmutation.


I havent notice big change in early game in terms of skills feedback with Lockstep on [i have low ping], but definitely havent experienced any desync, even slight one.
It will definitely improve mid+ specs though, thats for certain.

I need to check spectral throw, this skill should even better with lockstep now that i'm thinking.
Still not in the beta. Not too bummed, sorta want to avoid it until 2 or 3 weeks before launch.

In other news, quite possibly the best quest reward I've ever seen.

Merc Hillock reward. Considering I'm a evasion/dodge dagger reaving ranger, who has STR problem, it was a god send.

Still not sure how safe evasion melee will in in 1mhc in the long run. Died at 64, 50, 51. Current char is 65. Haven't come close so far, even with beyond mobs all over the place.


Can't wait for beta to hit live. Lockstep and all other changes should elevate this game to true D2 level of awesomeness. Oh yea.
Played about an hour last night using lockstep. Feels great. I went with a melee build to really test it and was impressed. Another thing I noticed which isn't getting much attention is that GGG seems to have increased weapon speeds in early areas. I remember they first did this with the Forsaken Masters patch but they've gone even further in the beta. The starting Marauder weapon has 1.45 attack speed which feels great. I didn't find any weapons lower than 1.25. This is great because so many people are turned off the minute they start the game due to how weak and slow you are.

I still think improvements can be made to attack animations but things are moving in the right direction.


Don't want to play too much since I'm waiting for the eventual release, but lockstep plus the added servers are a pretty huge change. Now I'm getting 30ms ping most of the time with occasional spikes to 100. Feels really damn smooth now. Feels like I can actually play a melee character. Also so damn happy they added item filtering.





/and I was actually playing in this league too, SRS+Zombies+Spectres summoner, clearing lv72-73 maps with ease so far at lv79.... and still needing a 6l.






/and I was actually playing in this league too, SRS+Zombies+Spectres summoner, clearing lv72-73 maps with ease so far at lv79.... and still needing a 6l.

That's what, like a Mirror dropping? GZ.


That's what, like a Mirror dropping? GZ.

Thx. And to be even more on topic, my first ever Exalted Orb dropped in the temp league.
And a Maligaro, and a Voidbringer gloves. So luck seems to be on my side so far. 4 years of PoE and ONE exalted orb so far. Over a dozen 80+ chars across all leagues.


Thx. And to be even more on topic, my first ever Exalted Orb dropped in the temp league.
And a Maligaro, and a Voidbringer gloves. So luck seems to be on my side so far. 4 years of PoE and ONE exalted orb so far. Over a dozen 80+ chars across all leagues.

Are You counting closed beta?
Because in close beta they were dropping like crazy :)

Outside of closed beta i got like maybe 6.


Are You counting closed beta?
Because in close beta they were dropping like crazy :)

Outside of close beta i got like maybe 6.

I have to count closed beta, game was not open beta that long :D

Kammie: I was extremely unlucky so far, I guess.
Was mapping always, not that high level previously, but tried.
I got a 6l oro from 20 fusings and had a Mon'tregul's Grasp drop once too, so that two combined pretty much makes up for it in theory :D

Funny thing is, I usually play with my friend who indeed has regular exalteds drop - the previous drop for him I saw, since I was in party with him at the time. The rage was real :D


I have had like 3 or 4 exalts drop in total, and one was a ninja steal. That steal was particularly satisfying because the person who it dropped for snatched an item or two from me. I did find a six link in the vendor though one time which was nice. It was a shame it was a lower level though. Still was amazing when it happened and is the reason I check the vendors every level now.
Dude are you serious? Wow. I got my 33rd one today, been playing for just a year and a half.

Maybe you're just not mapping enough?

The RNG gods have blessed you.
made it to 80 for the first time in hardcore in the 1 month as acrobatics crit dagger reaver. Hooray. Died at 64, 50, 51 then got my shit together.

Haven't found an exalt yet.


July 10 is the tentative release date.

Through the course of the beta I've lost most of my interest in this game. It's obvious that the dev team does not play the game, and most of the changes they implement are implemented without even knowing if they're working in the first place.

We had two months hyping up changes to leech, they got released last week, and yesterday, after a week of QQing everywhere, they released notes saying the changes are basically broken and in the case of ES straight up bugged. And they detail yet another rework to be done to leech and promise that any further changes will not be detrimental to the player. Seriously, you have to go out and promise this!? Have we seriously reached the point where we feel that every change performed is being done to fuck us over? Why yes we have. Every State of the Beta entry lately has been nothing but damage control!

I've stopped caring, I'm not even going to complain at length about the fact that every single system in the game was changed for the sake of change, or that caster defenses are still fucked and there's no indification anything will be done about it in 20 days, or that the increased monster damage will in the end just make normal players quit the same as they are doing currently on live.

Too many of the changes are just senseless, and extending the life of the game should not mean making it more difficult for players to reach where they currently are able to get to. This is probably the problem inherent to act 4 being just Merciless content, and there being no new endgame, and no better idea from the GGG devs than to "make everything less effective" and "harder" and to add mana micromanagement because everyone loves using pots, curses, and buffs on every single group of mobs.

The only thing I'm mad about is the amount of money I've put into this game. This is probably the last time I get suckered into paying money for a game that is online and ever-evolving.


Kammie: yeah, sorry to hear you feel that way.

I was NEVER angry about the direction this game is going (I mean...I joke, but its name could really have been Path of Chaos Inoculation and Path of No Melee or Path of Desynch... and the new content fixes ALL of that :D)

I do not mind broken specs being nerfed to the ground. I understand if people are angry about it, but I have yet to play one spec two times. I have always played PoE with the mindset of "hm, lets see what is fun this time, lets see what char to build around the new skill gems!".

I did not know Flameblast builds were good, but I did an FB-caster whent it was introduced. I started one of the leagues with Searing Bond. I of course jumbed the Spectral Throw bandwagon the moment I could play as Scion. I used an SRS summoner, not knowing if it is any good, for the one monthe league and it has been my strongest char ever.

I see more skill gems added to the game than I could ever try out with proper builds. So I am happy and content.

Will play a Golem-based summoner, will check out Golem+SRS on standard, will have to do a full defense Riposte-Tempest Shield-based melee char, and I will get a Blizzard mage if I have to use all my currencies T_T

These are my plans. I am just a filthy casual, if some of these is capable of doing Atziri, then I will be a happy man :D


How many hours have You put into the game?
4200 hours according to Steam, but much of that was spent idling for trades (because GGG totally delivered on that offline trading system they promised two years ago).

Did I get my money's worth? Maybe. Though the last $130 for the recent supporter pack were certainly wasted.
I also feel like some of the changes are just for the sake of making changes. Not exactly sure what they are trying to do with the game systems right now. It has been said in the community for a while that these devs don't really play this game that much and some of their decisions surely do reflect that.

They need to delay this next expansion at least another month because right now I feel like when this launches it is going to come with a host of problems from them trying to cram everything in to be ready for launch. I have more than gotten my worth from what I've put into this game though so I can't complain too much.

Still really wish there was a legit trade system in the game though. The last couple of leagues I have had minimal trading and have mostly played and built characters self found only buying cheap pieces for a few chaos and it has worked fine. Having to use Procurement and poetrade to be decently successful in the game definitely detracts from what I love most about this genre. Killing shit and getting loot. I haven't really played the past month due to games that have been released so I hope to be somewhat fresh for new leagues even if I don't agree with all the changes so far.


Awakening is releasing july 10th. Would post the links but I'm on my tablet. Can't wait. The hc challenge league sounds like it might by actually be good. Seems like it will have some reward this time. Going to play a mf duel totem build. Going to play 24/7 since they fixed my biggest issue desync.
Really looking forward to it. New leagues both sound super interesting. Will hardcore it up.

Still no idea what I'll play. Still not in beta, kinda want to see if I can make the new one handed power charge on stun mace work with doubting knight using ground slam. I tried it in the past with a rare mace and the damage was terrible. But if you're getting poison, bleed from crits and power charges from stuns, it might be viable.

Also wanna try out a pure skele summoner, never really played as the witch and no summoners. But skeles appear to be shit, shame.
Also wanna try out a pure skele summoner, never really played as the witch and no summoners. But skeles appear to be shit, shame.

You might want to acquire currency before doing that. Skeles have fallen out of favor, but back in 2.0, I rocked Skeles/Vaal Skeles + matching uniques and it was massively fun. There were +skele jewels early in the beta too.


Awakening is releasing july 10th. Would post the links but I'm on my tablet. Can't wait. The hc challenge league sounds like it might by actually be good. Seems like it will have some reward this time. Going to play a mf duel totem build. Going to play 24/7 since they fixed my biggest issue desync.

Why are they always releasing expansion in day i cant play? It must be a conspiracy!

Leagues sounds interesting. Finally Flame Dash so blink ability! And Phase Run looks very OP.


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Staff Member
Any of you can lend me a Shavronne's Wrappings in standard? :D


Just finished up my blood magic magic find flame totem build. Now when they reset I'm going to run this build a little to work out some things. I think this is going to be a good boss farming build, and mid level maps running build. Not sure if my clear speed will be good enough to do high level maps with this build. It should be tanky enough to handle that content though with the right gear. Last time I dedicated a MF build as my first character in a new league it was very successful until I made a really silly mistake against a mob.

Man I really love where flame totem is right now. It's a great skill that only needs a 4 link to do good damage. With all the resistance nodes I pick up along the way it makes gearing for MF much easier. My final tree gives me 200% armour, 195% life, +48% all resists, and then something like 20+% fire resist. Other than andvarius, and divination distillate gearing for this character is going to be a breeze. Even without those things my MF should be solid enough to see a good amount of rares every run. If I can survive long enough I'm going to use this character to gear other character ideas I have.


GGG got rid of eternal orbs.

Chris Wilson said:
We introduced Eternal Orbs in the 0.11.0 patch two years ago. Since then, the impact they've had on Path of Exile and its economy hasn't been what we initially intended.

With the release of The Awakening this weekend, Eternal Orbs will no longer drop. Ones that still exist in the permanent Standard and Hardcore leagues (and their imprints) will still work.

We feel that the ideal time for this change is now, because of the introduction of new top-tier Maraketh Weapon base types and new item mods.

At the release of the next Path of Exile expansion after The Awakening, we'll review economic data and make a decision about whether they are restored or will continue to be disabled.

Master mods that were priced in Eternal Orbs will be modified (and cheaper) in The Awakening.
Wow big change right before awakening goes live. The standard/hc permanent economies must be messed up now. I wonder if they will ever revert back.


Anything that disrupts the wealthy in this game is fun in my book. GTFO with real life marketplace manipulation tactics, blatant lies, flipping, using wealth to amass more wealth. GTFO.
(Sorry if this sounds harsh or ignorant... I understand the trading game is a game within a game, but it should not have to come with all the scammers. I would not be bothered with the top 0.1 percent having perfect items if they would have acquired it "properly". )


Anything that disrupts the wealthy in this game is fun in my book. GTFO with real life marketplace manipulation tactics, blatant lies, flipping, using wealth to amass more wealth. GTFO.
(Sorry if this sounds harsh or ignorant... I understand the trading game is a game within a game, but it should not have to come with all the scammers. I would not be bothered with the top 0.1 percent having perfect items if they would have acquired it "properly". )
It is indeed pretty ignorant. Are you aware of the effort that it takes to craft perfect items? People got there because they were smart and they put in the time. It's not a magical overnight scamming session. And if anything, mirrored gear benefitted other players, who simply had to amass some exalts to then experience god-tier builds.

Personally I would be happier with mirrors being removed and eternals being made a little more common, along with a rework to the crafting system. But that won't happen, so this will incentivize people to use exalts to get the last couple mods on good items. It won't matter much in Standard, where Glyph Mark and Loath Bane will still be #1 until the day we have three new stat tiers. The new stat tier just doesn't make enough difference numbers-wise. But in the temp leagues it'll make for a bit more excitement when you actually get a good drop.

I'm not sure what to do now, my intention was to amass wealth in standard to get all mirrored gear for my ranger. But a lot of mirrored items depend on eternals due to their variations, and it just won't be possible to get these any longer. So maybe it's a good excuse to finally play a temp league. Don't know yet.

For fun, here's some threads where mirror services are offered. This is the type of stuff we will no longer be seeing.

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